For a powerhouse-level power, if there is no absolute advantage or disadvantage, it is normal even if the battle lasts for a few weeks.

So it's just a whole day now, it's simply a small problem.

And the deadlock in this battle was broken when Ranchi came to the Beast Spirit City.

In one-to-one, it may be evenly matched.

Or a certain strategy has a slight advantage.

But when it is two-to-one, the situation may be one-sided.

Ranchi soon became the last straw that crushed the camel, and he cooperated with Serratel to overcome Cangyuan.

However, the casualties caused during the period are unspeakable pain.

In the aftermath of the battle of these three powerhouse-class mighty powers, the beast spirit city was mostly destroyed and turned into a broken wall.

The clansman of the beast ear tribe suffered heavy casualties.

After all, neither Seratl nor Ranchi has an overwhelming advantage for Cangyuan.

So simply can't stop the aftermath of the battle with no difficulty like Qi Le.

Cang Yuan's final madness caused Serratel and Ranqi to do their best to protect the clansman who survived the beast ear tribe.

Also in this brief moment, Lan Qi more clearly realized the power of Qi Le.

To completely control the battlefield, what terrifying power is that.

"Human Race, dare to come and attack the clansman of the beast spirit city, don't leave one!"

Sairatl looked at the devastated beast spirit city, took a deep breath, and issued Ordered.

The beast spirit city, the capital of the beast ear tribe.

At this moment, it was damaged to such an extent, Serratel said it was not distressed, it was all fake.

"Sailater, calm down, Human Race, it can't be destroyed yet."

Lanqi comforted Serater by the side.

"I know, I have not yet reached that level of cruelty. In the clansman of Human Race, there are always innocent people."

"The fourth family of the northern mountain range, If it is said that the destruction will be destroyed, then the entire northern mountain range, I am afraid it will not be peaceful."

Sairatel half-turned his head and spoke slowly.

If the human race is such a big race, it is suddenly wiped out, then the other races will inevitably endanger everyone.

When the time comes, it really fire beacon everywhere.

This kind of thing is not what Serratul wants to see.

The peace in the northern mountain range is the result of the hard work of Three Great Races, and it is not allowed to be destroyed because of this kind of thing.

The flames of war that have burned bring only destruction.

Only in a peaceful and prosperous age can prosperity and development.

"The rest of the aftermath work can be done by Yafeier, we must rush to the wizard Holy City as soon as possible."

Lanci said in a timely manner, A word of reminder.

As the daughter of Serater, Yafeier does not intend to be the next lord of beast spirits.

But it's just directing the aftermath. Among the beast ears, Yafil still has this degree of prestige.

"I know, I don't need you to remind me, just go right there."

There is no doubt about Serater's state of mind, and he quickly adjusted his state of mind.

The anger and distress over the destruction of the Beast Spirit City soon calmed down.

As long as the matter can be resolved, the Beast Spirit City will be rebuilt.

A race will never decline because of the collapse of a city-state.

As long as the backbone is still there, you can stand up again and again.

"Fortunately, you are sensible, so I don't need to spend any more words."

Lanqi couldn't help but teased, trying to ease the anger in Seratl's heart.

Seeing Serratel waved his hand and left here first.

Follow-up matters, naturally, need not say much.

Wait for Sailater, Ranchi, and Shana to come to the Holy City side of the elves together, and after meeting with Tiana, Cangming’s situation is compared to Cangyuan and the others , But it will be much more miserable.

With one enemy three, Cang Ming didn't even have room to fight back.

The battle strength of Serratel and Ranchi is not weaker than Cangming, plus there is a Tiana behind, blessing the two of them with auxiliary magic.

The power of grace of the holy light magic ball is continuous.

Under heavy precautions, Cang Ming fell here without even touching the elf Holy City.

It can be regarded as the worst powerhouse-level powerhouse among the invaders.

From the moment she appeared, Tiana was trapped in the prison of rays of light, and she didn't do anything until she finally fell.

I really don’t know how the god of war will feel after he knows this.

"In this battle, many thanks, the two elves rushing to the Holy City."

After the war, Tiana specifically said with Ranchi and Serratel. thank.

"And Shana, although you chose to leave Elf Race at the beginning, Elf Race will always be your home."

This sentence is that Tiana was very early A word I wanted to say before.

Speaking out now, it also means that the two are truly reconciled as before.

Tiana also re-put Shanna from the identity of a friend to the identity of a relative.

"I always knew it."

Shanna laughed, then stepped forward and gave Tiana a hug.

"It's a beautiful scene, isn't it?"

Seratl, who was standing by, suddenly touched Ranchi next to him with his shoulder, and said aloud.

"Is it still for you?"

Lanqi couldn't help but give Serratl a blank look.

Shanna is Ranchi's wife. If this is not good, I am afraid that I will be served by the family law after I go back.


After that, there is nothing to say.

Without the powerhouse-class Human Race, you can only lose one after another and keep retreating.

After this battle, Elf Race, Beast Ear Race, Dwarf Race all reported victory.

Only the human race defeated, which caused strength and great injury, and could only retreat to the peripheral zone of the northern mountain range, struggling on whilst at death's door, in anticipation of the day when the strength of the family was restored.

The flames of war were extinguished, and the final victory, in a short period of time, spread throughout the entire northern mountain range.

After watching the excitement of all races, immediately, it is natural to send representatives to Daoxi.

Because the position of the North Mountain Range Three Great Races has become more stable once this battle is over.

Other races are not fools either.

They watched the whole battle clearly.

I also know that Human Race entangled with four powerhouse-level superpowers before starting the battle at this time, but it ended in a disastrous defeat.

The overall clan strength is far inferior to Human Race, so naturally they don't have the guts to impudent.

So in this way, the northern mountain range is more peaceful.

This is what Serratul did not expect.


"What is this?"

Qi Le sat behind the counter and glanced at what Lanqi was handing over.

It was a crystal with a dazzling appearance, and even Qi Le was a little surprised by the huge energy contained in it.

So Qi Le looked towards Lanqi again soon.

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