So, the reason why Bu Yuyan returns to Feiyan City now is not a good return home, mainly because these achievements cannot be brought back.

It can't be shown concretely, but it makes people feel shocked intuitively.

But these news have been spread up and down in Bu's house a long time ago.

You know, if it weren't for compelled by circumstances, who would be willing to leave their hometown?

Bu's family wants to transfer the foundation to Yuanshan City, not because of the overbearing of You Family and Yan Family.

But now it’s different. The Bu’s victory in Yuanshan City is a good start.

It is also a sign that heralds the rise of Bu's family.

So when Bu Yuyan's caravan returned to the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, they were welcomed by the streets of Bu's family.

In Bu's family, whether adults or children, stand on both sides of the road with a smile on their faces, welcoming Bu Yuyan down from the carriage, and then stepped forward to congratulate her.

He has made such a great contribution to Bu Jia.

Even if Bu Yuyan is a daughter, the position of the next patriarch is a certainty.

So no one in Bu's family dared to be negligent, all of them regarded Bu Yuyan as the next patriarch.

"Yuyan, welcome home, these days in Yuanshan City, you have worked hard."

Bu Hangkong strode out of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce and came In front of Bu Yuyan, she looked up and down to see if she was injured.

"It's not hard, father, these all are what I should do."

Bu Yuyan said modestly.

Not asking for credit, but very confident.

The few mercenaries who followed Bu Yuyan also looked at the people around them with expression indifferent.

The mercenaries who have been killing and killing for a long time have their own evil spirit, especially after experiencing that demonic beast tide, the evil spirit is even worse.

Not having to speak is a kind of shock.

The clansman of the concession family, who have never been out of Feiyan City, are all in awe, and some dare not approached.

It's just that I feel more and more emotional in my heart, thinking about Bu Yuyan's fate, I am envious.

When I looked at the mercenaries again, the eyes that looked at Bu Yuyan became awed.

This is the benefit of power.

Such a big battle, even if You Family and Yan Family hate Bu Yuyan, it is impossible to take action at this time, or just wait to be torn apart by the angry Bu family.

"No matter what, it’s a good thing to come back. Tonight, I will open a water table in the patriarch house, and everyone will come to eat."

After Bu Hangkong finished speaking, he took Bu Yuyan away. Go to the study.

Leaving Xiaowen standing outside alone, pouting her face full of unhappiness.

But when the father and daughter talked, even if Xiaowen was Bu Yuyan's personal servant girl, she would be sorry to bother her, so she could only wait outside obediently and honestly.

After the rest of the Bu family greeted Bu Yuyan, they naturally followed suit.

I just waited for a good meal in the evening.

The water table is a lively and atmosphere to eat. It doesn't matter whether you eat or not in peacetime.

In the study room of Bu Hangkong.

Bu Hangkong asked Bu Yuyan about the situation during this period, sometimes nodded, sometimes applauded, and finally, he asked meaningfully.

"Yu Yan, tell your father honestly, what is the relationship between you and the Qi Young Master?"

Nothing to do, that’s a big problem.

Bu Hangkong doesn't think there is anything in Bu's family that can be admired by this kind of pampered young master with Heroic Rank powerhouse as a steward.

So immediately thought, would this Qi Young Master be interesting to Bu Yuyan.

If it is true, then Bujia can even climb a high branch.

Bu Yuyan will also fly to the branch and become Phoenix, when the time comes, the whole Bu family will be able to gain the Tao because of Bu Yuyan alone, and the chicken and dog will ascend to heaven.

"Father, Qi Young Master and I are just a partnership, you don't need to think about it."

Bu Yuyan recalled Qi Le's attitude and silently sighed.

Falling flowers are sentimental, and flowing water is unintentional.

As the Young Master Qi, even if I am willing, I am afraid that others will not appreciate it.

Bu Yuyan thought silently in her heart.

"Is that so?"

Bu Hangkong was obviously skeptical, but he didn't say it, but was comforted: "In fact, it's not bad to be a partner, take it slow. Don't worry too much."

This can be considered hinted.

Since the routine of love at first sight can't be followed, let's follow the routine of long-lasting affection.

Staying together often, there is always a sparkle out of friction.

"Father, needless to say, Qi Young Master is not the kind of person you think, he is more like a gentleman, although he is a little looser, he is really honest."

Bu Yuyan understood what Bu Hangkong said, so she shook her head slightly and said aloud.

Gentleman Pianpian, it happened that Bu Yuyan's thoughts were right.

It's just that the identity gap is really too big. Sometimes, this topic is always difficult to talk about.

"Well, then I will leave it alone for my father."

"But I believe my daughter is worthy of anyone."

Bu Hangkong said with a smile, but didn't specify who it was.

"Father, what are you talking about, if that's the case, then I will go out first."

Bu Yuyan looked at Bu Hangkong, hesitated again and again, but still did not cast the confrontation Speak up about things in the Temple of Things.

Since I just joined the plan myself, don't involve Bu's family anymore.

After all, Bu Jia is still too small.

Even if the Temple of Casting may first attack the Bu's family, letting Bu Hangkong know about it in advance is of no benefit.

Because no matter how much you prepare in advance, Bu's family is impossible to be the opponent of Casting Palace.

I knew about this a long time ago, but it only increased my troubles.

Only after successfully repelling the Temple of Casting, will the Bu family build their confidence and feel that the Temple of Casting is not invincible.

At that time, it is time to bring Bu's family into this plan.

And now, just wait and see the changes.

Even more how, Bu's family didn't prepare, it doesn't mean Bu Yuyan was not prepared, just can't say it in advance.

Because Bu Yuyan can't guarantee that there must be one heart in Bu's family.

In case the wind is leaked, that is the worst case.

So using the events of this time to explore the foundation of the entire Bu family is also a matter of one move, two gains.

The Feiyan Chamber of Commerce has been established for so many years, and the Three Great Families have long infiltrated each other.

Otherwise, why Bujia, You Family, Yan Family, the Three Great Families, almost all know each other, there is no secret.

"Well, then you go to rest first."

Bu Hangkong responded to Bu Yuyan's words and waved.

Open the door of the study, and after Bu Yuyan walked out, the gray leopard who was waiting outside immediately came over.

"What's the matter?"

Bu Yuyan glanced at the gray leopard, and asked a little surprised.

Even if you are a security guard, you don’t have to be like this, you just wait outside.

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