This level of treasure, if there is no fortuitous encounter, Tiehu estimates that he would never want to touch it in his life.

"Of course, if Tiehu Captain can join Bujia, I think we should be able to cooperate very happily."

Bu Yuyan said with a smile.

"Miss Bu can value us. It is our honor to be able to personally control such a powerful treasure. Of course we will not refuse, so many thanks to Miss Bu's invitation."

Tiehu hearing this naturally accepted it repeatedly.

Tiehu can see clearly who is standing behind Bu Yuyan.

Qi Le's identity is unclear for the time being, but the guesswork alone is enough to shock Tiehu.

And in Yuanshan City, there is a Heroic Rank powerhouse, which Qi Le pointed out to protect Bu Yuyan within the scope of Yuanshan City.

This kind of treatment is simply unprecedented.

As for the battle against the Temple of Casting.

To be honest, Iron Tiger doesn't really care.

If you want a chance, but don't want to take risks, how can there be such a good thing, do you really think you are a Child of Destiny?

Now that there is such a good chance, how could Tiehu give up?

So after accepting Bu Yuyan's words, Tiehu made it clear to the other mercenaries of the Hammer Mercenary Squad.

The results obtained were all within Tiehu’s expectations.

No one wants to quit.

What a mercenary wants is blood energy and bravery. If you don't even have the courage, then don't be a mercenary.

It might be more appropriate to be a businessman.

"The life and death of our hammer mercenary squad are now in the hands of Miss Bu."

Tiehu laughed boldly, saying so , But it seems that there is no trace of worry.

"Don't worry, Captain, you will not be disappointed."

Bu Yuyan said seriously.

So far, the members of the bomb bomber have been recruited.



Another heavy iron stove was kicked to the ground, and then all split up and in pieces .

In the mansion of the Casting Hall, Duan Wenxin is flying into a rage.

"Another Heroic Rank cultivator is gone, and it still disappeared in that little-known place! What do you guys do for food?"

"Even a Bujia I can’t figure it out. Is our Forging Temple now declining to this point? Or are you simply not paying attention to this matter?"

"A trifling Chamber of Commerce, can win our people , What are the people who gather intelligence doing?"

"Punish me all! Did you hear? Punish me!"

Duan Wen was full of anger, pointing at Eldest. The hall masters on Prince's side cursed.

Several consecutive failures have reduced Duan Wenxin's prestige to a precarious point.

So Duan Wenxin must do something to make his position more stable.

Otherwise, you may be pushed into the abyss by others at any time.

"Military leader, this, this is not the mistake of the intelligence personnel, but Bu Jia is in the past, really just an ordinary businessman Aristocratic Family."

One of the halls The Lord was a little uncomfortable, so he said aloud.

Who can imagine that a Heroic Rank powerhouse dignified would fall in the sewer and be planted in that kind of place.

"I don't want to hear such excuses!"

"I didn't know before, then check it now! If there are more errors, you will all get the penalty! Understand Is it?"

Duan Wenxin said coldly snorted.

The previous severe punishment of personnel collecting intelligence was warning and suppressing.

At the same time, it is also sharing the pressure.

The prestige of the Palace Lord cannot be compromised, so it is natural to attribute the failure of the mission to others.

And now that the hall master is willing to come out to talk back, that also gives Duan Wenxin the opportunity to use the question to bring the grievances in the casting hall to other people.

"Yes, the military leader of the hall."

The vocal hall master lowered his head, answered his orders, and bowed back.

Now that the task of attracting hatred has been completed, it is time to do what you should do.

Loyal subordinates can always solve problems for the Palace Lord at this time.

"And you guys, don't stand there all the time. Think about why such a simple task fails so many times?"

Duan Wenxin yelled at him after he scolded him. After the hall master, he looked towards several other people.

The tone is also cold, but with less anger and more majesty.

"If you can't sit still in this position, some people are willing to replace you! Don't think about the messy life every day, the Casting Palace does not need to just mess around the waste!"

Those who should be reprimanded are always reprimanded.

As the Palace Lord of the Palace of Casting, Duan Wenxin is impossible to compromise. If the people under his team can't, change another group.

There are too many people coveting the position of these hall masters in the casting hall.

Because the higher the position, the more resources can be obtained, and the more manpower can be dispatched.

The sweetness of power, few people can refuse.

And this kind of job change is really commonplace.

As long as there is no turbulence in the most important positions in the casting hall, it will not have any influence on the development of the casting hall.

"Hall of the Military leader, please give us another chance . This time we really underestimated the enemy. This situation will never happen again in the future."

"Hall of Military leader, please give us another chance , We will definitely bring the casting jade plate back."

Hearing Duan Wenxin mentioned the issue of dismissal, several hall masters immediately began to plead guilty.

In the Temple of Casting, it is a matter of Duan Wenxin to clean up a few hall masters.

Others will not risk offending Duan Wenxin to intervene in such matters.

"I hope so. There will be no next time for this kind of thing."

Duan Wenxin said with a cold face and said indifferently.

If this failure really has another time, then all the hall masters in front of them will be pushed out to bear the resentment and anger in the casting hall.

Otherwise, those behind the scenes will not give up.

"Okay, you all go."

Duan Wenxin felt a headache when he thought of this question, so he waved his hand and screened back several halls in the great hall. the Lord.

The discrepancy in the casting hall is something Duan Wenxin knows well.

The inside of any Great Influence is impossible.

Even for those Great Family, there will be internal fights.

Power and wealth can make a biological brother turn against each other, even more how the cohesion of the Temple of Casting is not a strong Great Influence in itself.

Relying on the name of a large number of forging masters and Forging Masters, plus countless cultivation resources and forging resources, and gathered power.

The turnover of internal forces is too common.

So Duan Wenxin is sitting on the throne of the Palace Lord of the Casting Hall. In fact, he is not stable, and he still needs to be careful at all times.

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