"If this elite enemy is the same as I guessed, then I can basically determine the pattern."

Qi Le has been thinking about Necromancer The law of the copy of the tower.

This is a great help for getting points.

Because as long as you know the enemy that appears on each floor, what level of battle strength is probably.

Then the players in The New World Mode can guess, based on their strength, which level they can go to, they can also roughly calculate how many points they can get in one challenge. .

Of course Yue Shuangxue also understands this, but he doesn't have Qi Le in his head to make that's all.

That's why I personally test the strength of each floor enemy here, so that I can tell the staff under my hand.

Continue to move towards the third elite level.

The enemy at this time, like the first two elite levels, are two warriors wearing this armor.

It's just that during the battle with Yue Shuangxue, Qi Le observed that the fighting skills of these two enemies are more skilled than those in the previous elite tier.

"So that's how it is, I probably understand, now it's only the rules of the boss layer."

Qi Le showed a daze on his face.

Then continue to walk with Yue Shuangxue to the higher level of the Necromancer Tower dungeon.

In the next five normal levels, the enemies inside are exactly the same as Qi Le had guessed, which is a replica of the enemies of the previous elite level.

It's just that the number is different, that's all.

At this point, even if all the first 20 ordinary tiers are played, the first three elite tiers are all finished.

"Next, it will be the first boss layer. If I guess it is correct, the enemy inside should be a level 50 boss attribute in terms of attributes."

Qi Le made a prediction before going to the next floor.

Then, together with Yue Shuangxue, walked up to the first boss layer in the copy of Necromancer's Tower.


As soon as Qi Le and Yue Shuangxue stepped into the arena at this level, a sharp wind sounded.

A tall and mighty silhouette full of armor, holding a giant sword in both hands, quietly waiting for the arrival of the two.

"This image, this imposing manner, doesn't look like a little guy."

Qi Le's eyebrows couldn't help raising upwards.

Boss is different. The imposing manner is much sharper than the mobs and elites before.

Just standing there, like an unsheathed sharp blade, imposing manner.

"Finally, there is an interesting opponent."

Yue Shuangxue also raised a little spirit.

The mobs in the ordinary layer before, and the elite monsters in the elite layer, really can't pose a threat to Yue Shuangxue.

So it will make Yue Shuangxue unable to boost its strength, which is also a matter of as it should be by rights.

But the boss monster this time is different.

The reason why the boss monster can be called the boss monster is because his attributes and skills are too many elite monsters of the same level.

In The New World Mode, anyone who can swipe low-level boss monsters alone is considered an expert.

Those who can single-sweep the boss monsters of the same level are all Deity.

Qi Le, for example, is one of these Deity, and it is also the most iconic one.

Because other players, there is really no way to compare with Qi Le.

The fighting skills and battle awareness really can’t keep up.

Even Ranchi and Serratel, who are born with extremely powerful fighting instincts, are far worse than Qi Le.

"This time, or are you here alone?"

Qi Le took a serious look at Yue Shuangxue.

"Of course, he has only one person, singled out, can't say that we bully others."

Yue Shuangxue clicked nodded, geared up, a pair of be eager to have a try.

Devouring Civet also has the dignity of Devouring Civet.

If you can't beat the enemy, you can find a helper happily.

But the enemy who has been able to fight, must not use the hands of others, because that will make oneself vent not happy enough.

" Okay ."

How could Qi Le fail to see Yue Shuangxue's thoughts.

Devouring Civet has never been a courageous race. It is their strength to look at people.

In layman's terms, it is the so-called bullying and fear of hardship.

That's why Yue Shuangxue can be so confident, it must be because the boss monster in front of him is not strong enough.

And facts have also proved this.

"Qi Le, I've confirmed that this guy is indeed a level 50 boss monster, and all attributes meet the requirements."

Yue Shuangxue and this guy holding the giant sword The soldier fought back and forth, and said aloud.

"Okay, I see."

Qi Le followed nodded in response.

And more than that, Qi Le on the side can also see that the fighting skills of this boss monster are much better than the previous mobs and elite monsters.

It is indeed a boss, the attribute has been enhanced in all aspects.

However, even so, level 50 boss monsters are still not enough to see in front of Yue Shuangxue.

After Yue Shuangxue thought through the attributes, it was time for this boss monster to be eliminated.

This step is not difficult.

So soon, following a quick attack by Yue Shuangxue after seizing the weak spot, the armored giant sword warrior also fell to the ground.

One hundred points will also be obtained.

And seeing Yue Shuangxue's performance so good, it is estimated that a lot of points can be added.

It's just that Qi Le doesn't care about the points, because the previous life opened the can and it hurt, so Qi Le is not very interested in these things.

"The task is complete, it's easy to solve, Qi Le, let 's go."

Yue Shuangxue stared at the fallen giant sword warrior, after confirming that no item will be revealed. , Turned around and said.

Alas, it’s uncomfortable to see a boss monster that doesn’t explode equipment for the first time.

"Okay, let's go."

Qi Le silently nodded, the first round of the copy of the Necromancer Tower is considered to be finished.

Then it's the second round.

"These guys are the attributes of the 15th level ordinary mobs, and their fighting skills don't seem to be very good."

After Yue Shuangxue killed the two enemies in front of him in seconds , Looked back towards Qi Le.

"Sure enough, as expected, the number of layers of Necromancer's Tower dungeon is based on the boss level."

Qi Le was satisfied after listening to Yue Shuangxue's words. The point was nodded.

Here, the law of Necromancer's Tower copy can be considered as analyzed.

Very simple, it is to use the boss layer as the point of improvement.

Every time you clear a boss tier, starting from the next normal tier, the level of all enemies will be upgraded to Fifth Level.

Then it is the same as the first round.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1880: Laws)...

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