"Hello, Miss Bu."

Gu Ming wished to greet Bu Yuyan sternly.

This is probably a common problem of simulated robots. It always looks at everything in a rigid manner, giving people a very rigid feeling.

However, Qi Le cannot improve this situation.

After all, in the ancient rune, there is no emotional rune.

However, there are runes that involve souls, but this kind of rune blessing on a simulated robot is useless.

"Hello, Young Lady Gu."

Bu Yuyan immediately replied.

As Qi Le, you may not care about Gu Ming's wishes, but Bu Yuyan knows herself and knows that she can't do it.

So Qi Le looked at Bu Yuyan in panic and panic, and there was not much to it.

Only after the greeting was finished, he said, "Okay, you don't have to be too cautious. I introduced Gu Mingyuan to you just to let her protect you personally."

"So... ah? What?!"

Bu Yuyan responded subconsciously, and then quickly realized something was wrong.

Protect yourself personally?

After reacting, Bu Yuyan suddenly looked towards Gu Mingyuan, staring at it for a long while.

This is a girl with a very delicate and pretty face, not very pretty, but she has a clear and beautiful temperament.

Slightly thin and thin, with the deacon outfit and white gloves on her, she looks very capable, giving people a very serious and rigorous feeling.

It's just that when this girl is hidden in the shadows, it will seem to have disappeared, making it difficult to notice.

"Protect my family's lady personally, although it is good, but why...I feel a little unhappy."

Xiaowen following Bu Yuyan inexplicably He pursed his mouth, and there was a premonition that he was about to fall out of favor.

"Xiaowen, what are you thinking about, I won't."

Bu Yuyan quickly noticed the change in Xiaowen's mood, and immediately said with a smile.

Although Xiaowen is Bu Yuyan's personal maid, the two of them grew up together since childhood. Although they are different from each other, feelings are different.

Being close to sisters, that's probably the case.

"Well, I know."

Xiaowen replied sadly.

There will always be conflicts between the personal maid and the personal bodyguard.

Especially when Gu Ming was willing to put such pressure on Xiaowen, it is weird that Xiaowen's emotions can be high.

But Qi Le doesn't care about this kind of thing, let them slowly run in between these girls.

If Gu Mingyuan can be regarded as a genuine girl.

"Gu Mingyuan, you should have heard it just now. Starting today, you will be responsible for protecting Bu Yuyan's safety."

Qi Le glanced at Gu Mingyuan.

This sentence is actually giving instructions. After all, the simulation robot produced by system is indeed strong, but its personality is a little more rigid.

The ancient rune blessed on them only makes them stronger, more like a real person that's all.

But in terms of personality...not to mention it.

"I see, Young Master."

Gu Ming was willing to bend and take the lead, and then went directly behind Bu Yuyan, hiding in the shadows.

Quick movement, if it hadn’t been known in advance, Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen might not have noticed, and there was one more person behind them silently.

And hidden in the shadows, if you don't deliberately look for it, you can't find it simply.

"This, this is too much trouble for you, Qi Young Master, I..."

Bu Yuyan has some thanks for not knowing what to do, and then take a look at Qi Le for a while After a while, he looked back at the Gu Mingyuan hidden in the shadows.

"I said, you don’t need to be so cautious. If you cooperate with me, I will protect your safety."

"If you and my partnership come into contact, then Naturally, I will take back all of these things."

Qi Le interrupted Bu Yuyan and spoke very seriously.

It is necessary to protect the security of agents.

Because Qi Le doesn't want to go back and forth to this World again and again to deal with things about vending points.

That was a waste of time and seemed a bit silly.

"Qi Young Master......"

But when Bu Yuyan heard these words, her heart suddenly filled with emotion.

With such a strong strength, and such an outstanding family background, he is not arrogant at all, on the contrary, he is quite good at taking care of others.

Bu Yuyan found that she might have fallen.

However, there is nothing wrong with falling into Qi Le.

"Oh, yes, one more sentence, Gu Ming is willing to be responsible for your safety. She won't take care of other things."

Qi Le didn't pay attention at all. When Bu Yuyan's eyes changed, she just added another sentence.

And the meaning of this sentence is to say, to give way to Yuyan, don't want to borrow Gu Mingyuan's hand to do arrogant and domineering things.

Qi Le itself is not a domineering person.

Naturally, I don't want people around me to take advantage of one's position to bully people.

"Qi Young Master, please rest assured, I know what to do."

Bu Yuyan heard Qi Le's unspoken implication, not surprised, but natural Answered.

"Very good, then, next, there are some issues about new products."

Qi Le said slowly.

Regarding new products, Qi Le currently only plans to provide three flame crosses, thunder crosses, and spiritual lock pillars.

As for the energy storage gem sets and various launch tubes, Qi Le plans to wait until the market for the improved laser light is basically saturated, and then sell them.

Because of the combination of launch tube and energy storage gemstone, strictly speaking, it should be an upgraded version of the improved laser light.

So before the market for improved laser light is not saturated, these two types of products will be brought out.

That is completely unattainable to maximize profit.

Although Qi Le is for the purpose of collecting strength of Faith, it is definitely not a person who kills chickens and takes eggs.

The improved laser light itself is a good thing that is in short supply. Before the market is saturated, there is no need to use a higher-level version to impact the improved laser light market.

On the contrary, the flame cross, the thunder cross, and the pillar of the spirit lock are three commodities that can open up new markets.

After this conversation, most of the time it was Qi Le talking and Bu Yuyan listening.

Learn about the detailed functions of the new product.

"The functions of these three new products, I am really unheard-of, can I really forge this type of treasure?"

When Bu Yuyan heard the last, I couldn't help covering my small mouth that opened slightly because of surprise.

In this World, among the objects created by the blacksmiths.

Maybe some artifacts with peculiar functions.

But those things are basically trails, which is the unorthodox way that others often say, and they cannot be on the stage.

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