If Qi Le did not intervene, then Zi Yun would definitely not escape the claws of the casting hall, and the casting jade plate would definitely fall into the hands of the casting hall .

Then there won't be so many things behind.

It’s just a pity that there are some things that are right in time and place. It’s just such a coincidence.

At the beginning, Bu Yuyan was absolutely impossible to think that one day the Bu family would be able to compete with the Temple of Casting.

However, I just got to this step.

"Yeah, you are right, time does not wait for me, life, nor for me."

After Duan Wenxin heard Qi Le’s words, put out a long breath, It seems that I want to vomit the anger in my heart.

Although it seems, it may not have been completely successful.

But Duan Wenxin still seemed calmer.

"So, I just wanted to tell you today that time and fate are no match for true strength!"

After Duan Wenxin finished speaking, he waved his hands.

In an instant, a vast and unparalleled coercion burst out from Duan Wenxin's body, rushing into the sky.

I tore the clouds around me in an instant.

The pressure that enveloped the entire Far Mountain City just now was really released by this guy!

Heroic Rank Peak, really is not weak.

I previously said that I could be ranked in the casting hall, and maybe I underestimated Duan Wenxin's strength.

This vast coercion, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one in the Palace of Casting.

"True strength."

Qi Le narrowed his eyes slightly, then sneered, and also burst out a majestic ocean-like imposing manner.

The solid and Duan Wenxin's coercion collided together.

The imposing manner and coercion may be invisible.

But the waves of air caused by this collision are tangible.

"hong long long ——!"

The rumbling sound like thunder resounded through this world.

A circle of air waves quickly spread outward, crushing the space passing by.

The violent impact spread outwards, even the earth far away from the sky was shattered by this air wave, and countless rubbles flew up.

"It's really not a very solid space."

Qi Le glanced at the shattered void around him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The stronger the power that Heaven and Earth can carry, the stronger the space will be.

In the space of this world, even the battle between two Heroic Rank Peak powerhouses can be shattered. It is enough to see that the power level of this world is really not that strong.

You must know that even if Qi Le tried his best in the battlefield of fairy and devil, he might not be able to shake out a crack in the space there.

It's just a pity that Heaven and Earth, with such a high level of power, turned into a dead zone in the end.

I can only say that Qi Le's current strength is still far from those immortals.

However, be that as it may.

But compared with Duan Wenxin, Qi Le is not bad at all.

The realm of Heroic Rank Peak, in front of Qi Le, is really not enough.

If it weren't for the great cause of the Casting Palace, even if Duan Wenxin was removed, Qi Le would not be able to take over the Casting Palace in its entirety.

Qi Le will not wait until this time.

You know, step by step pulls the casting hall into consigned to eternal damnation rather than laying out slowly.

A battle that is not too difficult, but it is much easier.

Qi Le had to wait until now just to accomplish his own purpose.

It's just that Duan Wenxin came to the door personally, Qi Le really didn't think about it.

After all, in Qi Le's view, Duan Wenxin, who is the current Palace Lord of the Temple of Casting, should still not do things that are dangerous.

On this point, Qi Le really guessed wrong.

Because Qi Le forgot to include Duan Wenxin's strength, and also forgot to include Duan Wenxin's confidence in his own strength.

To be honest, if you have great confidence in your own strength.

Then it is indeed a good choice to crush the enemy yourself.

Especially for Duan Wenxin, who is accustomed to domineering, it is almost a good opportunity that cannot be missed.

That's why the situation now appears.

As the current Palace Lord of the Temple of Casting, he participated in the battle personally, which boosted morale and at the same time vented his own anger.

The root of everything comes from Duan Wenxin's confidence in his own strength.

It can even be said to be arrogant.

"You really are the powerhouse hidden in Bu's house!"

Duan Wenxin noticed that Qi Le was facing in an imposing manner and did not lose the wind at all. Suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Heroic Rank peak realm, in this World, it is quite rare.

Where did the guy in front of you emerge from?

"But I really don't understand, what exactly is the Bu family worthy of your protection? As far as I know, not long ago, Bu family was just a little-known force that's all. " Qi Le however compared to the strength of the heart more puzzling paragraph asked, but it is Qi Le behavior.

It is unreasonable for a cultivator with such a powerful force to protect such a weak force.

After all, at Heroic Rank Peak this realm, the so-called profitability is just a joke.

When it comes to this realm, status and resources are all things at your fingertips.

That's why Qi Le's behavior is so strange.

"I just do what I want, and I'm picking things up. It seems that it has always been your casting hall, right."

Qi Le tilted his head and said with a sneer .

In fact, the source of the conflict between the two lies in who belongs to the cast jade plate.

Relying on its own strength, the Palace of Castings arbitrarily wants to own the casting jade plate.

Then Qi Le certainly won't let the treasures he got in hand, so the source of the conflict between the two sides appeared.

In this case, unless one of the parties gave up the jade plate.

Otherwise, this conflict cannot be adjusted.

However, it is possible for Qi Le to give up such things as casting jade plates, or for the temple of castings?

The answer is obvious, the probability is not great.

So, what should we do if both parties do not give up?

Then just hit it.

If one of the parties is completely wiped out, there will be no conflicts.

That's why Qi Le is like now, step by step cannibalize the casting hall to such a situation.

"Is it our founding temple that is picking up things?"

When Duan Wenxin heard Qi Le's words, his brows suddenly jumped, and then there was a stunned look on his face. Staring at Qi Le, clenching one's teeth and said: "The casting jade plate is in your hands!"

"It seems that you are not too stupid."

Qi Le Indifferent expression replied.

It's all about it. If Duan Wenxin still can't understand the meaning of Qi Le's words, then the Palace Lord of the Palace of Casting is nothing.

"Then putting it that way, Bujia, you actually supported it with one hand?"

Duan Wenxin ignored Qi Le's answer, but stared at Qi firmly Le, gnashing teeth asked.

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