As the door is closed, the helmet on the top of the cockpit is automatically put on Qi Le’s head.

Then a reminder sound appeared in Qi Le's mind.

"Please hold the steering stick in your hands and place your feet on the control pedals."

"There are operating instructions."

Qi Le slightly There was an unexpected sigh, and then Yiyan put his feet on the pedals, and then held the grips on both sides with his hands.

In the next moment, a light curtain appeared in front of Qi Le's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a very clear picture appeared in front of my eyes.

Qi Le knows that this picture is the picture fed back from the perspective of battle-type mecha.

And together with the feedback of this picture, there is also the control method of battle-type mecha.

This control method is quite simple, almost equivalent to direct manipulation using consciousness.

It’s just that the system takes into account the ordinary person’s spirit strength too weak, so it provides two auxiliary drivers, the steering stick and the control pedal.

Qi Le is only a little familiar with it, and he can do it like an arm.

And after getting familiar with the control method of battle-type mecha, Qi Le also found that the pictures fed back through battle-type mecha are quite wide.

And be able to carry out danger warning.

In an emergency, battle-type mecha will also automatically evade and avoid fatal attacks.

"The intelligence of this battle-type mecha is really far surpasses my imagination."

Sitting in the cockpit, Qi Le was even more surprised.

To be honest, Qi Le thought system was a genius before.

Especially when it comes to developing new products, he is really quite genius.

But Qi Le is really didn't expect. System can actually develop so many technological weapons based on the memories buried deep in the mind.

Although it is a combination of technology and magic.

But this creativity is quite commendable and affirmative.

But when he thought of this, Qi Le suddenly moved in his mind, as if he understood what the purpose of the system was.

That is, rob believers!

In this world that believes in the god of blacksmithing, all the artifacts created by the blacksmith and the Forging Master are used by cultivators.

For those ordinary persons, blacksmiths have never looked down upon them.

Therefore, the artifacts they create will never consider whether an ordinary person can use it.

But the products from system are different.

From the initial improved version of the laser beam to the current battle-type mecha, everything is a weapon that an ordinary person can use.

This thing for believers is naturally the more the better.

And the number of ordinary persons is higher than that of cultivator.

So from the very beginning, the goal of the system, it seems, is not the cultivator, but the largest ordinary person.

This is really a big game of chess.

system: "Hey, what are you thinking about the host? Playing chess? This system has never thought about these things."


Qi Le's thoughts were interrupted by system's words, and he was a little speechless.

I originally thought that the system was stunned, but now it seems that this guy is still the second system with arrears in IQ.

It is estimated that the current situation is also sloppy.

But it's good, anyway, it's moved towards a good direction, and there is no problem with it.

system: "Hey, this system is so powerful, yes, the host, all this is a big game played by this system!"

As a result, Qi Le just thought Say something to ease the embarrassment, and the voice of system came out first.

The tone is quite complacent.

"Shut up, idiot, and don't peek at my thoughts."

Qi Le couldn't help covering his forehead and rubbed the temple by the way.

It seems that besides being greedy and stingy, this Erbi system is also a bit happy, but in terms of IQ... it's a bit hard to tell.

Anyway, since the robbing of believers has already begun.

Then it must be implemented to the end.

It doesn’t matter even if it’s crooked, as long as Qi Le is aware of it, then this matter is on the right path.

So, next... you still have to feel the battle strength of battle-type mecha in actual combat.

This thing is one of Bu's reliance to deal with the Temple of Casting, so it can't be ignored.

"It just so happens that the attack on the Temple of Forge is coming soon, let's try them out."


the past few days Then, the attack on the Temple of Casting became more and more fierce.

Even if the Bujia clansman has been equipped with a city defense launch tube and a destruction launch tube, it is still somewhat stretched.

Because this long-range weapon has a common problem, that is, it cannot be close.

Especially when the people who use these weapons are ordinary people with low strength, this problem is magnified to a limit.

Once you are close, you will become powerless.

Therefore, there are only two situations left in the battle between Bu's house and Casting Hall.

Or, the cultivators of the Casting Palace suppressed by the clansman of Bujia can't lift their heads, and simply can't get close to the city wall.

Either, the city wall’s line of defense is broken through, and then crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood by the casting hall. In general, all of the Bu’s industry will be destroyed, and clansman will not leave it.

It can be seen that the Temple of Casting has already begun to punish.

Different from the previous Xia Mawei, the Casting Palace this time is really planning to destroy the Bu family.

Those big and small forces who discovered this situation, especially those guys who had laughed at Bujia’s overestimate one's capabilities, immediately became happy.

Because as long as the Palace of Castings wins, they no longer have to worry about Bu's revenge, and they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, frigid irony and scorching satire, hit a person when he's down, seems to be the natural ability of these guys.

The clansman of Bu's family, sitting on the city wall, holding all kinds of launch tubes in their hands, silently waiting for the attack of the casting hall.

Those mocking words, they have heard too much.

In the past, they were still in the mood to refute, even to shave those guys for the dignity of the Bu family.

But by now, these clansmans are all used to it.

Annoying flies are always inexhaustible.

It's no use arguing with these guys any more. Only by slapping fiercely on their ugly faces with victories, can they stop a bit.

"When is the time now, are those guys from the Casting Palace here?"

A Bujia clansman who leaned on the city wall and took a nap, opened his eyes After that, I immediately asked.

"Not yet, but it should be coming soon."

The people around him replied.

At this time, no one dares to relax.

Because now, it is different from before.

.. You can click on the "favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1778: 歪打正着)...

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