Previously, the Palace of Castings was just to give Bu’s power to stop him , so as to force Bu Yuyan to hand over the casting jade plate during the negotiation.

So there is room in the battle, so as not to kill to the last one.

However, by now, the Palace of Casting has been murderous.

Then once the line of defense on the city wall is broken, there is no retreat, and the clansman in this city-state must be no one to survive.

"I haven't come yet, Damn Temple of Castings, I really don't understand what they are doing so against our Bujia ."

Bujia clansman foul after a short break The -mouthed stood up, then took out the dry cake he was carrying with him, soaked it in cold water and ate it.

When this kind of war is likely to go on at any time, you can't eat hot meals.

I can only eat dry food to fill my stomach.

"Who knows, I probably can't understand that our Bu family has risen too fast."

"It's a big power, but I can't look down on others. It's a loss to me. I was still thinking about joining the Casting Hall. I was blind at that time."

Standing aside, Bujia Clansman, who was eating dry bread together, immediately agreed.

In terms of the prestige and reputation of the Casting Palace, it is normal that the clansman, who was attracted to the previous family, is eager to join it.

water seeks its own level, people go to higher places.

After all, the previous Bujia’s strength is nothing to mention.

Just like a sheep meets a tiger, does the sheep feel that it can be mentioned on equal terms with the tiger?

If there is a chance to become a tiger, do you think sheep will be willing?

The answer is yes.

But now, in the eyes of the Bu family clansman, the strength of the Bu family can already be mentioned on equal terms with the casting hall.

So the Temple of Casting has become a simple enemy.

There is really no comparability between tigers and sheep.

But between the tiger and the lion, it's not necessarily true.

Since you are already a lion, why do you want to become a tiger?

Use your own strength to dignified and just defeat the tiger.

"Brothers, are all ready to fight, those guys are coming!"

When these clansman were eating dry bread and talking, a shout sounded, immediately Let their faces become dignified.

"It's finally here, brothers. I don't know if this kind of battle will be next."

"Close your crow's mouth, we will definitely win."

"If this battle can be won, then I will take my wife and apply for transfer back to Yuanshan City. I heard that it is the safest place."

" Can you stop talking like this at this time, it sounds weird."

After a few relaxing jokes before the war, everyone was in a state of preparation.

All energy storage gems are loaded, and attacks can be launched at any time.

The sky is full of smoke and dust rising from a distance, accompanied by the sound of "hong long long", sweeping towards the city-state that covered the sky and moved towards the city.

The cultivators belonging to the Temple of Casting have no roar or roar.

Just silent, rushing towards this city-state.

At the moment, no one of Bujia clansman made a sound, just waiting for the attackers of the casting hall to approach.

Until it enters the attack range of the city defense launch tube and the destruction launch tube.

"Brothers, give me a fiercely call!"

The shout out loudly sounded, and the one that followed closely from behind was the roar of the city defense launch tube.

Countless magic light bullets flew out from the city defense launch tube, endlessly, almost connecting into a light belt.

This is the suppressing force of the city defense launch tube.

The bands of light formed by the magical light bombs are intertwined, like a giant net that cannot be penetrated, shrouded the cultivators and suppressed them impossible to move a single step.

At this moment, the rumbling sound of the destruction version of the launch tube also rang.

The violent voice heralds destruction.

The terrifying destructive power is a perfect interpretation of what is meant by a destructive launch tube.

With the suppressing force of the upper city defense launch tube terrifying, the cultivators of the Casting Hall can't move forward even half a step for a while.

He was even beaten back and forth.

"It was really guessed by the Great Elder, so let's not hide."

But at this moment, one of the cultivators in the Temple of Casting seems to be the leader The fellow of the writer took out a wooden stick with forearm thickness from his arms.

On this wooden stick, there are a lot of complicated magic array patterns engraved.

At a glance, it is not a simple artifact.

After this leader, many people also took out the same style of wooden sticks.

Then he threw it on the ground, then stepped into the ground with one foot, and then the body stopped moving, but stayed where the stick was.

"The shield of the imperial mountain! Open!"

The leader put his hands together and yelled suddenly.

At the next moment, a magic shield tens of meters high rose from the ground and appeared in front of everyone in the Casting Hall.

Block all attacks from the city wall outside.

"Oh, it's a defensive array!"

Among the Bu family clansman, there are no lack of knowledgeable people, and they recognized the role of these wooden sticks at a glance.

This kind of portable magic array is not uncommon.

But it is a real rare object.

Knowing is one thing, but seeing it with your own eyes is another thing.

The shield of the imperial mountain, just by hearing the name, is definitely a defensive array of demon, and it is also a high rank defensive array.

The city defense launch tube, which had never been disadvantaged before, suddenly lost its function in front of the shield of the imperial mountain.

Even with the destruction of the launch tube's attack, it can't break the shield of the imperial mountain. It can only make this huge magic shield shake constantly, but there is no crack.

"This is a major event..."

The complexion clansman on the city wall suddenly became extremely ugly.

In the previous battle, they relied on these long-range weapons such as city defense launch tubes to suppress the cultivators of the Casting Palace outside the city wall.

So subconsciously neglected this issue.

That is the thing on which the Temple of Casting is famous-forging!

In most cases, the portable magic array can play an extremely important role, and even play a final role.

It’s just because the production is difficult, so the output is very small.

However, now, the Palace of Casting took out this hole card again, and immediately resisted Bu's clansman's attack.

And just use this method to advance step by step.

Then the line of defense of the city wall is bound to fall.

"Very well, the defensive power of the shield of the imperial mountain is not something you can break through the unorthodox way of weapons!"

"The next set of preparations is to move the shield of imperial mountain to Push forward!"

However, this idea just appeared in the mind of Bujia clansman, and the leader of the casting hall had already begun to give orders.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1779: Shield of Imperial Mountain)...

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