"This happened so quickly that neither the Beast Ears nor the Elf Race reacted."

"In the second half of the night, the clansman of the Beast Ears arrived. At that time, things could not be restored."

Yafeier stated the events of this time in a simple and clear way.

It took less than three hours to defeat a city-state in Dwarf Race.

Even if this is just a small city state on the border, there are not many clansman in Dwarf Race, it is absolutely impossible to do.


Although Qi Le thought of this, it took a lot of planning to do it.

Because before this, the various city-states of Human Race, but the beast ear tribe and Elf Race teamed up to dispatch a lot of clansman, all of them were monitored.

Under this situation, I want to deploy troops and take down the city-state of Dwarf Race.

It is definitely not a simple thing.

"What is the situation now? What are you going to do?"

Qi Le then asked.

"Human Race occupied that city-state, began to build the shrine of the god of war, and began to proclaim the power of the god of war."

"They said, This battle is the guidance given to them by the God of Conquest."

"Furthermore, the results they get in the battle will become the power of the God of Conquest, and then bestowed on them."

Yafir didn't omit, and said everything he knew.

"A guide from the god of war..."

Qi Le rubbed his chin, thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

To be honest, Qi Le didn't care when he first heard the name of the god of forging.

Because there is no accurate conclusion about the existence of this thing, Qi Le doesn't seem to care.

However, afterwards, the appearance of the god of forging gave Qi Le a great shock.

Qi Le realized that gods are probably real things.

So after this, when he heard the name of the god of war from Serratel, Qi Le began to take heart.

If we say that we believe in the god of forging, then it is advocating forging.

Then, to believe in the god of war, I am afraid it is to advocate war.

This is also the biggest reason Qi Le dared to make inferences a long time ago that Human Race is absolutely impossible to settle down.

If you believe in the god of war, you still have to keep yourself safe, then why not change to another god?

What Qi Le didn't expect was that Human Race actually shot so soon.

It stands to reason that the belief in the god of war, among the clansman of Human Race, may not even spread to half of it.

Except for the first few city-states, because no one is watching, they will quickly fall.

Behind the spread of belief, it is definitely more and more difficult.

After all, among the clansman of Human Race, the militants are already exhausted.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been shrinking at the edge of the northern mountain range, and nothing happened.

"Wait, can it be... this kind of battle between city-states can really provide power to the god of battle!" Qi Le suddenly thought of this.

If Qi Le's guess is true, then the clansman of Human Race, they really are fighting for battle, and Vietnam is getting stronger.

And in this, there is also the gift of the god of war.

For this rumor, others may snort disdainfully, but Qi Le knows that in the battle of faith, the gods have always spared no effort.

It's like Qi Le was previously overcast by the forged god.

If the god of war is really willing to reward the gift, then the battle strength of Human Race will have to be re-evaluated.

"Have you probed the battle strength of Human Race?"

Qi Le thought of this and immediately asked aloud.

"Because of the sudden incident, the city-state of Dwarf Race is now closed after being hacked by Human Race."

"So we can only evaluate based on other aspects, there is no way. Explore it directly."

Yafei paused for a moment when he said that, as if he was reminiscing about something.

Then he said, "According to the results of the evaluation, most of the cultivators of the Grandmaster Rank should be the majority, and the cultivators of the Heroic Rank are a minority, but the powerhouse-level cultivators seem to have none."

"Isn't there a powerhouse-level power... That may not be the case now."

This is what Qi Le is most worried about.

For those gods, creating a powerhouse-level power does not seem to take much effort.

It can even directly cross the daoist sect threshold of powerhouse-level trial crystals, and help the cultivator of Heroic Rank realm to directly enter the powerhouse-level realm.

But this point is actually easy to understand.

The powerhouse-level trial crystal is, in essence, the recognition of the will of Heaven and Earth.

In other words, it is a trial set by the will of Heaven and Earth. Only the cultivator that passes is qualified to obtain Heaven and Earth luck.

However, when the power level of the gods is equal to the will of Heaven and Earth, then they can directly rely on their powerful power to break through this limitation.

This kind of power is definitely the current Qi Le, and it needs the power of the mountain to stand up.

But for Serratel, they should not be aware of this situation.

In this way, in the subsequent battle with Human Race, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Yafir, after you go back, you must warn you to father them and be careful of the powerhouse-level powers of Human Race."

"It doesn't appear now, it's just because of Human Race The powerhouse-level power of, is still observing the actions of the beast ear tribe and Elf Race in the dark, in order to be surprised and attack it."

Qi Le said solemnly.

At this time, Qi Le should be a member of the northern mountain range to resist outsiders.

Instead of blindly watching Human Race.

Only when all the outsiders are solved, can we pay attention to the matter of Human Race and solve the problem of race perception.

"Okay, I understand, I will definitely bring the words to you."

Yafeier knew Qi Le impossible was joking, so he ordered nodded seriously.

In this level of battle, the powerhouse level is the power that ultimately determines the direction of the battle.

Once there is some negligence, the other cultivator is the most, and it will not help.

"Also, let you father prepare them. The real battle is coming soon."

Qi Le thought about it in his mind, and finally said it again. Such a sentence.

If Human Race dares to do something under this situation, then there must be the support of those outsiders.

As the messenger of the god of war, Qi Le will never underestimate their strength, so this battle must be the beginning of a real battle.

Once it started, it couldn't stop.

The gods who raise the war by war, and the believers under his command, absolutely don't have the idea of ​​truce.

There are only two results.

Or, with the battle of Human Race, the belief of the god of war spread throughout the northern mountain range.

Or, it's Seratl and they find out those outsiders, and then destroy them all.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1892: The End of the First Battle)...

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