Dragon Envoy rank inheritance scroll exclusive skills, although there are a few restrictions.

But in terms of strength, it is much stronger than the exclusive skills that come with the Shadow Hunter rank inheritance scroll.

The effect of the Dragon Dragon skill, the superposition of power and the connection of mind, should not be said more.

That almost doubled the power of the Dragon Envoy and the combat partner.

As for the skill of dragon power, it is even more powerful. The dragon can directly increase the power equivalent to the combat partner. What is the concept?

That is the power doubled again.

Just looking at the description of this skill is already quite horrible.

However, Qi Le knows that system's description of these skills is actually quite implicit.

The real effect should exceed the description of the skill itself.

Although the battle partner must have Dragon Clan Bloodlines is restricted, this does not affect the strength of the dragon envoy rank inheritance scroll.

And Qi Le can fully understand this limitation.

If the combat partners who signed the contract are not Dragon Race, how can they be called a Dragon Race?

"The rank inheritance scroll at this time really didn't disappoint me. Is the incantion that I read before is actually effective?"

Qi Le nodded and thought to himself in his heart. .

But guessing belongs to guessing. Qi Le still has self-knowledge. Incantation this thing is probably a psychological comfort.

So, there is only one answer left, and that is tonight's luck is particularly good.

Qi Le clapped his hands and said in his heart: It must be like this.

"Then I have to win and pursue."

Qi Le thought to himself, and then said: "system, what is the price of the inheritance scroll of the Imperial Dragon Envoy? " system:" after the identification of this system, the purchase of the dragon and rank inheritance reel, you need to forty Rank Magic Core Grandmaster. " this price, compared to the previous For the Shadow Hunter rank inheritance scroll, it doubled directly.

However, to be fair, the Dragon Envoy rank inheritance scroll is more than twice as powerful as the Shadow Hunter rank inheritance scroll.

At least as far as the skill description is concerned, there is no doubt that the Dragon Envoy inheritance scroll will definitely win.

"A fair price."

Qi Le agreed with nodded, and even thought it was a bit cheap.

It’s just a pity that the dragon envoy rank inheritance scroll always has a limitation, that is, you must have a combat partner in order to exert the full power of the dragon envoy.

This is probably the only shortcoming of the Dragon Envoy rank inheritance scroll.

However, the shortcomings can always be remedied, and this is not what Qi Le should be concerned about.

Anyway, Qi Le will not use these rank inheritance scrolls.

"Taking advantage of the good luck tonight, I have to go to the Fairy Demon Battlefield again, maybe I can pick up good things."

Qi Le wanted to pursue the victory, That's it.

Picking up Immortal Artifact and Demonic Artifact on the battlefield of immortals, it takes quite a bit of luck.

Maybe a shake of your hand or a bad idea can turn a peerless Immortal Artifact into rubbish.

Of course, although it is rubbish, it is only relatively speaking.

The Immortal Artifact and Demonic Artifact that can be found in the fairy tale battlefield, as long as they are not completely broken, they can be called treasures.

"System, help me open the way to the fairy and magic battlefield. I have to hurry up and buy some goods before my good luck disappears."

Qi Le said gearing up. .

system: "Understand, the host, please be prepared, the fairy and magic battlefield will be opened immediately!"

Tone barely fell, Qi Le appeared in front of Qi Le and was completely converged by rays of light成的 Channel Port.

Qi Le, who had an experience once, walked in without hesitation.

The mighty Great Desolate aura, when Qi Le came to the battlefield of the fairy and devil, it rushed like mountains and seas, oppressing Qi Le's body.

Fortunately, Qi Le had been prepared a long time ago, so he didn't feel particularly uncomfortable.

This Great Desolate aura resembling the existence of Ancient Times, as if eternal, entrenched in this battlefield of immortals and demons.

Every creature that comes to the battlefield of fairy and demon is treated equally.

"Although I am ready, this vast and boundless breath is still amazing."

Qi Le took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh.

In the distance, the remains of the fallen fairy demon are exactly the same as when Qi Le entered the fairy demon battlefield last time, without the slightest change.

the ebbing of time, there is no way to decay these remnants.

The so-called life as long as heaven is probably the case, which is really amazing.

But these things have nothing to do with Qi Le. Under normal circumstances, life as long as heaven should not appear in Qi Le.

Even this piece of fairy and magic battlefield, Qi Le can't stay for long.

So the purchase is more important.

After the last lesson, Qi Le will not spend a little time on the battlefield of sighing fairy and devil, but began to look for those Immortal Artifacts that are not so badly damaged.

However, there are indeed many Immortal Artifacts and Demonic Artifacts that have been left behind in the battlefield of immortals.

However, it is indeed quite difficult to find a few of them that are not severely damaged.

After all, there is really something good, and it probably won't be left to Qi Le to pick it up.

So when the system prompts came out, Qi Le only found something that looked like a small cage in the claws of a grotesquely shaped giant beast.

Although the shape is a bit weird, the damage is the lightest.

"That's it, system checks out, and then send me back."

Qi Le raised the cage in his hand and called in his head.

If you don't go back, I'm afraid you will be eroded by the death in the fairy and demon battlefield, and then become a wreck inside.

Fortunately, the system's actions were quite fast, and Qi Le appeared in the store before the voice was over.

The cage in his hand was also taken away by the system, and it should be repaired.

"A trip to the battlefield of the fairy and the devil is really harder than a battle."

Qi Le began to stretch his muscles while waiting.

Although there is no cooling time limit for entering the Fairy Demon Battlefield, there are hard requirements on physique.

If you can't hold the lifeless spirit in the battlefield of the fairy and devil, don't mention the purchase. It's a blessing not to put yourself in it.

So Qi Le didn't plan to go in again in a short time.

system: "Host, you are not arrogant or impatient at this time, why are you still idle and started doing gymnastics?"

After a short while, the voice of system rang stand up.

Qi Le slightly startled, but the movement on his hands did not stop. Instead, he moved his body while asking: "You appeared so early. Could it be that things have been repaired?"


system: "Of course, with the capabilities of this system, this kind of thing is not have the words at hand yet."

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