With regard to the addition of battle strength, it goes without saying.

And the most important thing is that the Undead Recovery skill is simply a magical skill in group battles.

As long as the skill level is high enough, your own battle strength will basically not decrease.

As much as you sacrifice, then as much as you can recover.

For any magician, there is a fatal attraction.

So when Qi Le thought of this, his first reaction was to go to Yue Shuangxue to see how she opened the can.

Although Yue Shuangxue’s theory of accumulating luck is very good.

But the appearance of cat ear loli fluxered and exasperated is really cute.

"Qi Le?! Why are you here again!? What do you want to do?"

Yue Shuangxue just exchanged the gold pot from the tower guard and turned his head. I saw Qi Le's playful smile.

The two cat ears on the top of the head suddenly stood up.

"I just come here to take a look and cheer for you."

Qi Le said confidently.

Because Qi Le can't say that she is upset that this cat-ear Lori is lazy at work, so she rushed over here so she can laugh immediately.

If you really say that.

I am afraid that Yue Shuangxue risked being spanked by Qi Le and would jump up and scratch Qi Le's paws.

"I don't believe it! You let it go!"

Yue Shuangxue stared at Shui Lingling's big eyes, and said to Qi Le with his cheeks bulging.

The cat's tail behind him flicked, as if demonstrating to Qi Le.

"You should just open the can, I can't bother you when I stand here, open it, I'm really just here to take a look."

Qi Le once again I emphasized my purpose again.

It’s impossible to go, otherwise, how could I come to ridicule immediately.

"Damn Qi Le!"

Yue Shuangxue stared at Qi Le fiercely, then turned his head and started to open the jar.

Then at the next moment, I took out a weapon shining with golden rays of light from the golden jar...

"Wow, golden legend——!"

Qi Le immediately complimented a voice behind him.

Although Yue Shuangxue can't understand what it means, but listening to Qi Le's tone, you know that it is definitely not a good sentence.

"Shut up!"

Yue Shuangxue gritted his teeth and said.

It takes one hundred thousand points to redeem a golden jar. Now that a handful of this gadget has been released, how could Yue Shuangxue be happy.

Because Yue Shuangxue is in The New World Mode, there is no need to use weapons.

After all, it is Devouring Civet, the body is the best weapon, the lethality is amazing, what kind of weapon is needed.

To be honest, even if it had developed a top armor, Yue Shuangxue would be happier than it is now.

But it happens to be the least needed item.

"Okay, you continue, I won't say anything."

Qi Le was very funny and silent.

If you are mocking, just say one sentence. If you say too much, you have to fight.

Yue Shuangxue is also his own, even if it is a joke, it has to be modest. If it really gets angry, it will be a bad thing.

" Huh ..."

Yue Shuangxue took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and then opened a golden jar.

A thin sword gleaming with golden light suddenly appeared in Yue Shuangxue's hands.


Seeing this scene, Qi Le almost didn't hold back a smile.

"Qi Le! What are you laughing at?"

Upon hearing this voice, Yue Shuangxue suddenly exploded.

"I think of happy things."

Qi Le's face is uncontrollable. It is really hard work to hold back a smile.

"What happy thing do you think of?"

"I think of a delicacy..."

"What delicacy?"

Before Qi Le finished speaking, Yafei's voice rang, interrupting what Qi Le wanted to say.


Yue Shuangxue's sharp eyes immediately looked over, accompanied by a fierce look on his face.

It's like telling someone that it's best not to mess with her now.

"Uh... Qi Store Manager, there seems to be something to be done on your side. I will talk about the food thing later."

Yue Shuangxue glared, and immediately sat back with a smile.

Although Yue Shuangxue looks very cute at the moment, but the angry aura makes Yafeier make the right choice.

After all, Yafeier is just gluttonous, not stupid.

"Hoo...Don't get angry, don't get angry, go on! Luck will get better."

Yue Shuangxue took a deep breath again and told himself in his heart that he should calm down.

Qi Le also took a deep breath, for fear that he might laugh if he is not careful.

"Give me a skill book!"

The third golden pot was opened as Yue Shuangxue shouted.

Another weapon with golden light appeared in the hands of Yue Shuangxue.

There is a saying, the items in the golden jar are indeed good things, and all kinds of equipment are top grade attributes.

The only problem is that Yue Shuangxue simply can't use weapons.

"pu hahaha ……"

This time, Qi Le really couldn't help it.

"Enough of you! Qi Le, you are obviously laughing at me, you simply haven't stopped!"

"I said why did you run over at this time, it turned out to be Come to laugh at this little kitty! Damn it!"

Yue Shuangxue's mentality exploded on the spot, and directly pounced on Qi Le, baring fangs and brandishing claws yelled.

It's a pity that the thunder is loud and the rain drops.

The raised claws did not fall.

It seems that even if Yue Shuangxue is angry, he still knows his position very well.

If this paw goes down, Yue Xi'er will not be able to keep her ass when she comes.

"I'm really not laughing at you."

Qi Le's expression became a little weird because of his suffocating smile, but he was sensible and reasonable with Yue Shuangxue.

"If you don't believe me, let me open a jar online and let you laugh at the head office."

Because Qi Le only loves to challenge himself, not to open the jar.

So the points accumulated in his hands are enough for Qi Le to redeem several golden pots.

"Then... OK, you go online first."

Yue Shuangxue hesitated, and finally compromised before jumping off Qi Le.

Qi Le was also unambiguous, and immediately found a deck and entered The New World Mode.

Then ran to the 1st floor of the Tower of Necromancer and exchanged two golden pots with the tower guard.

"Okay, the can is exchanged out, come and take a look."

Before opening the can, Qi Le specifically called Yue Shuangxue to avoid the cat ears. Li was upset again.

"I'm watching, let's go."

Yue Shuangxue bulged his cheeks and stared fiercely at Qi Le.

"Okay, then I'll open it."

While Qi Le was talking, he opened the golden jar in his hand.

"Congratulations to the players for obtaining the skill book: Revival of the dead!"


The expression on Yue Shuangxue's face disappeared instantly, and a large group of water vapor began Encountered in two big eyes, and then...

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1889: You are clearly laughing at me)...

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