First, there are five ordinary layers, and all ordinary monsters appear, then the elite layer, and then the ordinary layer enemies that copy the attributes of the elite layer enemies.

After that, I started to improve the enemy's fighting skills.

Up to the boss layer, count as a complete rotation.

Starting from level fifty, to level five 15th level, level sixty, and level six 15th level......

According to the characteristics of Necromancer’s tower copy, if the number of levels is not capped, then The level of the enemy, theoretically, should not be back cover.

Then when you get to the back, there may be an enemy of level ninety and 15th level.

Even more than a hundred enemies.

However, the players who can reach this level should not be found.

After all, in the current The New World Mode, the highest level that can be reached is only the eighth 15th level.

And you must have come to challenge a copy of Necromancer's Tower.

"Is there still such a pattern?"

Yue Shuangxue still looked ignorant after listening to Qi Le's analysis.

It can be seen that it should be very difficult for a little kitty to learn mathematics well.

"Yes, this is the law. If you don't believe it, you can continue to climb up and see if I am right."

Qi Le shrugged, and don’t care about Yue Shuangxue The expression on the face.

It's not interesting to compete with little kitty.

But this time, Yue Shuangxue didn't believe in Qi Le, but simply didn't understand what Qi Le was talking about.

Otherwise, I wouldn't do it personally here.

And as Qi Le and Yue Shuangxue continue to climb to the higher levels of the Necromancer's tower copy, it also confirms that the law Qi Le discovered is indeed correct.

There is only a small omission.

That is the rank of these enemies, which is actually random.

They are not necessarily all in the rank of fighters, they may also be in the ranks of Knight or magician.

And as the level increases, the combat skills of the enemies in the Necromancer's Tower dungeon, and the cooperation between them, have also become better and better.

In short, the enemy in the Necromancer Tower dungeon, the more they climb, the battle strength will only get stronger.

It's just the comparison object between this battle strength, not the same that's all.

this can be considered Qi Le is an additional discovery.

That is the enemy of the ordinary layer, only stronger than the enemy of the previous ordinary layer.

It will not be compared with the elite level and the boss level.

Otherwise, all the elite monsters are not bad, after all, the elite monsters are still included in the category of mobs.

But if there are all boss monsters in the ordinary layer, then there will be a major event.

It is estimated that apart from the first round of the Necromancer Tower dungeon, I am afraid that few players can pass the second round.

The normal tier is all boss weird, so what about a hammer?

"Okay, the rules are completely clear, Little Xue, after you get the copy of Necromancer's Tower, remember to post it in the forum."

"But don't once The sex is all sent out, and must be sent out slowly."

Qi Le said this, but also made a special warning.

This kind of pattern, as long as you play a few times, you can find it out quickly, so it's not a secret.

If Qi Le is sent out earlier, it can also attract players quickly.

After all, the basic battle strength of Necromancer's Tower dungeon is only level fifty.

This is a great thing for a copy that requires a minimum level of seven 15th level to enter.

If you start counting with a base level of fifty.

Then the points for the nearly seventy floors in front of the copy of Necromancer's Tower seem to be given away for nothing.

Because players at the 15th level, as long as they can pass through the shadow assassin entrance, come to the big map of the tower of Necromancer.

Then the fighting skills and battle awareness will definitely not be too bad, and it will be better than the average.

Based on this standard calculation, it is basically no problem to swipe a level sixty boss monster.

Even if it's temporarily invincible, as long as you collect a little strategy, the problem will be solved.

So this kind of free bonus points is of course very attractive.

Only by fully mobilizing the players' enthusiasm, can The New World Mode be full of vitality.

Qi Le has done a good job on this point.

Otherwise, Yue Shuangxue would not send out all the attributes of the four skill books before.

After figuring out the pattern of the Necromancer's Tower copy, Qi Le didn't intend to let Yue Shuangxue do it alone.

Because Qi Le feels that now that the law is known, the two should be faster, use the fastest way to solve the enemy, and see which floor they can climb to.

Then it is better to get out of the copy of Necromancer's Tower earlier.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to let Yue Shuangxue take the shot by himself, and Qi Le standing aside.

But when it comes to this, I have to mention one sentence.

Customers in the store, because they can only stay in The New World Mode for four hours a day.

So if the player has not come out of the copy of Necromancer's Tower within these four hours, the record will be sealed.

Until the next time the player goes online in The New World Mode, the player will directly appear on the multiple li side of the previous offline.

It can be considered very convenient.

It’s just that, in this way, the number of challenges after failure will be counted as the number of times the challenge failed.

It is not the number of times on the day of entering the copy of Necromancer's Tower.

Therefore, this method of storing the number of layers still needs to do according to one's ability.

Otherwise, it went online on the first day, and hadn't finished the challenge for four hours, and was reluctant to come out, so the number of layers would be sealed.

Then the challenge continued after the 2nd day went online, and the result was sent back to the 1st floor in less than five minutes.

Then, within this day, if you enter the Necromancer Tower copy again, the player's attribute will be suppressed to 50%.

It is undoubtedly a waste of this day.

So if it is necessary, when the four-hour time is approaching, and the player himself can be sure that there is no way to go further.

Then you should decisively hit the blame and go back to the 1st floor of the Necromancer Tower.

Instead of relying on this level of arena where he has begun to play very reluctantly.

After all, the integration situation through the high-level number is the same as the integration situation through the low-level number.

Anyway, the ordinary layer adds one point, the elite layer adds ten points, and the boss layer adds one hundred points.

This has nothing to do with the level of enemies the players encounter, so why force yourself.

However, to challenge the copy of Necromancer's Tower, Qi Le is really challenging himself.

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