Because these guys can make Qi Le crazy while doing useless work, they are simply talents in the cerebral palsy field.

It’s more wasteful than taking Gold Coin to fetch water.

"And, as far as I know, when the nobles are building Fiefdom, they need a lot of funds."

At the end, Qi Le thought of this question again. .

Among the nobles, since the beginning of the viscount, they will have a piece of Fiefdom of their own, and as long as they still have the lowest title not lower than the viscount, Fiefdom will not be taken back.

So this is also the best place for the noble Aristocratic Family to develop and multiply.

As long as it can be guaranteed that there is still a Viscount in the family, then Fiefdom will not be lost.

It doesn't matter if it is descended from the earl or the marquis. Fiefdom, which has already been awarded, will not be taken back.

At most, when you are promoted to the title in the future, there will be no more Fiefdom rewards.

And Angel's family, although it is only a viscount family now, there was an earl before.

Then the size of Fiefdom is naturally based on Piaget’s Fiefdom.

But at this point, I have to mention one thing.

Once a piece of Fiefdom is awarded to a certain nobleman, the task of building this piece of Fiefdom will also be transferred to this nobleman's name.

All expenses will be borne by yourself.

And every year, according to Fiefdom's income, a certain amount of tax is paid to the kingdom.

So don't look at many nobles on the surface, they are extremely wealthy, but the real need to build Fiefdom is a bottomless pit.

How many Gold Coins are cast, they will be swallowed thoroughly.

So much so that quite a few of the nobles who own Fiefdom are superbly beautiful on the surface, but once you take a look inside his Fiefdom, you will discover how terrible it is.

"Why do you know this kind of thing?"

Angel was stunned.

"It's not a secret. Is it difficult to understand?"

Qi Le shrugged said blankly.

The construction of Fiefdom has long become a recognized problem in the aristocratic circle.

I heard that at first, the country’s lord formulated the ordinance to award a reward to the noble Fiefdom because the treasury was overwhelmed, and it was really impossible to come up with that many Gold Coins.

So simply throw the problem to the nobles who can only enjoy but do nothing.

Thereby reducing the burden on the national treasury, but also to reclaim the wealth in the hands of the nobility.

It's just at first. Those nobles didn't realize this. Instead, they were very happy because they suddenly had Fiefdom.

Until they discovered that their small vault was stretched, these nobles realized that they might have been pitted.

However, at this time, the rules for rewarding Fiefdom will no longer be changed.

So these nobles can only knock down their teeth and swallow into their stomachs.

However, although the construction of Fiefdom is indeed a bottomless pit.

But on the other hand, anything in Fiefdom, except the owner of Fiefdom, no one else has the right to intervene.

So even if there is a feeling of thanklessness, it still can't stop the nobles from yearning for Fiefdom.

Because the power of life and death is the most primordial attraction.

It can attract countless people who desire power.

even more how, if Fiefdom is really built, it will definitely be profitable.

Over time, not only the Gold Coins invested in can be earned back, but after that, all the Gold Coins earned are pure profits.

So at the end of this matter, it is impossible to say who gains and loses. Anyway, the Gold Coin that Fiefdom should spend will not be lost.

So to sum it up, it becomes how to build Fiefdom as soon as possible.

In order to quickly end the predicament of making ends meet, fill up the bottomless pit as soon as possible and turn it into a Treasure Gathering Pot.

After all, the life of the nobles, the cost of food and clothing are all piled up by Gold Coin.

As for the cultivation of summoner, it costs more.

So what Qi Le said before is really talking about the idea.

That is, when the nobles are building Fiefdom, the funds they need are indeed massive.

And once the key point is not reached, the capital chain will be broken, and it is very likely that all the initial investment will be in vain.

"Well, I admit that there is indeed a problem with the family's current funds."

Angel stared at Qi Le. After watching it for a long time, he sighed out. Speaking of it.

Make the demon and the covenant live and die together, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

So even if Qi Le knows the financial situation of his family, there will be no problem.

It’s just that Angel can’t figure out why an envoy would know so much about their aristocratic circles.

Are all of them so idle?

"Since there is a problem, then solve the problem."

"Summon Scroll I have a lot more here, so you don't have to worry, Angel, don’t worry, just take it out for Gold. Coin is good."

Qi Le continued with Angel's words and continued.

In fact, from the very beginning, Qi Le is waiting for the day when Summon Scroll is designed, and has done some research on it.

That's why I found out about the financial situation of the Angel family. It seems that it is not very good.

Then take this as an opportunity to make Angel become the spokesperson of Summon Scroll and sell Summon Scroll to various places in the summon world.

Anyway, Qi Le sells Summon Scroll, not really for Gold Coin.

What Qi Le needs is the strength of Faith that's all attached to the Gold Coin.

It just so happened that Angel’s family funding chain went wrong.

So I got Qi Le from Strength of Faith, and gave Angel the remaining Gold Coin, which was of no use to him. It didn't really matter.

Mutual benefit.

Only with enough benefits can people make an all-out effort.

As a nobleman, naturally he will not refuse the benefits that are at his fingertips.

Of course, Qi Le is not referring to Angel, but the people in Angel's family.

Because selling Summon Scroll is such a simple thing, Angel will not be allowed to do it.

Even more how can't be busy alone.

So this task, in the end, will fall on Angel's family, those clansman.

Then it is necessary to tie them with interest.

"This...I, I understand."

"Thank you, Qi Le, really, really thank you."

Ann When Qi Er heard this, a faint mist suddenly appeared in his eyes, slowly turning into water droplets.

"I know... I am probably not a very good contractor, I am not strong enough, aptitude is not high enough, family background is not good, and I don't have many friends..."

You know, since the fall of the family, following Angel and struggling to please her "friends", they all left.

The vast majority of nobles are very realistic people.

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