"These new products can be used to make an ice and snow festival in the store."

Qi Le said suddenly.

From the name of this festival, Qi Le just borrowed the name that's all from the ice and snow gift package by the way, and it has no special meaning.

After all, after releasing so many new products at once, you have to find a reason.

You know, these six new products contain an SR-level pet card, a treasure-level title, and four rare-level products.

If you don't publicize it, wouldn't it be too bad.

So Qi Le immediately called the system up and began to make promotional signs for the store.

This time the promotion stand, but you have to do two.

The new products are naturally also put into the two stores at the same time.

It's not good to favor one over the other.


In the morning of 2nd day, a brand new stand was placed next to the pet card swap machine.

Some simple decorations have also been added to the store, embellishing the entire store as if it were in World of Ice and Snow.

Of course, the temperature control device in the shop is still there, so it just looks like that's all.

"Very good, so there should be no problem."

Qi Le stood at the door of the store, looked into the store, and after a round, he was satisfied. nodded.

The position of the stand is very good, which can ensure that customers can see the conspicuous stand at the first glance after entering the door.

For example, Yue Xi'er coming down from the second floor.

"Qi Le big brother, didn't you sleep all night last night?"

Yue Xi'er first glanced at the decorations in the store, then looked at the sign It swept over and fell on Qi Le.


Qi Le responded.

Although these decorations are arranged, you only need to command the system to do it.

However, advertising this kind of thing, the publicity process has never been a complicated matter.

What is really difficult is the creativity of propaganda.

So Qi Le didn't sleep last night. In fact, it was not to decorate these decorations, but to think about how to decorate and the details of making the stand.

"By the way, you come here and have a look first, how about the stand this time?"

After Qi Le feels satisfied, he has to let others see the effect Up.

So Yue Xi'er became the second person to see the stand.

This time's stand, the background is a white world.

The ground is covered with snow and frost, and big snowflakes are still falling in the sky, which is swaying and shaking, showing the bitterness of the cold wind.

After all, it is the Ice and Snow Festival, in order to fit the atmosphere.

And in the depths of this piece of World of Ice and Snow, there is a throne carved from ice crystals.

A vague silhouette is sitting on this ice crystal throne. In the shadow, only a pair of icy eyes are exposed, which makes people shudder.

On both sides of the Ice Crystal Throne, stood two teams of tall warriors covered in armor.

These soldiers were expressionless, looking forward with indifferent eyes, forming a vague formation between each other, guarding the silhouette above the Ice Crystal Throne.

This scene seems solemn, but uncommon military might.

At first glance, people will know the silhouette on the Ice Crystal Throne, how noble the status is, and how noble the status is.

But close to this background, there is someone who looks like an adventurer.

Because it is showing the back, I can’t see what the face looks like.

However, it can be seen that this guy who looks like an adventurer is about to walk towards the silhouette on the Ice Crystal Throne.

But because of the sky full of wind and frost, his movements are a bit stiff.

Moreover, on the road this adventurer is about to walk, if you look carefully, you can find that there are countless corpses under that frozen road.

This scene makes people feel a little chilly.

Finally, at the top of the stand, there is a line of ice blue characters.

"Mortals! Do you dare to challenge the master of Frost?"

This is also the theme of this time's promotional video.

Focus on showing the power of Ice Spirit.

Otherwise, how can I use the Ice Spirit Pet card to deceive Krypton? This is an important source of income.

"I feel a little cold."

Yue Xi'er crossed his hands and rubbed his arms.

This standing card can give people a very shocking feeling at first glance.

But it is not the shock of that kind of big scene, but the majesty and shock of the silhouette on the Ice Crystal Throne.

And if you look closely, you can feel the terrifying and the powerfulness of the silhouette.

The corpses piled up under the frozen road are only faintly visible, and they are even more decorative.

Because no one can tell how many lives were buried under the thick ice.

The artistic conception Qi Le needs is exactly the same.

The owner of Frost should be colder, more majestic, and make people feel the best.

The style of Ice Spirit is different from that of Flame Spirit. When propagating, it focuses more on that kind of majestic aura instead of what a sensational scene.

After all, compared with the dreadful sea of ​​fire of Flame Spirit, the battle scene of Ice Spirit is indeed a bit weaker.

"It's right to be cold."

After Qi Le saw Yue Xi'er's reaction, he was more satisfied with the poster on the stand.

This is what I want.

Because in the promotion, the more powerful the ice spirit is, the more it can attract customers to extract.

"Okay, Qi Le big brother, don't talk about this. You haven't slept all night, so go to bed now."

"Leave it to the store I'll do it."

Yue Xi'er looked away from the stand and said to Qi Le.

Staying up late is not a good habit.

Of course, staying up all night is not a good habit, it is worse than staying up all night.

"Well then, the store will give it to you first."

Qi Le knew that Yue Xi'er was kind, so nodded responded.

Although in the case of Qi Le’s physique, this kind of thing overnight, in fact, simply won’t affect it.

But a good intention can't be dismissed, so Qi Le and Yue Xi'er went upstairs first after explaining a few words.

Anyway, the promotional video Qi Le has been produced.

It took Qi Le all night to do it.

Otherwise, just decorating the shop and making a poster, how could it take an entire night?

As for the promotional video, as long as a customer enters The New World Mode, there will be an automatic prompt.

Of course, it is voluntary to not look at it.

It’s just that if you don’t look at it, the little red dot that is automatically prompted will never disappear. It can be called an excellent way to kill OCD.

Although Qi Le does not know whether there is any obsessive-compulsive disorder in this world of Battle Qi and magic.

But as far as this small method is concerned, it is still very effective.

After all, there has always been a little red dot dangling in front of my eyes, which is also a kind of interference for copying.

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