And resources and logistics are the advantages of Bujia .

You must know that the main force of the Casting Palace into this battle is the cultivator of the Grandmaster Rank realm.

But the main force of the Bu family is the battle-type mecha, the city defense launch tube that cooperates with each other, and the destruction version launch tube.

Under the same consumption rate.

Those weapons provided by Qi Le, as long as Gold Coin is sufficient, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are endless.

But can the power of the Temple of Casting be endless?

Obviously, this is impossible.

Even if the founding temple has a strong foundation, it is impossible to set up the vending point mention on equal terms with Qi Le.

If you use finite to fight against infinity, you will lose.

But be that as it may, but if Bu Jia really wants to win, it will take a long time.

That is, the time used to exhaust the inner memory of the Forge Temple.

How long it will take, Qi Le is not easy to guess, after all, Qi Le is not clear about the foundation of the Temple of Casting.

"If the stalemate continues, the Bu family will naturally not be afraid."

"I'm afraid that there is no hole card in the Forge Palace."

Bu Yuyan nodded, agreed with Qi Le's words, and then expressed his worries.

The longer the existence of the forces, the more attention must be paid to their hole cards.

After all, they can exist for so long, but it's not without reason.

"Even if they have the hole cards, they are most likely to be used in Far Mountain City, not elsewhere."

Qi Le waved his hand to signal Bu Yuyan to feel relieved.

It is good to be alert to the enemy, but it is not necessary to be afraid of the enemy.


But at this moment, the earth shook abruptly, and a loud and deafening noise also passed into the distant mountain city and Qi Le and Bu Yuyan's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a vast and vast coercion enveloped the Far Mountain City.

Jingdebu Yuyan complexion slightly changed.

"Unsurprisingly, it really came."

Qi Le immediately raised his head when he heard the sound, and looked towards the outside of Yuanshan City.

While speaking, Qi Le also released his imposing manner, swept back the coercion that enveloped the distant mountain city.

This coercive force may be a powerful force in the Palace of Casting.

But Qi Le doesn't want to accept this kind of disagreement.

"Who's here?"

Bu Yuyan's slightly changed face quickly returned to calm, and then asked a little puzzled.

"Probably the hole card of the Temple of Casting."

Qi Le answered vaguely, then stood up sharply, and then said: "You are here Sit here, take good command of the battle, I will go and see who is here."

"Well, I understand."

Bu Yuyan solemnly nodded, answered To.

For Qi Le, Bu Yuyan always has some blind trust, so she will not ask Qi Le what to do.

Even if the vast coercion that envelopes the Far Mountain City is indeed a bit shocking, but Bu Yuyan believes in Qi Le, it must be no problem.


As long as it is within the scope of perception, using the power of the empty boots, Qi Le can reach it instantly no matter where it is.

So Qi Le simply appeared in the sky above Yuanshan City without thinking too much.

Here is the position captured by the perception.

The source of that vast coercion.

An old man with white beard and hair standing still in the void, his eyes closed, his face calm, as if he was and the others.

About the appearance of Qi Le, the old man slowly opened his eyes.

"You are Bu's trump card, the powerhouse guarding Bu Yuyan?"

The old man looked at Qi Le and asked with his eyebrows.

"Your statement is a bit biased, but to be precise, I am indeed Bu's card."

Qi Le did not completely deny this old man's statement.

And while saying this, Qi Le also glanced down. The cultivators belonging to the Temple of Casting are gathering continuously, preparing to attack the distant mountain city.

"You are only now attacking Far Mountain City. Are you fully prepared?"

Qi Le couldn't help but smile.

Although Qi Le wants to look at this old man here, there is still Zi Yun sitting in the distant mountain city.

What is the battle strength of the Zidian Lingjiao? It goes without saying.

At least before three Heroic Rank powerhouses can take a shot, Zi Yun can still hold it.

"Perfect preparation?"

A calm smile appeared on the old man's face, and then he stared at Qi Le and said aloud: "I believe you understand, below The battle is just a preparation that's all in order to receive the opponent's territory and resources."

"It is us who really decides the outcome of this battle, isn't it?"

The old man asked a question back, but the answer was already ready to come out.

Peak’s battle strength is used to determine the outcome, while the people below are used to digest spoils of war.

Very clear and reasonable division of labor.

"That's right, if that's the case, then I think, I already know who you are."

Qi Le is still laughing and looking at the old man in front of him, then his tone Changed, and talked about it word by word.

"The incumbent Palace Lord of the Temple of Casting, Duan Wenxin!"

There will be no second person who can go to Yuanshan City to say such things.

Because other people do not have this qualification.

"You are indeed very smart, Qi Le... Your Excellency."

Duan Wenxin was identified by Qi Le without any accident.

You don’t need to waste your tongue when talking to smart people.

Although not many people know the name of Qi Le, it is not a secret. It is not surprising that Duan Wenxin can know it.

"I do not deserve, do not know the section to ask ourselves you today to Toyama City come, what are you doing?"

"is to supervise operations? Or, you want to do anything themselves?"

Qi Le stared at Duan Wenxin closely, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said playfully.

Forging Master's realm is not low, this is something everyone knows.

Therefore, Qi Le naturally does not think that Duan Wenxin, who can sit on the throne of the Palace Lord, will be a weak person.

It can even be said that Duan Wenxin's strength can definitely be ranked in the casting hall.

So Duan Wenxin's personal action is not impossible.

"If you can force the Temple of Casting to such a situation, Bu's family has been considered Number One Person for so many years."

Duan Wenxin said that some of the answers were not what was asked.

But after thinking about it, Duan Wenxin is suppressing his anger.

At the beginning, how powerful the Palace of Castings was.

However, now, it has become like this, and has to fight a decisive battle with Bu's family to determine the winner.

This was absolutely impossible in the past.

So how can Duan Wenxin not be angry.

"Time is also fate."

Qi Le shrugged, said slowly.

Regarding Duan Wenxin's anger, Qi Le's remarks seemed a bit unreasonable.

But this is actually true.

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