It’s a bit embarrassing to see this kind of thing happen.

But this time, because it is related to Human Race, and Qi Le has a special position in the northern mountain range.

That's why Serratel came here to breathe with Qi Le.

After I was able to avoid it, I really mentioned this matter, only to find it difficult to explain.

"You don't have to worry about my feelings. I don't have any race opinion, so don't think it's about Human Race, just take it sorry."

Qi Le is biased. Head, suddenly said aloud.

The purpose of Sairatel's coming this time, Qi Le knew in his heart halfway through the conversation with him.

The powerhouse-level powers of each race will always have a psychological tendency to protect their own race clansman.

That is to continue the flames of one's own race.

Commonly known as-protecting shortness.

In the past in the northern mountain range, Elf Race was protected by the Elf Queen, and the Beast Ear Race was protected by the Lord of Beast Spirits.

The special status of Dwarf Race, coupled with the former patriarch of Dwarf Race, is also a powerhouse-class powerhouse, so other races will give a bit of face.

There is only one Human Race, just like being raised by a stepmother, grandma doesn’t hurt, and uncle doesn’t love it.

That is to say, there is no powerhouse-level power in the race to cause trouble.

What counts is just a clansman in large numbers.

But the appearance of Qi Le is definitely an accident, so Serratel has to worry about this.

But now with the words Qi Le, Serratt is relieved.

"Since Qi Store Manager has said so, then I won't rush, this matter must be As the water recedes, the rocks appear as soon as possible."

After getting Qi Le's promise, Rattle got up and said goodbye.

"Okay, I also think that this matter is urgent, then it will be hard for you."

Qi Le also followed nodded and handed over, which is regarded as a salute back to Seratl.

The two purposes of coming to the store were fulfilled by Serratel. It would be a waste of time to stay, so naturally I won’t stay longer.

Although Qi Le stays in the store most of the time.

But there are some things that Qi Le can see clearly.

Don't look at these powerhouse-level abilities like Serratel, who usually talk and laugh, but when it comes to race disputes, it is definitely refuse to yield an inch.

Race, that is the continuation of bloodline.

There are very few powerhouses that do not pay attention to their own bloodline.

To promote yourself and others, this is also one of the purposes of Serratel's approach to Qi Le.

And another purpose, naturally, is to tell Qi Le about this, so that Qi Le can also take action when necessary and participate in this battle.

The development of believers must be led by a divine messenger.

As a messenger of a god, the cultivation realm possessed by oneself is certainly not low.

Before contacting these guys, Serratel would not be arrogant to think that he can handle that many messengers alone.

Especially when the god they preach is called the god of war.

Just by hearing the name, you know that battle strength is definitely Peak.

So having one more helper is naturally much better than having one more audience.

"It looks rough, but it does not one drop of water can leak out, powerhouse-level power, and sure enough, none of them is someone who is easy to deal with."

Qi Le feels the breath of Sailater. After leaving City of Life, Qi Le can't help but shrugged.

But in the bottom of my heart, I became vigilant.

The messenger of the god of war, I don't know where it will be now.

If Qi Le finds out, then Qi Le must take action without saying a word, and fiercely sanctions them.

Regarding the strength of Faith, it is a conflict of vital interests.

On this kind of problem, although Qi Le has a lazy personality, it is definitely refuse to yield an inch.

Otherwise, just to make the collection of strength of faith more convenient, I would help Bu Jia and destroy the casting hall directly.

But it is too early to think about these issues.

If the messenger of the god of war really wants to develop believers, then he will not secretly start to proclaim the glory of the god of war from the city-states of Human Race.

Instead, he directly began to challenge Three Great Races.

After all, believe in this thing, absolute power is the greatest attraction.

The idea of ​​an ordinary person is actually very simple.

If you can fulfill my wish, then I will believe in you.

This is also the reason why the gods descended on Divine Vestige to capture a large number of believers.

In fact, the principle is similar to winning the lottery.

If a lottery ticket cannot be won by one person, it is guaranteed that no one will buy the lottery ticket again after a long time.

But as long as someone wins the prize, more people will be attracted to buy it.

The same is true of faith.

The descending Divine Vestige doesn't need too much. As long as there is one or two occasionally, it will be able to attract a large number of believers.

Because everyone desires, the next person to win the lottery is himself.

However, the envoys of the gods did not use this principle that even Qi Le knew.

This is enough to prove... Could it be that their IQ is too low...

"It's not without this probability..."

Qi Le Thinking of this, I suddenly realized a problem.

That is the lottery principle in Qi Le's mind, which is derived from the world of technology.

However, the world of science and technology, but a place with highly developed theoretical basis, sums up the theory, it is quite a set.

However, where Qi Le is now, it is the world of Battle Qi and magic.

Who knows if those guys understand these theories.

Sure enough, expectations cannot be reported too high.

"Forget it, I don't want this problem anymore, just wait for the news from Serratel and the others."

Qi Le shook the head, threw some of these away my mind.

Then I randomly found a deck and entered The New World Mode.

When waiting for the news, I am idle as well. It is better to go to the mechanical cow forest to practice leveling first.

However, after Qi Le rose to the 7th 15th level, which is the experience limit level in the mechanical bull forest map, a problem was suddenly discovered.

That is in the big map of the mechanical cow forest, there seems to be nothing special.

This so-called special thing naturally refers to those martial skills or magic made by the system.

For example, the Evil Spirit Body in the Evil Spirit warrior front line map.

The Protector puppet in the big map of the puppet maze.

The breath of shadow in the big map of the shadow asssin entrance.

These are all first-class martial skills and magic. The effect that can be exerted in actual combat is absolutely top-notch.

But when we got to the big map of the mechanical cow forest, Qi Le has rummaged through this forest, and all the copies that can be brushed have also been brushed.

Unfortunately, I didn't find the martial skill made by the system, or magic.

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