"Yes, yes, I know you are the best."

Qi Le casually said.

Anyway, the system has been damaged enough in normal times. It’s okay to boast occasionally when the system is doing business.

"Since it has been repaired, show it to me."

After finishing the exercise, Qi Le went on to say in his mind.

To be honest, Qi Le has no confidence in the things he brought back this time.

After all, compared with the holy light ball of the last time, Qi Le can't think of any use for this object that looks like a cage.

So I decided to take it out and have a look.

After system restoration, the small cage brought back from the Fairy Demon Battlefield has also become a little better.

A round, thick base on which stands dozens of fences made of unknown materials.

On the fence, there are also some fierce-looking Variation Beasts with face looks sinister, which looks quite awe-inspiring.

And above the fence is the top of the cage.

It's just that compared to the thick base, the top of the cage is much thinner, which makes the shape of the cage look quite weird.

"Cage...what kind of talent can create this thing as a weapon? What use is it?"

Qi Le scratched the back of his head, vomiting, While opening the Store Manager background.

The information about the small cage in his hand immediately flooded Qi Le's mind.

Demon's Colosseum (Epic special item): Select a target and force it into the battle with the owner of the Colosseum. Secondary Skill: Deathmatch, invitation to the devil, eternal fall dark.

Death fight: The battle in the Colosseum must be divided into birth and death before it ends, and before the end of the battle, all external forces cannot interfere in the battle in the Colosseum.

Invitation letter from the devil: After entering the Colosseum, the owner of the Colosseum will be blessed with the power of the devil and directly steal 30% of the opponent's power.

Eternal Fall to Darkness: Demons will devour the souls of losers in the Colosseum, and transform them into power through the Colosseum, which will be fed back to the owner of the Colosseum.

Friendly reminder: Accepting the power of the devil means signing a contract with the devil. The devil does not allow his allies to fail, so please do what you can.

Limitation of use: Anyone who is willing to sign a contract with the devil.

"Hi...this cage is really not a weapon."

Qi Le stared at the cage in his hand dumbfounded...No, it should be called the Demon's Colosseum now. .

Although it is an epic special item, it gives Qi Le the feeling that it is more shocking than an epic weapon.

It can be described in one word, that is: the necessary item for the king of heads-up.

The three skills attached to the demon's arena are all prepared for heads-up, and they are also closely linked with one another.

In short, to put it in the simplest terms, as long as the enemy is drawn into the Colosseum, either you will die or I will die.

"Today I just want to be killed by everyone, or, everyone..."

Qi Le thought of this sentence suddenly.

And I always feel a little familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

However, this is not the most critical.

Deathmatch is just the first skill possessed by the Demon's Colosseum.

And the really powerful ones are the next two skills, the invitation of the devil, and the Eternal Fall in Darkness.

The invitation letter of the devil can directly steal 30% of the enemy’s power, and then bless it on the owner of the Colosseum to ensure the balance of the battle and maximize the preference for the Colosseum The owner.

And eternal fall in the darkness, it is to ensure that the owner of the Colosseum can become stronger and stronger in the battle, with the key skills of fighting.

It can be said that although the special item of the Demon's Colosseum is not a weapon, it is better than most weapons in terms of improving battle strength.

It’s just that the last friendship reminder is a bit irritating.

"The devil does not allow his allies to fail..."

Qi Le looked at this sentence for a long time before realizing the meaning.

That is the owner of the Colosseum who is a devil. Once you sign a contract with the devil, as long as you lose in battle, no matter whether you live or die, your soul will be swallowed by the devil.

Eternal Fall to Darkness is not a skill specifically aimed at enemies.

It will also backlash the owner of the Demon's Colosseum.

"Is this the difference between Immortal Artifact and Demonic Artifact."

Qi Le suddenly remembered the giant beast he saw in the battlefield of the fairy and demon. From the outside, There seems to be no fatal injuries.

And the devil's Colosseum was pulled out from the claws of that giant beast.

Originally, Qi Le was still wondering, how could this kind of monster not even be fatally wounded, and fell into the fairy battlefield.

Now that I think about it, that guy may have been defeated in the battle, so the soul was directly swallowed by the devil, and there was no fatal injury.

Thinking of this, Qi Le was shocked in his heart, and he felt cold behind his back.

Demonic Artifact, no wonder it is called Demonic Artifact.

Although the power provided is extremely powerful, the price to be paid is also expensive.

Who can guarantee that he will not lose for the rest of his life?

No wonder the restrictions on the use of the Devil’s Colosseum are so strange. Anyone can become the owner of the Devil’s Colosseum as long as they are willing to sign a contract with the devil.

It turns out that this is only a superficial limitation.

However, the real limitation of the use of the Devil's Colosseum should actually be: never lose!

"Forget it, forget it, I can't afford it, I'll bother you."

Qi Le put away the devil's Colosseum without saying a word .

The condition of never defeating is too harsh.

You must know that there is always someone stronger. People who dare to say that they will never lose, either have never seen the world or are too arrogant.

True powerhouse, never afraid of failure, but never say that he will not fail.

Find your own weakness from failure, and then continue to surpass yourself.

This is what a powerhouse should have.

Qi Le is able to possess the current strength, that is, from countless failures, constantly surpassing and perfecting himself.

Therefore, Qi Le chose to stay away from the devil's Colosseum.

So, although the two new products tonight are good things.

But Qi Le always feels a little melancholy.

"What is the reason for this......"


North mountain range, Tianyuan.

Since the destruction of Nightmare Demon Race, Tianyuan has been quiet for a long time.

But just tonight, the silence was broken.

The space wall barrier that lay across the sky was suddenly torn out a huge opening, and the dark space turbulence seemed to swallow all the light in.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1828: Demon's Colosseum)...

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