"In a few days, I will be out for a trip."

"It will be out for about a month. Please."

Although Yue Shuangxue interrupted a bit in the middle, Qi Le still remembered what he wanted to say.

Use the barrier gate to travel to another world.

Then this month, or more than a month, the store's big and small things will have to be handed over to Yue Xi'er again.

As for Yue Shuangxue...that is to help look at a store.

I really want to say something about a major event, and I can't count on her.

"Do you want to go out again."

Yue Xi'er heard this for a moment, then his tone became low.

But soon, Yue Xi'er adjusted his mentality, lifts the head, looked towards Qi Le, and said: "I know, Qi Le big brother, Xi'er will be optimistic Store."

Since the Qi Le big brother can't help, I should let the Qi Le big brother go out without any worries.

So we must not let down this expectation.

"Well, leave it to you, I am relieved."

Qi Le smiled and nodded, then reached out and rubbed Yue Xi'er's head.

If you are not at ease, Qi Le will not go to another world so freely to collect strength of Faith.

As for how other people reacted, that is not what Qi Le should care about.

Anyway, the disappearance of Qi Le is not a matter of a day or two. The customers in the store are also used to it, and they know that they should not be asked less.

So in general, since the store's business has been on the right track, it is almost the same whether there is Qi Le or not.

As long as someone visits the shop.

Because it's basically self-service, no one dares to commit rape.

After all, compared to Spirit Crystal, life is still more important. Spirit Crystal or something is really something outside of the body. It will not be brought with you when you are born or not carried with you when you die.

So as long as there is no stunner to make trouble, it is quite easy to keep the shop.

Having said so, Qi Le also let go of the last worry.

As for the departure time, Qi Le originally wanted to put it after the Lantern Festival, but after thinking about it carefully, Qi Le found that there was no activity at the Lantern Festival anyway.

It's better to start earlier.

Go early and return early.

So on the night of the third day of the new year, Qi Le went to the bedroom alone after having dinner with Yue Xi'er.

"I'm going to another world again. I don't know this time, which god I will believe in."

The barrier gate opens, and Qi Le follows took a deep breath.

The last time I went randomly was the world where I believed in the god of forging... tentatively call it the world of forging.

In terms of philosophy alone, the god of forging can be regarded as a very peaceful god.

At least not advocating fighting and killing things.

Therefore, Qi Le was given an initial period of development to ensure the collection of strength of faith.

But this time... the way forward is uncertain.

It's just Qi Le's current emotions, but it's not nervousness or fear, because at present, things that can make Qi Le produce such emotions are really not found.

So to be precise, Qi Le's current emotions should be called sadness.

Or call it homesickness.

No way, for an otaku, going out is far away.

even more how this is going to another world.

"Come on, go early and return early!"

After shook the head, after throwing away the extra emotions in his mind, Qi Le took a step forward and walked into the boundary of barriers. Gate.

The scenery in front of me was instantly replaced by the pitch-black turbulence of time and space.


Flame City, Flame Academy.

One of the most famous academies in the Kingdom of Flame Dragon.

It is rumored that the origin of the name of this Academy is because the first Dean Ren of the Flame Academy has a giant beast as the envoy of the flame.

The battle strength is so strong that even the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom has to give three points of courtesy.

That's why it was named "flame".

However, the facts afterwards also proved that in addition to the first Dean Ren, the Dean Ren of the Flame Academy, and the demon possessed by them, are not as powerful as the flame giant beast.

So this situation has caused a serious consequence.

That is the Flame Academy. Over the years, its reputation has been getting lower and lower, and it has been eating its accumulated capital in the past.

This should be one of the worst cases for any Academy that relies on fame to recruit students.

Because Academy recruits excellent students, it needs to be well-known.

And those students with outstanding talents are naturally more willing to go to those prestigious academies for further studies.

And graduated from the Academy with excellent grades. While winning a good future, he can also promote the Academy.

Then there was a phenomenon of as it should be by rights.

The stronger the powerhouse, the weaker the weaker.

The famous Academy is getting more and more famous.

The low-profile Academy is basically waiting to die.

However, in the overall sluggish environment, Flame Academy has nothing to think of.

So I can only pin my hopes on the summon ceremony of the envoy every year.

And this summon ceremony is one of the most solemn ceremony in this world that believes in the god of summon.

Among the ceremony of the same level, the most famous one is probably the ceremony of the god of summon.

However, it is not shown here for the time being.

The summon ceremony is the only ceremony in this World that can be used to confirm the identity of the summoner.

Since it is a world that believes in the god of summon, no need to say how much the status of summoner is respected.

It's just that the status and status can be respected to the extent that it is relatively speaking.

After all, in this World, if the identities of the great nobles want to be inherited, the most basic condition is that at least one summoner in the family should sit in the town.

And the higher the status of the noble, the stronger the summoner required and the battle strength of the demon possessed.

So the dignity of summoner, in fact, is more for civilians.

Because as long as a nobleman bears a knighthood on his back, there must be a strong summoner in his family.

If not, or if it was due to an accident and unfortunately passed away.

Then the title of this nobleman will be directly deprived.

So it can be seen how important the identity of the summoner is.

Then, the importance and solemnity of the summon ceremony of the ambassador does not need to be repeated.

Naturally, there are not many places that are qualified to start the summon ceremony.

One, that is, the Academy that has sufficient qualifications and passed the review will open a summon ceremony every year.

The other is the temple built by the kingdom itself.

Similarly, the summon ceremony is opened once a year.

However, in terms of time, it will be staggered from the major academies.

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