After all, this time’s task, but I need to sell a thousand paintings, and I don’t know when the paintings will go.

"Please wait a moment, the portrait will be ready soon."

Thinking of this, Qi Le immediately condensed his mind, and then placed his gaze on the rice paper in front of him.

Painting, especially ink painting.

What you pay attention to is an artistic conception that combines reality and fiction.

The combination of realism and freehand brushwork reflects a sense of hierarchy to achieve a profound and lifelike mood.

However, theory is theory, and reality is reality.

Even if Qi Le understands the theory more clearly, once it reaches the actual operation, it must be blind.

Because artistic conception is really something that can only be understood and cannot be explained.

If you are not in your mood, you have not enough sentiment, and you want to paint the mood, it is simply a dream.

It's just that, leave aside the artistic conception.

In terms of Qi Le's control over his own power, it is not a problem to simply draw a picture in the same way.

It is the effect drawn, it looks a little more rigid.

There is no charm at all.

"Okay, you are not satisfied with it."

Qi Le finished drawing soon, then put down the brush and said with Qingpi.

"Hey, didn't expect me to look so mighty, yes, this matchmaker should have nothing to say."

Qingpi looked at the portrait on the rice paper He touched the beard on his chin and clicked nodded very satisfied.

No way, the level of appreciation of street gangsters is just like that.

The artistic conception of ink painting, although Qi Le can't draw it.

But in fact, even if it is drawn, the blue skin in front of you is actually invisible.

"Satisfaction is good, a painting is ten cents."

Qi Le took a look at the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, and then gave a little bit according to the trial at this time. It was only when the information was added up.

For a painting of ten cents, in fact, it only charges a cost.

After all, good pen, ink, paper and inkstone are not cheap.

Although Qi Le is not using high-end pen, ink, paper and inkstone now...

But ten cents is not a big price.

Because in the role-playing at this time, all the consumables for painting need to be purchased by Qi Le.

Therefore, Qi Le is also impossible to charge.

Otherwise, after the rice paper in front of him is used up, Qi Le may have to go begging.

"Okay, because you painted this Uncle so mighty, this time even this Uncle will take care of your business."

Qingpi picked up the portrait and trembled Shaking, after looking at it was air-dried, it rolled up.

Then he took out ten cents from his arms and threw it on the table.

"The first business is completed."

Qi Le is silently counting for himself in his heart.

The degree of completion of the trial task, one thousandth.

"Thinking about it this time, the trial task at this time is not too difficult. Although it is time-consuming, it is much better than the previous trial tasks."

Looking at the back of Qingpi leaving, Qi Le thought in his heart.

Even more how time-consuming things are simply not a problem for Qi Le.

Be patient with this thing, that is Qi Le's strength.

"Let's continue."

With confidence, Qi Le's enthusiasm is even stronger.

If you complete the trial task earlier, you can start the New Year’s Eve special event earlier, and you can eat the New Year’s Eve dinner earlier.

However, it turns out that Qi Le still thinks the problem too simple.

Selling a thousand paintings means that there will be a thousand buyers.

Among these thousand buyers, it is impossible that all of them belong to people with no appreciation level like Qingpi.

So with the continuation of his painting career, Qi Le gradually began to realize that his current painting skills are becoming more and more unable to meet the needs of those buyers.

The painting skills are not enough, and the artistic conception is not obvious.

The painting is dull and without charm.

More and more problems have emerged one after another, making Qi Le a little bit burnt.

At this time, Qi Le realized that he was in a state of confusion.

The pen and ink is the most exhausting, and it is also very capable of tempering the mood.

If the heart is not quiet, the pen will not be quiet.

If the mood is unstable, the mood will not come out.

"On the surface, it seems to be a simple selling of paintings. Who knows that it is through these pens and inks to temper the mood."

Qi Le realized it. After this incident, my heart suddenly calmed down.

Various insights also follow.

The most important thing to improve your strength and promote the cultivation realm is your mood, which must be kept up.

In this matter, even if the Heart Demon problem is not mentioned, even if it is a normal cultivation, if the mood cannot keep up with the cultivation realm, then there will be a major event.

The situation is lighter, but it's strength backlash, that's all seriously injured.

If the situation is heavier and you directly cultivation deviation, then you will lose your mind.

Once the cultivation deviation, not to mention the question of whether to save or not to live.

Even if it is rescued, the power that has been produced during most of the hard work of a lifetime of cultivation is probably gone.

So Qi Le did not dare to neglect when it came to the question of state of mind.

But to be honest, after experiencing the joy of painting, Qi Le suddenly discovered that a thousand paintings, seemingly unconsciously, have already been painted.

That is a very strange feeling.

Realize the artistic conception in each painting, as if you are the creator.

The world in the painting is presented under the brush, and the cohesion of the artistic conception changes with the change of the mood.

Until the reminder sounded without joy or sorrow.

"The sale of a thousand paintings is finished, and the seller's experience is complete."

"Is it finished? Time flies."

When Qi Le heard this prompt, it really felt like a world away.

Fortunately, the task was completed, so Qi Le was just confused for a while before he came to his senses.

"Now that it's done, then send me out."

Tone barely fell, Qi Le saw the scene in front of him begin to blur.

Soon, that simple runway appeared in front of Qi Le again, without the slightest change.

The only difference is the location of Qi Le, which is a step forward.

"This... didn't it appear directly at the finish line? Why am I still on the runway?"

Seeing this scene, Qi Le suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart , And then looked towards the end all the way from under his feet.

The distance is not too far.

But if it is simply measured by the number of steps, it is definitely not close.

"No way...If I get my guess, then this time, I really plan to play with me."

Qi Le couldn't help but swallow a spit, and then test. Sexually fell a step forward.

Sure enough, in the next second, Qi Le's consciousness began to blur, and everything in front of him began to spin around.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1940: Tempering the State of Mind)...

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