
Yafeier clicked nodded, and after making sure Qi Le had nothing else to say, he left the store.

These words need to be brought to Serratel as soon as possible.

Then it was conveyed by Serratel to Ranchi and Tiana.

If the faith of the god of war wants to spread unimpeded, the powerhouse-class power in this world is the biggest obstacle.

So for the messengers of the god of war, Seratl is a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh.

The Beast Ear Race can stay, and the Elf Race can stay.

But these three powerhouse-level powers alone must be eliminated anyway.

Qi Le is the only person in this world who has been in contact with gods, but he is quite aware of this matter.

Powerhouse-level powers like Serratl and Tiana, as the highest belief of a certain race, are undoubtedly fighting for the existence of strength of faith for the god of war.

So the god of war can not tolerate them, it is too normal.

"Are you going to fight again? These gods are really going to cause me trouble."

Qi Le watched Yafeier leave the shop, and then followed him. At the entrance of the store, he looked towards the sky.

There should have been a clear blue sky, but now there are some dark clouds in the distance.

Wind and rain are coming.

In this case, is it a response from the will of Heaven and Earth in the northern mountain range?

Qi Le squinted his eyes and didn't know.


In the middle of the night, in the Dwarf Race city-state that was breached by Human Race.

"The power of this world is really too weak."

"If it weren't for spreading the brilliance of the god of war to every corner of this world, this group What qualifications does the guy have to watch me!"

A man with a height of nearly three meters and a muscular knot like steel poured into himself, muttered to himself in a deep voice.

Beside this man, there is also a complete set of armor, which is carved with various vicious demonic beast patterns.

Yes, this man, named Cang Zhan, is one of the messengers of the God of War.

is also the leader who was dispatched to the northern mountain range this time.

Under Cang Zhan's command, he also led three hundred faithful followers of the God of War, and accompanied him in the North and South wars.

The three hundred believers were divided into three teams based on a team of one hundred.

The Captain of each team is a powerhouse-level realm, possessing unparalleled power.

Including Cang Zhan, among the envoys sent by the God of Conquest, there are a total of four powerhouse-level abilities. Such a powerful formation is absolutely unique in the northern mountain range.

And, apart from Kai Cang Zhan and the three Captains, all the remaining believers are cultivators of the Heroic Rank realm.

This force cannot be ignored either.

That's why Cang Zhan seemed a little angry at this time.

From the perspective of the power comparison between the two sides, even on the northern mountain range, there are three powerhouse-level powerful guards, Sairatl, Ranchi, and Tiana.

But compared with the strength of Cang Zhan's side, it is still not enough.

In terms of the number of Heroic Rank powerhouses, Cang Zhan's power can crush the northern mountain range even more.

However, the account cannot be calculated like this.

Because what the god of war really needs is the strength of faith, the number of believers, not killing.

So no matter how high Cang Zhan's battle strength is, no matter how strong his strength is, it is impossible to kill him regardless.

If you really want to do this, then what did the god of war have tried so hard to do before?

Isn’t it more comfortable to do it when you come up?

This is also the reason why the Cang Zhan and the Cang Zhan would lie dormant when the city-state of Human Race was monitored by the clansman of the Beast Ear and Elf Race.

Since you can't fight directly, naturally you can't let the enemy discover your purpose.

That's why we have this scene.

The clansman of Human Race assembled, and it took less than three hours to capture a city-state of Dwarf Race.

Although there are people under Cang Zhan's help who extend a helping hand.

But overall, the clansman of Human Race is the most credited.

Because the belief in the god of war is to be promoted, it is natural to promote the concept of the god of war together.

Use war to support war, the more war is stronger.

Cang Zhan is going to deepen the faith of the clansman of Human Race to the god of war to the point of fanaticism through these battles.

Then help Human Race conquer the entire northern mountain range.

Only in this way can the original goal of Cang Zhan be accomplished, and the belief in the god of war can spread throughout the entire northern mountain range.

You must know that for the gods, the number of believers is naturally the more the better.

Compared with other races, Human Race, although the battle strength is insufficient, the overall cultivation aptitude is not strong.

But in terms of the number of clansman, it is definitely a huge advantage.

This is also one of the important reasons why Cang Zhan chose Human Race.

Since the other races all have their own beliefs, just clean them up.

Although the number of believers is important, the loyalty of believers is also very important.

"The conflict between races, the battle started by the believers of the god of war, once it starts, it will not stop until the goal is reached."

Cang Zhan is in his mind. Li recalled the current situation, and then stood up.

"Come here!"

"My lord, what can I do?"

A group of Captain walked into the room quickly and asked.

"Take a day off, then continue to attack, first take a few more Dwarf Race city-states to help Human Race increase morale."

Cang Zhan said clearly.

In the current Human Race, not all clansman believe in the god of war.

That's why Cang Zhan chose to continue fighting. It is to let Human Race truly experience the power of the god of war, so that they can dedicate their faith.

Until the clansman of Human Race were all included among the believers of the god of war.

At that time, it was the moment when other races were annihilated.

"Yes! My lord!"

A team of Captain took the lead, and then walked out quickly.

During the entire process, the Captain team did not express any opinions, and even the expression on their faces did not change at all.

In this time, Cang Zhan has absolute command in the action of preaching the god of war.

"Next, it's time to watch you perform."

Cang Zhan's gaze looked into the distance, and he swept three directions in a row, and the corners of his mouth also appeared. A sneer.

These three directions are exactly the three positions where Serratl, Ranchi, and Tiana are located.


City of Life.

The city-state of Dwarf Race was breached by Human Race, but it did not affect the business of Qi Le store.

After all, Dwarf Race is also one of the Three Great Races in the northern mountain range. Even if the number of city-states in the clan is less than estimated, there are hundreds of them.

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