This is also to ensure that those who have missed the summon ceremony opened by the major academies will be able to obtain the status of summoner in time.

And today, it happens to be the day when the major academies start the summon ceremony of the enchantress.

As one of the most famous academies in the Kingdom of Flame Dragon, Flame Academy naturally has this qualification.

"Angel, hurry up, are you not ready yet, the summon ceremony will begin soon."

At the entrance of a student dormitory, a brown The girl with long curly hair shouted into the dormitory.

"Here, Nora, calm down and don't be so nervous."

The girl called Angel ran out of the dormitory soon.

Even while running, he was still wearing the small cloak button that was draped over his shoulders.

"How can we not be nervous? This determines whether we can be a solemn ceremony of a noble summoner."

Nora said with a look of longing.

The most basic prerequisite for those who can participate in the summon ceremony is to become a magician.

However, in this World, pure magician, the use of magic is limited to those extremely superficial magic.

This is due to the World Rule and the environment.

Because in this world, the circulation of magic elements is extremely difficult.

So let alone those large-scale magic, even a slightly more complicated magic, the consumption of magic power is extremely terrifying.

The only exception is summon magic.

Because of this, what those magicians look forward to most is to become a summoner.

Because the flow of magic power will not be reflected in those Summered Beasts, it will only restrict ordinary magicians.

So the battle strength of Summoned Beast, generally speaking, is very powerful.

Otherwise, the battle strength of a magician is really no match for those fighters of cultivation body refinement and forging body refinement.

The only way to become a summoner is to use the summon ceremony for the summon, and summon creates its own messenger and successfully signs the messenger contract.

Only after signing the demon contract, the magic power in the magician's body will undergo a qualitative change, and it will become a summoner.

Moreover, the strength of the magic demon is high or low, and the attributes are also different.

The potential of a summoner is linked to the strength of his ambassador.

And the attribute of the summoner is naturally linked to the attribute of the ambassador.

More importantly, once the attribute is determined, the summoner can only summon the same summoned beast as its own attribute.

And the thing that determines all of this is this summon ceremony.

So for every magician, the summon ceremony is a very solemn ceremony.

"I know this is a very solemn ceremony, but no matter how nervous you are, you can't change the ending, right."

"Those envoys will not be nervous because of you Become stronger."

Angel spread her hands and said aloud.

In fact, this is also to ease the tension in my heart.

After all, life and death are about to be determined soon, how could he not be nervous in my heart, but Angel did not want to show it.

Before magician became a summoner, everything was empty talk.

Even in this World, the means of cultivation for Battle Qi is very barren and lacking.

But the powerful battle strength gained by body refinement is not something that magicians can get strength to mention on equal terms.

"Although it is said that, but I can't even think about it."

"I wish I could summon a particularly powerful envoy."

Noraman said with expectation.

Then he took Angel and ran to the scene of the summon ceremony.

The location is on the huge training ground of the Flame Academy.

At this moment, the flame Academy students are already standing.

The magical summon ceremony is held once a year. Every student in the Academy who meets the magic power test can come and participate.

It's just that what kind of enchantress can summon is completely random.

This point has nothing to do with the strength of the magician.

The only relevant point is that the more magical magical power possesses, the higher the probability that summon will produce a powerful enchantress.

This is why, before participating in the summon ceremony, must first pass the magic test.

Because the amount of magic power is the foundation of summon magic.

If it does not reach a certain amount, it is basically impossible to resonate with the magician.

Let alone summon's envoy.

So before the successful signing of the envoy contract, the many students present did not have any sense of superiority at all.

At most, it is just to show off your family background.

For example, the summoner in his family possesses such a powerful envoy.

So as to prove how noble your bloodline is.

You must know that the rank of the nobility is directly proportional to the battle strength of the summoner in the clan.

This is also the best way to ensure that there will be absolutely no turbulence among the various titles.

Power determines status.

Therefore, the current leader of the Flame Dragon Kingdom must have the most powerful envoy, or one of the most powerful envoys in the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

"Dear students of Flame Academy, I am very happy that the annual summon ceremony of the envoy has opened."

" Back then , the founder of Flame Academy, that is, the first Dean Ren, in this summon ceremony, signed a contract with a giant beast of flame, gained tyrannical power, and founded this flame Academy..."

The opening ceremony of every Academy, Actually they are almost the same.

I can’t just talk about the past of the Academy, and look back at Dean Ren’s great achievements.

Because of such a solemn ceremony, it must be the dean of this Academy who came to give the opening remarks.

So boasting about Dean Ren is actually complimenting himself.

Then, I will encourage the students.

After all, among these students, if there is really one person, summon has made the legendary tyrannical envoy and signed a contract, then the entire Academy can benefit from it.

In particular, the reputation of Academy can definitely skyrocket.

It's just that this probability is too small.

Flaming Academy hasn’t seen it a few times since so many years.

Otherwise, I won't be able to take my laurels here.

"Now, the summon ceremony of the ambassador officially begins. Please students, please come forward in an orderly manner."

The dean of Flame Academy stood there after speaking. Aside.

The person who actually presides over the summon ceremony of the envoy is the tutor of each class.

You should know that among the entire Flame Academy, there are not a few students who come to participate in the summon ceremony.

If one by one comes to try the summon magician, it may be too dark to finish it.

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