Under this violent force, even the ground far away from the sky was not immune.

In an instant, the city wall of Far Mountain City was crushed by this air wave and turned into a piece of rock dust.

Almost no one can escape alive.

At this moment, whether it is the cultivator of the Casting Palace or the clansman of Bujia, it is the same situation. Under this violent force, it is the fish on the chopping board.

There is no resistance at all.

"pu ——!"

A mouthful of blood, sprayed out of Qi Le's mouth.

Qi Le, who was previously seriously injured, now only feels all over his body, and there is no place where it doesn't hurt.

The internal organs are more like fire like, with unbearable pain constantly coming out.

"If I hadn't been attacked by that damn forging god's sneak attack, it might really last a while."

Qi Le, who was holding his heart, panted hard.

Qi Le has tried his best with the blow just now, but he still lost to Duan Wenxin's attack.

The powerhouse-level power is indeed unmatched.

But the sneak attack of the god of forging is the most deadly place, which greatly limits the play of Qi Le battle strength.

"You do have several points of ability, but that's it."

Duan Wenxin looked at Qi Le and said proudly.

Just in Duan Wenxin's gaze, she was somewhat fierce and unabashedly killing intent.

Since you dare to offend the Temple of Casting, and dare to insult the God of Forging, you must use your life to atone for your sins to warn the people of the world that the Temple of Casting should not be insulted!

The god of forging must not be insulted!

"If there is a master, there must be a servant. This arrogant and domineering man is really of common origins."

Qi Le took a deep breath and endured the pain, Speaking aloud.

Although before the battle, Qi Le didn't speak morality, and didn't leave any affection.

However, Qi Le still rarely does something like sneak attack.

Even more how is still a sneak attack A person who is so much weaker than himself is really shameless.

It’s just that the winner is the king, loser is the villain, Qi Le won’t say anything, just in the heart secretly vigilant to prevent himself from being sneak attacked next time.

The enemy, you have to guard against his various methods.

"You probably only have a hard mouth now."

Duan Wenxin hearing this, first sneered, and then said with contempt on his face: "Don't worry, since you dare Insult the god of forging, then you are doomed to not die easily."

"I will crush your bones one by one before you die ! Then look at you A painful struggle!"

"I will let you know what will happen to offending the Temple of Casting!"

At the end, Duan Wenxin's face is already full of violence The look, the look in the eyes looking towards Qi Le, also seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"If you can do it, then you can give it a try."

Qi Le slowly adjusted his breathing, then slowly raised his hand The long knife inside pointed diagonally at Duan Wenxin.

Even if he is seriously injured, he is fearless.

Fight if you want!

"If you have the courage, then you will die in the painful struggle."

Duan Wenxin didn't say much anymore, his arms opened, Battle Qi inside his body suddenly Broke out.

The majesty of the momentum, the majestic coercion, even this world is discolored.

"Huh... this power really terrifying."

Qi Le took a deep breath slowly.

Even if I once had a power that was stronger than the current Duan Wenxin, I don’t know how many times it is, but Qi Le’s real realm is still Heroic Rank.

The borrowed power will not last long after all.

And now I don’t even have to borrow, I can only hold on myself.

However, when Qi Le was thinking about how to hold on, the voice of system suddenly appeared in his mind.

system: "Host, after the unremitting efforts of this system, this system finally wakes up the treasure."

"The treasure?"

Qi Le, who is about to give it a go, hearing this is just a glimpse.

But soon, Qi Le's face showed a suddenly realized look, and he slapped his forehead sharply.

"Yes, I still have the ultimate weapon of Zhubao here. Why did I forget it before? It was a mistake when I was nervous."

The system talked with Zhubao before. After completing the conditions, Zhubao fell into a deep sleep.

Over time, Qi Le almost forgot the existence of forged treasures.

Now when I was reminded by system, I suddenly remembered.

The will of Heaven and Earth of this World is in our hands, and we are afraid of the outsider, the God of Forging?

"Hey, it's you, this time I woke me up, but is there something urgent?"

The proud voice of Zhubao also appeared in Qi Le's mind. in.

But this arrogant one has capital.

As the will of Heaven and Earth, wanting to be approachable is basically impossible.

Heaven and Earth are ruthless, so that they can treat everything equally, and will not deliberately favor one side.

However, there is still a long way to go from this realm.

"Of course there is something urgent," Qi Le replied immediately after hearing the voice of Casting Treasure, "Look at this person in front of me first."

"en ?Who is he?"

After a while, the voice of casting treasure sounded again.

"It doesn't matter who he is. What is important is that this guy not only competes with you for the strength of Faith, but also seizes the Heaven and Earth luck that should have belonged to you."

"I wanted to ask him to get justice for you, but my strength is not good."

Qi Le said that, the expression on his face changed, and he suddenly turned into tears of sorrow.

The high acting skills can be described as Major Perfection.

system: "Host, awesome!"

"Of course, you can allow Duan Wenxin to be a person. Can't I be a person?"

Qi Le silently responded to system's compliment in his heart.

But on the surface, it is still sad, as if resenting his lack of strength.

"What?! There is such a thing!"

As Qi Le didn't expect, he tone barely fell and Zhubao's temper came up.

"Doesn't this put me in my eyes!"

How arrogant is like casting treasure, how can you be willing to give up your own things to others.

Especially Heaven and Earth Luck, which is a continuous casting treasure, doesn’t have much of its own, so it’s even more precious.

And in Duan Wen's heart, he does have Heaven and Earth luck.

So what Qi Le said became a fact in Zhubao's eyes.

"You did a good job, it doesn't matter if your strength is not good, I will write down the credit for you first, and leave the next thing to me."

After the anger is over , Do not forget to comfort Qi Le.

Then I talked about it all.

system: "Host, it seems that this kind of thing, this system still has to ask you a lot of advice."

"The words are heavy, the words are heavy."

Qi Le listened to system's compliment, and he was extremely proud of it.

Fudge a new-born Heaven and Earth will, that is not a matter of have the words at hand.

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