As for the others, they are thieves under the guise of orthodoxy.

And compared with the will of Heaven and Earth in this world, this forging god is more of an outsider among outsiders, and Qi Le hasn't come close yet.

And Qi Le also suspected that the will of the previous Heaven and Earth might have been done by the God of Forging.

Then Qi Le snatched the strength of Faith from the hand of the forging god, and it was even more at ease.

For nothing else, just to avenge the will of the previous Heaven and Earth.

even more how, the incumbent Heaven and Earth will of this world of forging treasures is still in Qi Le's body now, and bloodline cannot be a hundred times purer than the god of forging.

So the one who should be scolded has to be scolded.

And it's not just cursing, when realm goes up in the future, and the strength is enough, Qi Le has to go to the god of forging to talk about it.

Teach him what is etiquette, what is rules, and what is freedom of belief.

But these all are things in the future, now the most important thing is to deal with the immediate problems.

Duan Wenxin was about to fall into a state of rampage at the moment because of hearing Qi Le's scolding against the God of Forging.

"Dare to insult the god of forging, Qi Le, you will definitely die today!"

Duan Wenxin shouted out loudly, then raised his hand.

The tyrannical force swept in, like an overwhelming wave, and moved towards Qi Le and slapped away.

Suddenly, the surrounding space erupted with violent shocks, and then cracks continued to surface, and then burst into pieces.

The power of terror, like an ominous beast.

The strong and unparalleled evil spirit is flooded in this world, making everyone who feel this evil spirit feel cold all over their body.

The power of the powerhouse level is definitely not something Heroic Rank can mention on equal terms.

This is especially true when Duan Wenxin does not fully control this power at all.

Because those powerhouse-level abilities that have completely controlled their own power, they will not easily do such a waste of their own power.

Although the energy escaping from the powerhouse-class power in battle is enough to cause huge damage.

But attacks like Duan Wenxin that do not consider waste at all are still rare.

"This power... is the military leader of the temple! It is the power of the military leader of the temple!"

"With such a powerful force, our Casting Palace is indeed favored by the God of Forging Place."

"The Palace of Castings will win! I hope to follow the Military leader of the Palace forever!"

"The Palace of Castings will be forever! It belongs to lower-class people, and I wish forever. Follow the Military leader in the Palace!"

After feeling the evil spirit bursting out from Duan Wenxin, the cultivators in the Palace of Casting became excited.

The power of tyranny is what everyone desires.

But not everyone has this kind of aptitude and can gain tyrannical power.

So at this time, the desire will begin to change, into joining a powerful force, following a true powerhouse.

Most of the cultivators who join the Temple of Casting have this idea.

Therefore, the stronger the strength of Duan Wenxin and the higher the realm, the happier and more confident they are.

After all, when your own strength is weak, who doesn't want to follow a good big brother.

However, this situation is not very friendly to Bu's family.

The terrifying suffocation that seemed to choose people to eat, shocked the clansman of Bujia all face deathly pale, his legs were soft, and his body trembled.

This is the coercion from the powerhouse-class power, simply not something that willpower can resist.

With very terrifying power, such a tyrannical power, does Bu Jia really have any hope of winning..."

"Hold it up, must hold it up!" Even if it's dead, you can't shame Bu's family! " " But really win it ...... the face of such terrifying power ...... " " even if it is lost, but also lose a man of character! " Although it is a step family clansman dismal gloom, but in the end did not bow. face of terrifying power, trembling is a normal reaction. but Carrying their responsibilities, and the backbone given to them after the rise of the Bu family, the clansman of the Bu family is not afraid even if his legs are weak.

"I believe in Qi Young Master, this battle , Bu Jia will not lose! " sitting in the library of step Yuyan, even pale, did not reveal the slightest look of panic. By this time, the house was cast and step family fought killed and mean much. because the outcome of this battle, at the moment has been completely placed on the heart and Qi Le ask segment of the battle. as long as the sky The battle in, will be the winner, and the battle below will be over.

"System, don't you really help to figure out a solution? I might really be dying this time!" " Qi Le blankly looking at heart attacks and rapid section to ask, placid on the surface, in fact, has long been the heart shouted broken throat. No way, the gap in hard power still has to be made up by the power of the system.

Skipping grades to battle may be Qi Le’s specialty, but death is not.

system : "Host, wait a moment, this system is helping you figure out a solution. "

It may be that the situation is urgent, so the system didn't say any nonsense, but the action is not very fast.

"Okay... Let me try my best to hold on. " got a reply of Qi Le, in the heart quite helpless to respond. only to have nearly immediate attack, may not have time to continue Qi Le frustrating.

"The storm gathers! " only to hear the shout out loudly, Qi Le hands of the Nine-Section Whip has been based for a long knife. Battle Qi cohesion over the long knife, like a The eye of the storm is normal. In just a moment, a circle of the storm layer visible by the naked eye gathered around Qi Le.

Then Qi Le raised his hand and shot the knife.

"Split the air! " storm of wind, storms such as tornadoes general, tearing away forward. huge momentum attracted Heaven and Earth shock, the mere mention of the situation. Even the earth was torn to pieces by the escaping wind, and the rising gravel was caught in the storm, just like ice being thrown into the hot water, quickly melting.

"put up a desperate struggle, ignore. "

Duan Wenxin saw that Qi Le even dared to fight back, he couldn't help but sneered.

"How do you know if you don't try it? Compared to blind defense, I think offense is The most suitable choice for me. "

Qi Le corner of the mouth raise, not caring about Duan Wenxin’s sneer.

Suddenly gaining a strong power will indeed affect a person’s temperament, especially in this This is especially true when the person himself is proud and arrogant.

"Boom...Boom----! " both attacks collide together, first issued a loud cry resounded through the sky. Then, like a burst of thunderous voice.

The two majestic forces collided with each other, shattering the space and tearing the sky apart.

A ring of air surged out like a real wave, and then quickly spread out. Crack the void along the way.

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