I waited so long before I got a new pet card.

didn't expect it was another SR-class pet card. This is simply the most popular product among the rewards this time.

You must know that the heat of the previous SR-level pet card-Flame Spirit, hasn't gone down yet.

The power of Heroic Rank realm will never be outdated.

Even if you return to Ancient Era, the Heroic Rank powerhouse can't be called Peak power, which can be regarded as the mainstay.

That's why Qi Le is so pleasantly surprised.

Because of a high-quality new pet card, the turnover it can bring can definitely exceed ten new weapons.

After all, those weapons are still not suitable for matching.

But pet card is not needed!

As long as you are lucky enough to be able to draw, then the powerful power possessed by the pet card will be yours.

Because pet cards are versatile!

A brand new SR-class pet card can definitely increase the store's turnover on the spot.

"This time I'm going to make another fortune."

Qi Le couldn't help rubbing his hands, calmed his mood, and then clicked on the ice spirit. Details.

Unlike the previous flame spirit, the ice spirit’s pattern shows that there is a physical presence of the ice spirit.

But this is probably also a matter of as it should be by rights.

Because ice cubes are inherently physical.

It's just the appearance of Ice Spirit. Although it has a human form, it looks like a small child, and the expression on his face is like ice.

The eyes are also extremely cold, and at first glance, there is a feeling of rejection from beyond a thousand li.

Pet Card (SR): Ice Spirit

Main attribute: Agility, Spirit, Magic Reserve

Number of Awakenings: Zero

Skill: None

Positioning: Elemental Spirit, Favor of Ice Element, Special Skill Mechanism, Frost Servant, Frost Heart.

There are a lot of positioning tags that make Qi Le seem understandable.

After thinking about it for a while and determined that he shouldn't understand it, Qi Le called system in his mind.

"system, do me a favor, and introduce the meaning of these positioning tags."

If you have any questions, please find system.

This is a very reasonable sentence that Qi Le recognizes. After all, in some cases, system is really a know-how.

system: "Host, you really should study hard."

"Can you not say this at this time, it will really make me learn Do you know the idea?"

Qi Le said quite perfunctorily.

"Now, let me introduce these positioning tags to me first, can you?"

system "OK......"

Although system usually likes to catch I mocked Qi Le when I got the chance, but when introducing the product, this guy was still unambiguous

system: "The spirit of ice is the spirit of the elements, and he is born with perfect ice element affinity."

system: "The ice spirit is blessed by the ice element, immune to all Ice Attribute damage, and when the ice attribute magic is released, the formidable power will be greatly improved."

system: "Although the ice spirit has entities, after entering the battle, it will automatically condense ice elements, and summon will produce frost servants to protect themselves."

system: "the battle strength of frost servants , Will change with the strength of the Ice Spirit, and will not disappear before the Ice Spirit is dead."

system: "Ice Spirit has a special skill mechanism, no need to deliberately learn any magic , Because the ice spirit will automatically learn all the ice attribute magics you have seen."

Qi Le, who had been prepared for a long time, survived this series of prompts.

Then I reacted a little, and the first thought that came to my mind was...

"Are all SR pet cards so strong?"

Before The first SR-class pet card, the Spirit of Flame, possesses a powerful force that is definitely fresh in Qi Le's memory.

The destructive power of flame terrifying is vividly and thoroughly embodied in the spirit of flame.

But this second SR-level pet card, the power possessed by the Ice Spirit, is also not lost to the Flame Spirit.

However, the power of Ice Spirit is not reflected in destructive power.

It is reflected in the powerful battle strength.

Needless to say, the perfect ice element affinity possessed by the elemental spirit and immunity to ice elemental attacks.

As a lifeform condensed by the ice element, if you don't even have these, then it doesn't deserve to be called the spirit of the element.

And the special skill mechanism after that is the same.

Based on the ice spirit’s understanding of ice elements, as long as you read the ice attribute magic once, you can definitely copy it 100%, and with its own bonus, maybe the formidable power will be even more. Big.

However, these are characteristics possessed by the Spirit of Flame.

So for the second time, although it is still as strong as ever, it does not have the strange feeling of at first.

However, this is not a point that Qi Le particularly values.

What Qi Le really values ​​is the Frost Servant possessed by the Ice Spirit, which is the manifestation of the powerful battle strength of the Ice Spirit.

It is this positioning tag that reminds Qi Le of a guy.

It is the Variation Beast of the ice crystal.

Because of the immortal nature of the Frost Servant, it is very similar to the Frost Guard from Variation Beast summon.

As long as the Ice Spirit is not killed, then the Frost Servant will continue to absorb the ice element to repair its own injuries. There is no such thing as a war death.

And the most important point is the battle strength of the Frost Servant.

Unlike the ice guard of Variation Beast of Ice Crystal, the battle strength of Frost Servant will increase with the strength of Ice Spirit.

This is the source of the powerful power of the Ice Spirit.

Because of ice attribute magic, destructive power is not the main feature, control is the greatest strength.

Therefore, unlike the Flame Spirit, among the main attributes of the Ice Spirit, in addition to agility and spirit, the remaining one is the reserve of magic power.

It is not magic formidable power.

This is because the positioning of Ice Spirit itself is not an output pet.

The true battle strength of the Ice Spirit comes from the Frost Servant, and the Ice Spirit itself only hides behind and fights to assist.

But this is enough.

To be honest, Qi Le, the frost guard that came out of the summon of the Ice Crystal Variation Beast, is still vivid and fresh in my memory.

And this is also the capital of the Ice Crystal Variation Beast by the strength of oneself, against the four hidden Aristocratic families.

From this point, it can be seen that the Ice Spirit, which has a Frost Servant stronger than the Frost Guard, is definitely not weaker than the Flame Spirit in terms of battle strength.

Even in addition to the point of destructive power, there is still something wrong.

"Okay! I thought about it!"

Qi Le marveled at the power of the ice spirit, while thinking about the idea of ​​the promotional film in his mind.

Then he slammed his palm.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1858: Ice Spirit)...

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