"Wow...Xi'er, Qi Le bullied me!"

With crying, Yue Shuangxue disappeared from The New World Mode and ran away The second floor.


Qi Le really wanted to explain, but I really couldn't find any good excuses.

Because of this situation, it is really too ridiculous that Qi Le feels a little sorry in his heart.

"System, is this something you stalked about?"

Qi Le started to find the Back Pot Man.

System: "Host, what are you talking about? Why don't you understand this system?"

This confused tone... It seems that it is really not a system's black box operation.

"Nothing, sorry, excuse me, you can continue with the business that you didn't finish before."

Qi Le look up to sky and heave a deep sigh, and then in his mind Speaking of.

System: "Host, you seem a little weird, don't you need this system to help check your body?"

"No need, you have worked hard, you can rest now "

Qi Le replied friendly and politely.

Faced with system’s kind inquiries, it is always inappropriate to refuse directly.

system: "Well, if there is no major event in the future, don't call the system."

After saying this, the system disappeared immediately.

"I always feel a little sorry. I don't want to wait for the night, and I should compensate Little Xue a little bit."

Qi Le really didn't expect, what's your luck? It suddenly became so good.

For the dark-faced players, Ougou is always more damned than the Krypton Warrior.

Presumably Yue Shuangxue is the same way.

It was the first time that Qi Le had been crying with anger, and the feeling of guilt came spontaneously.

"Qi...Qi Store Manager, um, you should be okay here, then Little Xue is... okay?"

Yafeier at this time, but He crept over.

Just now, Yafeier saw Yue Shuangxue crying and ran to the second floor.

"Don't worry, she's okay."

Qi Le didn't know how to explain the situation to Yafeier, so I didn't say anything.

"Oh, since Little Xue is okay, then...the delicious food you said before..."




Qi Le did not answer Yafei's question after all.

Because it is really not easy to answer, so I can only be silent.

Fortunately, the embarrassing scene did not last long, and Yafeier was keenly aware that the atmosphere was wrong.

So after leaving a sentence, he quickly slipped away.

"If there are really new foods, Qi Store Manager must remember to tell me."


Qi Le can only silently Replied.

Who would have thought that if Yue Shuangxue casually fudged, it would be heard by Yafeier and aroused her interest.

But this matter has now passed.

When will there be new snacks and drinks, Qi Le is not quite clear, so I can only wait.

Apart from this episode, the atmosphere in the store is still peaceful.

Although in the area of ​​the battle strength improvement training room, there will be shouts of mental explosions from time to time, but fortunately, customers in the store experience this kind of thing is not one or two times.

So it was adjusted quickly.

The one who needs to open the can is still opening the can. After the points are used up, I will challenge the copy of Necromancer's Tower.

The scene is orderly, which makes people feel at ease watching.

Into the night.

The customers who have been struggling for a day have left the store one after another with a look of joy or sorrow, either alone or in a company.

After Qi Le saw that the last customer had also left, he got up and closed the store door.

Then through the shop Transmission Gate, I came to the Cloudmist City shop.

"Xi'er, have you seen Little Xue?"

Qi Le stood at the entrance of the corridor and said when he saw that Yue Xi'er was still checking in the store Asked.

"Qi Le big brother, what do you want Little Xue to do, she should be in the bedroom now."

Yue Xi'er heard the sound and looked back towards Qi Le, Answered aloud.

After a pause, Yue Shuangxue then immediately said: "By the way, Qi Le big brother, when Little Xue came over before, he said that you bullied her, wouldn't it be true?"

The words speaking of which have a somewhat incredible tone.

To be honest, Yue Xi'er does not believe that Qi Le will bully Yue Shuangxue.

The tearful look of Lori with cat ears is still very distressing.

So when Yue Shuangxue ran over to ask Yue Xi'er to complain, Yue Xi'er had already comforted her and said that there must be some misunderstanding in it. Qi Le was definitely not intentional.

"Of course it's not true, I can only say that it is a mistake."

Qi Le scratched his head in embarrassment.

There is a saying, if the golden jar opened by Qi Le is also a waste product, then Yue Shuangxue's mood will definitely get better.

However, the problem is that Qi Le just opened one of the two most precious skill books.

Under these repeated blows, it is normal to be crying with anger.

"Well, I guessed it."

Yue Xi'er clicked nodded with deep approval, and then continued: "Little Xue should be in the bedroom now , Qi Le big brother, if you want to find Little Xue, just go over."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

Qi Le clicked nodded, then turned around and walked to the second floor.

Yue Xi'er's bedroom. Although Qi Le knows where it is, he has never been to it.

After all men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, the taboo should be avoided.

But now it is a special situation, so I am offended.

Pushing open the door, what you see is a fairly elegant bedroom. Although the decoration style is biased towards girls, it is more concise.

"Little Xue, are you there?"

Qi Le first stood at the door and shouted inside.

If Yue Shuangxue is not inside, Qi Le won't go in and bother.

"oh la la ——!"

As Qi Le shouted, the quilt on the big bed was suddenly lifted, and the cat ear loli lying inside rubbed He sat up with a loud voice.

Then, with two cat ears erected, he stared at Qi Le fiercely.

"Qi Le! What did you run over again? Do you really think that little kitty is a good bully?"

Yue Shuangxue said grinningly.

Staring at a pair of big eyes, try to make a ferocious look.

It's a pity that that cute face that doesn't even smell of powdered milk can only show a milky expression.

Although the imposing manner is indeed terrifying, it has no effect on Qi Le.

"I think you should have misunderstood, Little Xue, you have to believe me. The daytime events are just a coincidence."

Qi Le has a serious face and said in a serious tone To.

After all, things like luck cannot be controlled by Qi Le.

And, let alone Qi Le, even if it is the system that possesses great magical power, I am afraid there is no way to use this thing with luck.

There may be hope for luck.

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