And most of the artifacts created by forgers are used in combat.

Among them, weapons or armors that carry Battle Qi and magic power in order to exert more powerful battle strength are the largest type.

is also the most popular type.

Including all kinds of weapons, staffs, shields and the like.

The second category is used to aid combat artifacts.

For example, it is used for reconnaissance, prospecting, concealment and other functions.

But in any case, these artifacts have a common feature, that is, they must be in the hands of a cultivator in order to be effective.

Because these artifacts all require Battle Qi or magic power to use.

However, none of the three new products that Qi Le this time brought out have this demand.

Even more convenient than the improved laser light.

The energy storage gem of the improved version of laser light needs magician to supplement the magic.

But the flame cross and the thunder cross these two distinct things are the direct use of Magic Core, and no cultivator's help is needed at all.

And the Pillar of Locking Spirit is even more powerful.

Disposable items, do not need anything to provide energy at all, you can use it once you buy it, and you can change it when the energy is exhausted.

What is this concept?

These three new products are simply changing Bu Yuyan's perception of the weapons created by the forgers.

Is this going to completely abandon the cultivator?

Because after the flame cross, even an ordinary person can have the power to hunt demonic beasts and be able to hunt Magic Core for self-sufficiency.

Although the process is dangerous, the rewards are definitely not cheap.

This is all about grabbing jobs with those cultivators.

How can this kind of thing not be shocking.

"The functions of these products are of course real, and they are available in the store now, but they have not been taken out yet."

Qi Le is not surprised by Bu Yuyan's attitude.

Because this kind of product that subverts conventional cognition is brought out, it itself is to be questioned. After all, a person’s cognition is not so easy to change.

But as long as someone tastes the sweetness, the speed of transmission will also be incomparable.

Especially these new products have a very good fit with the merchants.

You must know that merchants were born to exchange what is needed. This kind of good thing, through their hands, can definitely spread to various city-states at the fastest speed.

This is beyond doubt.

Power, especially powerful power, is always desirable.

"Sorry, Young Master Qi, there was some lost self-control just now."

"It's just a new product this time, it's really...too strong, no, I should say , The attraction brought to me is really too great."

Although Bu Yuyan has calmed down, she is still full of surprise.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the defensive ability of this thunder cross will definitely attract countless people who can afford this product.

After all, powerful cultivators are only a few.

Most people are still struggling on this road, and there are even more people who don’t even have the qualifications to embark on the path of cultivation.

So when faced with such a tyrannical weapon, impossible is not moved.

“It’s okay. It’s a good thing that new products are attractive, so don’t worry too much.”

Qi Le waved his hand, and then said: “Then in addition to these new products, I have one more thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"From now on, all restrictions on the purchase of goods have been released. There is no such thing as that many I asked for it."


Bu Yuyan hearing this, first was a surprise, and then a burst of ecstasy.

Because of the restrictions mentioned by Qi Le, Bu Yuyan is definitely the most troublesome problem.

There are so many restrictions on doing business, if it weren’t for the improved quality of laser light-it’s really strong, so that customers can accept these requirements willingly.

If you switch to another store, I'm afraid it will be closed a long time ago.

But this is the case, and it has a great impact on the speed at which Bu Yuyan spreads out his business.

And now, all the restrictions have been released, and the happiest thing is naturally Bu Yuyan.

"If you want to fight the Forge Palace, if the speed of development is slower, I am a little worried."

Qi Le said solemnly.

Originally in Qi Le's plan, it was intended to allow the Bu Family to develop to a certain level before appearing in front of the Casting Palace.

In this case, even if the Temple of Casting wants to deal with Bu's family, it will not help.

It's just now, it's really early for Bu's family to be exposed in front of the casting hall.

If Bu Yuyan hadn't let go of the Shigui in Feiyan City before, it would also make the Temple of Castings have suspicions about the Bu's strength and delay the development time.

Qi Le thought the same way before.

Unfortunately, human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

So Qi Le must also help Bu Jia speed up its development.

And the wish of Gu Ming was that Qi Le specially arranged to go to Bu Yuyan in order to prevent the casting hall from attacking Bu Yuyan.

Otherwise, a bombing airship is sufficient for most situations.

"Don’t worry about Young Master Qi. If you let go of these restrictions, these products will become famous faster than you can imagine."

Bu Yuyan is talking big, but it is true.

When a product is in a monopolistic position, and the quality-is still so high, it is difficult to think about it.

Even more how Qi Le offers products that simply don’t require users.

As long as you know how to use it and can get Gold Coin to be affordable, then even a small child can use it.

This is simply too friendly for those wealthy businessmen.

Although it is said that businessmen pay more attention to profit than parting, but strictly speaking, who does not take a concubine for those wealthy families who are not short of money and food? Who doesn't have a bunch of children?

From this point of view, Qi Le has been surprised by the fact that Jin Dacai has always been lonely.

After all, as long as Jin Dacai wants to find it, some people in Yuanshan City are willing to come.

However, this guy doesn't seem to be interested in these things, and he is thinking about how to expand his industry.

But leave this exception aside.

The vast majority of wealthy businessmen do not say that there are groups of wives and concubines at home, but there are definitely many children.

Because of having a child, it is considered to be a continuation of one's own bloodline. Otherwise, what is the use of earning that many Gold Coins and laying such a large foundation?

One hundred years later, it is still not a handful of loess.

lifespan this thing, even if it is a powerhouse-level power, at most it is only a thousand years that's all.

even more how these ordinary persons.

So even for their own children, those wealthy businessmen, and even some qualified people, will frantically snap up these products.

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