So the improved laser light emitting tube and energy storage gemstones will become more and more broken as the use time increases.

Specifically, the efficiency of energy storage gems for storing magic power will become lower and lower, and the formidable power of the magic light bomb condensed by the launch tube will become weaker and weaker in comparison.

The battle strength that can be provided will become less and less.

If you want a better experience, you can only replace it with a new and improved version of the laser.

This is also one of the reasons why the number of improved lasers is scarce.

Things are more expensive.

Things that are not very good can be blown into good, even more how the quality of the improved laser light-itself is so high.

Therefore, in those city-states, outside of Bu's stores, the customer line for the improved version of laser light has basically never stopped.

This also severely hindered Bu's continued expansion.

"It's really a headache."

Bu Yuyan sat in the carriage, thinking about these questions, couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, so she stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows.

If you want to fight against the front of the Temple of Casting, there is absolutely no chance of winning if you don’t develop quickly.

Once the Palace of Casting finds some signs, with Bu Family's current strength, if you want to fight against such a huge monster, it will definitely be defeated.

Maybe it will be pulled up by the roots.

It's just that I have come to this step, and there is no turning back.

even more how the current situation, but the Temple of Casting may have to attack Bu's first, so Bu Yuyan must find a way to fight back.

And not only do you have to fight back, you have to fight back beautifully.

"Miss Bu, Feiyan City has arrived."

While Bu Yuyan was thinking about it, Tiehu's voice came from outside the carriage.

Feiyan City is the site of the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, and Bu Yuyan’s caravan came back from outside, so there is no need to interrogate.

Even the City Lord of Feiyan City does not want to offend Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, and the City Guard who guards the city gate naturally does the same.

Although in the eyes of the Temple of Casting, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is just a rateless little force.

But in Feiyan City, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is the only one.

"It's finally here, thank you for your hard work."

Bu Yuyan glanced at the driving curtain, and then said aloud.

"Miss Bu is polite, it's not that we don't accept Gold Coins. The hard work is not the hard work."

Tiehu laughed jokingly.

But this kind of thing is rare for Tiehu. Although mercenaries laugh and scold, they are all for their own people.

Facing outsiders or employers, it is more serious.

That's how it looks majestic, and it's easy to talk about the price.

But after experiencing so much, Bu Yuyan is also regarded as the old employer of the hammer mercenary squad, so Tiehu can now relax.

"Then I will return to Feiyan Chamber of Commerce first, and Iron Tiger Captain, please feel free."

After a few greetings, Bu Yuyan said goodbye. .

In the caravan, there are fellows and minions from the Bu family to follow, as well as a special coachman. The hammer mercenary squad's task is only to escort that's all.

Now that I have entered Feiyan City, escort is naturally unnecessary.

If Bu Yuyan is in danger in Feiyan City, I am afraid that the entire Feiyan City will be overturned by Bu Hangkong.

"Miss Bu wait a minute, or let me send a few brothers to take you back."

"You are suddenly determined now. I am worried about the young people of You Family and Yan Family." People may take action against you, and when the time comes, it will be a major event."

The internal struggle of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is no secret now, and it is not surprising that Tiehu will know.

Although Bu Yuyan worked with Qi Le, concession Jia got huge benefits.

But in terms of strength, Bu Yuyan is still an ordinary person.

When I was in Yuanshan City, Gu Ke was taking care of me, so I don’t have to worry about getting black hands.

However, Feiyan and Yuanshan City are different.

This is the headquarters of Feiyan City and the most powerful city-state of You Family and Yan Family.

So if You Family or Yan Family really sent a dead man to intercept and kill, then the probability of Yu Yan's distress is not low.

"Tiehu Captain is thoughtful about this matter. If that's the case, I will trouble you."

Bu Yuyan thought for a while, and felt that it was not impossible.

Because Bu's family is now beginning to move forward steadily and rapidly develop and grow, and it is supported by Bu Yuyan alone.

After Yan Lin returned to Feiyan City, he must have reported the situation to Yan Family patriarch Yan Qianshan.

Therefore, in order to prevent the rise of Bu's family, removing Bu Yuyan is definitely the first choice.

"No trouble, no trouble."

Tiehu waved his hand, then turned his head and shouted at the players behind him: "Bring out a few brothers, and follow Miss Bu to fly back to Feiyan. Chamber of Commerce, so as not to be underestimated by Miss Bu."

This is deliberately to create momentum for Bu Yuyan.

It's not uncommon for merchants to hire mercenary squad or cultivator to do guards.

So it is not surprising that Tiehu did this.

It is not only because of the friendship of friends, but also because of the friendship with Bu Yuyan.

From the beginning of the cooperation with Qi Le, Bu Jia...No, it should be said that it is Bu Yuyan, and it is just around the corner.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the instinct of living beings buried in the bones.

Even the single-celled Paramecium has this instinct.

Therefore, it is normal for Tiehu to choose Bu Yuyan.

In the Hammer Mercenary Squad, several players soon appeared, and they were all members of the Hammer Mercenary Squad with battle strength in the forefront.

Each of these team members carried an improved version of the laser light on their backs. After greeting Bu Yuyan, they guarded the carriage.

"I will stay in Feiyan City these days. If Miss Bu has something to do, she can send someone to the Guild's tavern to find me."

Tiehu arranges After these things, he left with the remaining team members.

To build momentum, it is also necessary to pay attention to the rules.

There are fewer people and insufficient deterrence.

If there are more people, then it is not to build momentum but to despise.

So Tiehu won't let the entire mercenary squad team follow along. That would be too stupid.

"Let's go back to Feiyan Chamber of Commerce."

Bu Yuyan watched Tiehu and the others leave before saying to the carriage driver.

The caravan immediately moved again.

This time back to Feiyan City, although Bu Yuyan is not a good return home, it is not too far away.

You know, in Far Mountain City, the power of You Family and Yan Family has already been cleared out, and only the Bu family is the only one left.

This is definitely a huge credit.

With this premise, the Bu family wants to transfer from Feiyan City to Yuanshan City, that is with no difficulty.

Because there is no such thing as an unstable foothold.

And not only the Far Mountain City, even the several city-states around the Far Mountain City, the big and small forces in it have to fawn on their families, in order to be able to buy an improved version of laser light.

In this case, compared to Bu's family who took off from Yancheng, I don't know where to go.

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