"hmph, I knew that, why bother at the beginning."

"What are you guys standing for? Don't do it yet, get them all out!"

Bu Yuyan glanced at the bodyguards standing around the yard, and spoke coldly.


The bodyguards were surprised by Bu Yuyan's imposing manner, and hurriedly responded, and then dragged out the guys who were still begging.

It was like throwing garbage outside the patriarch house.

Let all the big and small forces that are paying attention to the Bu's family, it is clear that these guys are clansman who have been expelled from the Bu's family.

"And the rest of the clansman, you guys, did a good job!"

Bu Yuyan coldly watched the guys who were weeping bitter tears being dragged out. It was lifts the head and looked towards the back of the yard.

A group of people were also kneeling there.

It's just different from the kneeling methods of those people before, these people are all on one knee.

This kneeling method is not a confession, but an oath of allegiance.

Although there were many thankless wretches in the Bu family clansman when they came to the Temple of Casting, there were also many clansman who were willing to live and die with the Bu family.

These clansman are the backbone of Bu's family.

Even in the face of death, the glory of the family will be the most important thing, rather die than submit.

And this kind of clansman refers to those people who are on one knee in the yard.

Bu Yuyan also admires these people very much.

A family, if there is no cohesion, if clansman does not have a sense of honor, then this family will always be impossible to grow.

Bu Yuyan knows this, so he appreciates these clansman who are willing to share the honor and disgrace with the Bu family.

"Willing to believe in the clansman of Bu's family, your abilities will surely be brought into play, and your name will be displayed. Bu's family needs you."

Bu Yuyan sincerely Promised.

"Many thanks to Eldest Miss's grace!"

The clansman bowed their heads and thanked them, and the momentum shook the sky.

The stronger the family, the higher the status of clansman. Everyone knows the truth of if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Only in the face of the threat of death, there are not many people who can persist.

So Bu Yuyan can't chill these people's hearts.

"As for the rest..."

"Miss Bu, our Captain has already arrived, and it's outside."

The gray who followed Leopard suddenly approached Bu Yuyan and reminded him in a low voice.

"Really?" Bu Yuyan was a little surprised by the hammer mercenary squad's mobility and execution, so she was taken aback for a while, and then said, "Then come in."


The gray leopard answered, and then walked quickly out of the yard.

Within half a minute, the members of the Hammer Mercenary Squad walked in with two people.

Then a mercenary violently kicked behind the knees of the two who were taken in, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

"Two patriarchs, long time no see."

Bu Yuyan looked at these two people blankly and spoke.

These two people are you Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan who want to escape Feiyan City.

How could they escape Feiyan City if they were only spotted by the hammer mercenary squad a long time ago.

"When you were plotting against me at the beginning, you probably never thought that you would have such a day."

Bu Yuyan asked slowly, as if Sarcastic, but also like memories.

If it hadn't been for the mountain bandit in the middle of the road, I am afraid that Bu Yuyan would not know Qi Le's identity until now, but would still be struggling in the distant mountain city.

I can only say that time is also fate.

"I really never thought that one day I will be taught a lesson by a little girl with a little good luck."

Yan Qianshan was held down by the mercenary beside him, simply I couldn't get up, so I could only kneel on the ground and talk.

Just in the tone, not reconciled.

"It's sigh that my You Family's foundation for decades has been overturned in this way."

You Qiyuan is even more gnashing teeth.

In the eyes of both of them, Bu Yuyan is a nouveau riche that's all fortunately obtained a powerful treasure.


Bu Yuyan faintly smiled.

The gray leopard who followed was snort disdainfully to Yan Qianshan and You Qiyuan.

In the eyes of Grey Leopard, it is not so much luck as it is Bu Yuyan's kind deeds that have been rewarded.

After all, when encountering Qi Le in the distant mountains and forests, Bu Yuyan was able to reject all the opinions and let Qi Le follow the caravan to repeatedly turn peril into safety.

If this is placed on You Family and Yan Family, I am afraid that the duck in its mouth can fly.

Let an unknown traveler enter the caravan? Don't even think about it.

So the element of luck is indeed there.

But more importantly, Bu Yuyan's character.

"Whether it is luck or anything else, Bu Jia won, but it is an indisputable fact."

Bu Yuyan doesn't care about Yan Qianshan and You Qiyuan Not reconciled.

Kindness is just Bu Yuyan’s character, not Bu Yuyan’s instinct. When she threatens her family, Bu Yuyan also knows what to do.

Blindly kindness is the impossible leading the Bu Jia to continue to grow and develop.

"The farce of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce has been going on for a long time, so it should be over now."

"The history of You Family and Yan Family, That's it."

Bu Yuyan just waved her hand and made a conclusion on how to deal with it.

As for who is going to deal with it, there are naturally many people.

After You Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan fall, You Family and Yan Family are even In name only.

The connection between the dozen or so city-states will also dissipate with the disappearance of You Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan.

The remaining scattered You Family and Yan Family are completely threatened.

Can only wait to be swallowed by Bu's family.

And other forces are also staring at these two big pieces of fat. As long as Bu Jia let go, they will come up and bite.

After You Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan's affairs are dealt with, there is no need for Bu Yuyan to worry about the rest.

So Bu Yuyan invited the people from Hammer Mercenary Squad to discuss one thing together.

That is the person who controls the bomber airship.

The person who owns the bomb bomber is Bu Yuyan.

But the bombing airship cannot be controlled by consciousness, so I can only recruit other people to control it.

The hammer mercenary squad is a very suitable candidate.

The strength is good, the two sides have also had many cooperation experiences, and they are familiar with each other.

And it is very important that the hammer mercenary squad is the first group of people to be exposed to the improved version of the laser light. For the control of the bomb-dropped airship, the hands-on speed will be much faster.

Especially the Grey Leopard has tried how to control the railgun. The shocking feeling is really unforgettable.

So I also made this suggestion with Bu Yuyan.

"Control the bomb bomber? Let us go?"

Tiehu naturally knows what bomb bomber is referring to, so he was a little surprised when asked about it.

That's a treasure that can rival the Heroic Rank powerhouse.

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