The aftermath of Three Great Races does not actually require a powerhouse-level powerhouse.

It's just that Tiana and Seratl are not worried about the family's affairs, so they never show up in the store.

But Lanci does not have this burden.

After confirming that there was nothing else, without a word, I took Shanna to Qi Le's shop.

"Powerhouse-level trial crystal, a little bit of heart, thank you Qi Store Manager for your willingness to lend a helping hand."

Lan Qi introduced it calmly.

But the pain in the depths of his eyes was still keenly caught by Qi Le.

"Powerhouse grade... Trial crystals?! Where did you get it from?"

Qi Le's eyebrows trembled, obviously a little surprised.

You must know that even in the trial room provided by the system, in the auxiliary function it has, it will not produce powerhouse-level trial crystals, at most, Heroic Rank trial crystals.

It is enough to see the preciousness of powerhouse-level trial crystals.

It is absolutely rare.

After all, a powerhouse-level trial crystal is equivalent to a powerhouse-level realm Variation Beast.

And such a Realm Variation Beast, is it so easy to hunt?

The difficulty is beyond imagination.

And most importantly, you must first find the Variation Beast of the powerhouse realm before you have a chance to hunt it.

It's a pity that at this point, it is not something that can be done by human intervention.

Although the promotion of demonic beast and Variation Beast, there are no obvious shackles.

innate talent, aptitude, potential, resources.

As long as the conditions are met and the environment permits, then it will naturally be promoted to realm.

However, demonic beast and Variation Beast want to be promoted to supreme powerhouse level, and they also have a demand for Heaven and Earth luck.

So for so many years, even though Lanqi and Shanna have traveled the entire northern mountain range together, they haven't seen a few powerhouse realm Variation Beasts.

Then let alone hunting.

This is also the reason why powerhouse-level trial crystals are really rare.

There is simply no way to produce, so naturally there are very few.

even more how, powerhouse-level trial crystals must be used with Heaven and Earth luck to be effective.

So those Heroic Rank Peak Realm cultivators, even half-step powerhouse cultivators, must have the Heaven and Earth luck before they have the opportunity to use the powerhouse level trial crystals.

However, how can Heaven and Earth's luck be so easy to obtain?

So these two conditions are superimposed together, which results in the extremely rare situation of powerhouse-class power.

You must know that the Heaven and Earth luck of Tiana and Serater at the beginning, but they all came from their own race racial luck.

This is like the first bowl of water used as a primer in Shaojing.

As long as you have achieved a powerhouse-level realm, you don’t have to worry about the future of Heaven and Earth luck.

But for this reason, the problem quickly turned back.

Now that Heaven and Earth has luck, what about powerhouse-level trial crystals?

Still as scarce as ever!

So, to be honest, Qi Le was surprised by this sudden powerhouse-level trial crystal, but he was still quite curious about its origin.

Because of the rarity of this thing, it is no less than Heaven and Earth luck.

"This... Qi Store Manager, you should also know that among the messengers sent by the god of war to the northern mountain range, there are a total of four powerhouse-level powers, all of whom have fallen in this battle. Let's go inside."

Lan Qi thought about the words for a while before he said it out loud.

"Well, I know...Wait, don't it..."

Qi Le's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately wanted to understand the matter.

" Q Store Manager is really clear at one point, it is true."

Lan Qi noticed the change in Qi Le's expression, and immediately guessed Qi Le's thoughts, so He affirmed aloud.

Heaven and Earth luck this thing is not a particularly lucky thing for a powerhouse-level powerhouse.

even more how Qi Le has seen this situation before.

That is the powerhouse-level power from outside. If they fall into this world, then all the Heaven and Earth luck they have will be swallowed up by the Heaven and Earth will.

So, this time, a total of four powerhouse-level powers have fallen.

Moreover, the strength of every powerhouse-level power is not weak, and the cultivation realm is not low.

Then the Heaven and Earth will of the northern mountain range swallowed up how much Heaven and Earth luck at one time, you can imagine.

Based on this, the skyrocketing Heaven and Earth luck will naturally accelerate the improvement of the overall strength of the northern mountain range, and will gradually increase the position of powerhouse-level power.

So, it is easy to explain where the powerhouse-level trial crystals that Lanqi gave to Qi Le came from.

It's nothing more than the sudden increase of Heaven and Earth luck, which gave birth to a few powerhouse-level realm Variation Beasts, which happened to be met by Lan Qi.

So he was unfortunately killed on the spot by Ranchi.

Regarding this, Qi Le can only mourn for a second in his heart.

"So speaking of which, in the recent period, the northern mountain range should have a few more powerhouse-level abilities."

Qi Le asked clearly the origin, also He accepted the powerhouse-level trial crystal with peace of mind.

Because logically speaking, Cang Zhan died in Qi Le's hands.

Then these powerhouse-level trial crystals that have been spawned, even if they are divided, there should be one for Qi Le.

"Yes, Qi Store Manager, you guessed it."

Lan Qi was sure that he ordered nodded, and then said: "And according to me and Seratl , And Tiana’s calculation, there should be three powerhouse-level trial crystals."

"So to express our gratitude, we decided to make this first powerhouse-level trial crystal , Give it to Qi Store Manager."

"You guys are interested."

Qi Le clicked nodded.

Although Qi Le itself does not force a return, it still has to be paid, even more how.

If you don't take it, wouldn't it be too hypocritical.

"Where is it? Store Manager Qi is polite."

Lanqi laughed and waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that you are welcome.

"However, the number of powerhouse-level trial crystals is only our guess, and we can't guarantee how much it will be."


Qi Le hearing this, nodded suddenly, expressing empathy.

After all, Heaven and Earth will like to take rebates, not one or two times.

Qi Le has a deep understanding of this situation.

It's like in the Eastern Desolation, the Heaven and Earth luck of the Spirit of Demon Abyss was swallowed by the will of Heaven and Earth of the Eastern Desolation.

But what I gave back to Qi Le seems to be nothing...

It did give a lot of Heaven and Earth luck to Yue Xi'er.

As for the extremely precious powerhouse-level trial crystals, it is even more invisible.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1928: Thank You Gifts)...

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