Is it not there?

After Qi Le came out of the copy, he frowned silently and began to think about this question.

To be honest, every big map in The New World Mode, the biggest improvement for players, is this system's self-made skills.

Whether it is martial skill or magic, the degree of popularity among players is the same.

But if it doesn't... it would be too uncomfortable.

However, at this moment...

system: "Host, did you forget something?"

It suddenly appeared in my mind The voice interrupted Qi Le's thoughts.

"What did I forget? What did I forget?"

Qi Le's face startedled, and then he said with some confusion: "Why don't I think I have forgotten something, system , How about you give me a hint?"

system: "Host, battle-type mecha."


"What did you say? !!! The battle-type mecha is something in the big map of the mechanical cow forest!?"

Qi Le heard this "hint" and reacted for a long time before waking up suddenly, involuntarily giving out cry out in surprise.

It turns out that there is no system-made thing in the big map of the mechanical cow forest, but this thing is consumed in another world.

It's no wonder that Qi Le has been in these copies for so long, but there is nothing to discover.

"Then you didn't say it earlier, so I wasted so much time."

Qi Le couldn't help but complain.

system: "You did not ask the host earlier."

"...You make sense."

Qi Le was taken by the system. What he said was stunned, and suddenly he was a little speechless.

Although this is the truth, but if you take the initiative a little bit, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Qi Le thought silently, and for a while, he was speechless and choked.

"I won't tell you anymore, I think it's better to leave me alone...Huh, wait, what is that?"

I feel melancholy in Qi Le While looking at the sky from a forty-five-degree angle, a tower suddenly appeared as far as he could see.

At a glance, this tall tower is definitely straight into the sky, without reaching the top.

" the mechanical cow forest, when did you use such a building?"

Qi Le suddenly felt a little confused.

I'm afraid that it's not because of me being overly melancholy that I started to have hallucinations?

But the illusion, this thing, can really appear in The New World Mode?

system: "This system is a friendly reminder that the number of players entering the mechanical bull forest map meets the requirements. The new map-the Tower of Necromancer , is officially opened!"

"The Tower of Necromancer" ?!"

Qi Le came to realize that the tall tower that went straight into the sky was not an illusion, but a new map.

Although there is not much gain in the big map of the mechanical cow forest, a new map has been exploded, which is also a good thing.

To lose the East, reap the mulberry.

Qi Le is not easy to judge the gains and losses.

But there is one thing, Qi Le is clear.

That is a good online game. If you want to retain players, you must constantly update new maps and new plots.

The same is true for The New World Mode.

When Qi Le left the northern mountain range to collect strength of faith, The New World Mode hadn't been updated for more than a month.

There was no activity.

This can still keep a large number of players, and it must be said that it is also a kind of ability.

After Qi Le returned to the store, he had already considered this issue seriously.

At that time, Qi Le himself hadn't reached the 7th 15th level yet, so I didn't mention this to the system for the time being.

Who knows that before Qi Le speaks about this problem, the new map appears on its own.

"Hurry up and take a look."

Qi Le no longer hesitated, and ran directly in the direction of the Necromancer Tower.

At the same time, whether it is the Eastern Wilderness Service, the Northern Mountain Range Service, or the World Service.

Both have issued an announcement.

That's the announcement to inform players that the Necromancer Tower map is officially opened.

"What's the situation!? Why is there a new map again!"

"Wow, I can't even pass the shadow of the Assassin entrance, why do I even come out of the Necromancer Tower?"

"It's amazing upstairs. You can actually go to the shadowy assassin entrance. I'm still in the puppet maze now."

"Don't think about it, enter The minimum level of the Necromancer Tower is seven 15th level."

"No way, no, I have to work harder!"

With the appearance of this announcement, the public screen of the communication system , Began to yell again.

Wailing, complaining, envy and jealousy are everywhere.

After all, not every player has those fighting skills that are as powerful as the fighting expert, and can keep up with the level.

The real name of The New World Mode is called battle strength training room.

Each big map corresponds to a comprehensive improvement of combat skills.

Although holding the thigh and watching the strategy, it can save a lot of things.

However, his own fighting skills can't keep up, and running to a higher Level 1 map is definitely difficult.

And the system also set up corresponding level restrictions on purpose.

Those players who want to crush the instance based on their level are dreaming.

And new customers will also become new players and join The New World Mode.

So it’s not surprising that this happens.

Qi Le casually browsed the public screen of the communication system, and he has been familiar with these remarks.

Fighting skills and battle awareness, although you can rely on hard work to make up for it.

But is innate talent is still very important.

And Qi Le can reach the current level, not only because of the extraordinary natural talent, but also because I don’t know how many times I have wandered on the edge of life and death, and I realized it step by step.

The speaking of which is a bit bleak.

It’s just that Qi Le will never mention this that’s all.

"Qi Le?"

Seeing Yue Shuangxue after the announcement, immediately ran outside the Necromancer Tower.

Then it happened to hit Qi Le who was walking over.

"Little Xue...I knew you didn't look at the store well, nor did you see you behind the counter."

Qi Le said without surprise.

When Qi Le is not in the store, Yue Shuangxue is relatively reliable.

But when Qi Le came back, it was really sorry, and Yue Shuangxue was definitely the most unreliable one.

"No... Qi Le, didn't I see you coming, so relax a little... Yes, just relax. Didn't you say that you should learn to combine work and rest."

After Yue Shuangxue saw Qi Le, he panicked and stuttered.

"The combination of work and rest I said was meant for Xi'er. You need to combine work and rest when you sleep every day?"

Qi Le couldn't help but "tsk" He said with a hum.

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