If you say it as usual, it should be correct.

It's just that system doesn't seem like a guy who likes to follow the usual practice.

system: "Host, you have not yet triggered the conditions to start the upgrade task. As for the trial task, it is just that the system sees you are too weak, so it is specially added for you."


"too weak ......"

Qi Le remained silent.

I really didn't expect. I have been busy for so long. In the eyes of system, it turned out to be such an evaluation.

But thinking about it, it seems correct.

Because Qi Le also knows that, from the system's point of view, his battle strength is really not that good, and the cultivation realm is even more unbearable.

Just like the power of the powerhouse-level peak realm, the system borrows when it says borrowing.

However, on Qi Le, if you really face the powerhouse-level Supreme Peak, there is absolutely no way to fight back.

"Alright, you are right, I am really too weak."

Qi Le silently sighed without refuting, and then silently walked to the trial room.

Even the eight dishes of the New Year’s Eve dinner are not in the mood to check.

Because of these remarks, system really got the point.

You cannot be truly called a powerhouse without being promoted to the powerhouse level.

So the effects of those New Year's Eve dishes, wait until the trial task is completed, and then slowly go and see.

One step, walk into the trial room.

The familiar white space suddenly appeared in front of Qi Le.

"The powerhouse-level trial is starting. Please prepare for the trial."


" The trial begins!"

A white light flashed by, and the familiar darkness appeared before my eyes, and then slowly turned back to light.

Soon, the trial content of this time was shown in front of Qi Le.

It is a runway that is neither long nor short, unpretentious and without any extra decorations.

At a glance, you can see where the end point is. It is a square table with a trophy placed on it.

And Qi Le is standing on the starting line at this moment.

There is no one else around, only Qi Le.

Similarly, there is no sound prompting the start, just such an empty track and a trophy at the end.

"The tester arrives at the end, and this trial will end."

When Qi Le was puzzled and didn’t know what to do, a beep sounded, It rang abruptly.

"Is it enough to resist the end? Is the trial this time so simple?"

Qi Le said to himself incredibly.

Compared with the previous trials, Qi Le's mentality was so difficult that it collapsed several times.

How does the trial at this time feel like it was given away for nothing?

This is not a dream, right?

"No, it's not right, it must be as simple as impossible."

Recalling those past trials again, Qi Le made a serious conclusion in his heart.

This shows that the calm and tranquil are only used to deceive people.

Hidden below, it must be howling wind and torrential rain.

It's just that what's in these howling wind and torrential rain is not officially entered into the trial, there is really no way to guess it.

So, if you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it.

Anyway, I have entered this Trial Space. If you don't complete the trial mission, you will definitely not be able to get out.

Then stop wasting time, just start.

Qi Le took a deep breath, and then from the starting line, walked forward 1st Step.

For a moment, dizzy.

The consciousness is plunged into darkness.

When the rays of light reappeared in front of Qi Le's eyes, the simple runway was already disappeared.

Instead, there is a long table.

On this table, there is also a large stack of rice paper of poor quality.

Beside the rice paper, there is a shabby inkstone with some ink inside.

Qi Le is sitting behind this long table, holding a paintbrush in his hand, the nib is full of ink, and he is about to paint.

"This...what's the situation?"

The sudden scene, even Qi Le, who was used to seeing the big scene, was a little stunned.

Painting is a craft.

Although Qi Le is very good at fighting, when it comes to these handicrafts, it is really not good.

So at this moment, Qi Le didn't know what he should do.

"Hey, the seller, how many pieces do you want to paint a painting?"

At this moment , a tall green skin came over and rushed towards Qi Le Speaking arrogantly.

"Sell the painting? Is it me?"

Qi Le looked at the paintbrush in his hand, and had a little understanding of his current identity.

However, knowing what identity I am currently playing does not mean that Qi Le is capable of this identity.

This thing does not have a few years, or even more than ten years of hard training, and it simply won't make much achievement.

So Qi Le is very curious.

If this is also part of the trial, what is the purpose of the trial at this time?

"Trial reminder, the identity of the tester this time is a seller of paintings, and he is required to sell a thousand paintings with his own skills."

But here At that time, a reminder of no joy and no sorrow suddenly rang in Qi Le's mind.

Confirmed Qi Le's conjecture.

"Sure enough, is it a role-playing trial again."

Qi Le is no stranger to this type of trial, because the content of the last trial, Just play as a travel doctor.

This time is just a change of identity that's all.

And it also adds a little bit of difficulty.

That is to use your own craftsmanship to play the role of a good painter.

Rather than instilling all the knowledge related to the role played like last time.

"Also, at least after I go out, I won't have nightmares anymore."

Qi Le sighed in relief, and then looked towards Qingpi in front of him and said: "I don't know you What kind of painting do you want to paint?"

"What kind of painting? Just paint my portrait. Remember to paint something nice."

"this Uncle is going to take this painting to the matchmaker."

Qingpi raised his head and said happily.

Obviously, it is quite difficult to find a wife like this kind of idle green skin, also known as the street gangster.

So when necessary, you still have to rely on portraits to fool people.

"It looks better..."

Qi Le can't help but raise his head and look at the green skin in front of him seriously.

tall and strong, unshaven, fierce and evil.

This kind of appearance should be painted better, not to mention Qi Le, a newcomer who can't be new again, even if those Danqing people come, I am afraid they will be frustrated.

However, even though it is said that.

But if it should be painted, it still has to be painted.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1939: Selling Paintings)...

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