"No benefit? I am going to die and think about so much!"

You Mu scorned Qi Le's warning and saw Li Congrong and the two City Guards leave It's been a long time, seizing the opportunity, moved towards Inn, the stairs ran away.

"I've said it all, it's no good for you to run away."

Qi Le shook the head, for this kind of people who don't listen to advice, I don't have a good impression.

"pa ——!"

With a snap of a finger, along with two strands of Battle Qi, it pierced Yu Mu's legs in an instant.

There was no blood splattered as imagined, but the running wood suddenly squatted on the ground, two legs as if there were no more, unable to exert any strength.

"Legs...my legs! It's gone, it's all over, it's all over..."

As he fell to the ground, he also smashed the last trace that appeared in You Mu's heart. hope.

"I said don't run, I have to run, and I won't be so much after I finish asking."

Qi Le walked slowly to the swim In front of Mu, he squatted down and said blankly.

This is Bu's Inn, and Bu Yuyan also ordered it specially.

So there is no way to disturb Qi Le at all.

Unless it is Qi Le who calls people.

"Question? What do you want to ask? I don't know anything!"

You Mu looked at Qi Le with fear in his eyes, but he still shouted subconsciously.

"Don't worry, if you insist on not answering, I won't force you, I just hope you don't regret it."

Qi Le said with a smile, without any reluctance .

Qi Le doesn't know how to search for souls, but system does.

If You Mu is unwilling to answer, then you don't need to answer, just throw it to the system to search for the soul and it's over.

"Let me answer your question, but you have to make sure that I can live, otherwise I will let you know what is true, true and false."

After hearing Qi Le's words, You Mu hurriedly said with his eyes rolling.

"It may be difficult to keep you alive. The only thing you can ask for now is quick death."

Qi Le shook the head, the smile on his face remained unchanged.

Qi Le is generally unwilling to do things like pretend to be polite, especially at this time.

Say what you have, why lie?

If a person does something wrong, he must take responsibility.

If You Mu hadn't stolen the Lingjiao egg, Yuanshan City would not have suffered such a catastrophe.

The City Guard and cultivators of Far Mountain City, how many people died under the claws of demonic beasts because of his actions.

So it’s impossible to live, I just want to die quickly.

Otherwise, there are still many people waiting to let You Mu not have the will to live, unable to ask for death.

"No, impossible, if that's the case, I won't answer your question, don't even think about it!" You Mu's face is horrified, hysterical Shouted.

"I've said it a long time ago. It doesn't matter if you answer me or not, because I don't need your answer."

Qi Le spread his hands, and for this guy too A little impatient.

believe oneself infallible, there is no self-knowledge.

No wonder you have caused such a big trouble for You Family.

"System, if you search for the soul , you should be fine."

System: "Of course it can, but the soul of an ordinary person is relatively fragile and may cause irreversible damage."

"Let's get started, don't think about the damage, just feel free."

Anyway, you are not destined to survive, so such a little damage is simply a small problem.

Maybe he will express his gratitude after making You Mu into cerebral palsy.

After all, sometimes, death is also a very extravagant thing.

"You, what do you want to do..."

You Mu saw that Qi Le was silent for a while, then he extended the hand, grabbed his head, and used it immediately Back on the ground with both hands.

However, even if the wood can run, it is impossible to escape Qi Le's speed.

even more how I have lost my legs now.


Qi Le grabbed You Mu's head and shouted loudly in his heart.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

But after a few seconds, it fell to the ground.

"It's not dead yet, when the time comes, let City Lord send a few people to clean up."

Qi Le stood up and didn't even look at the one who fell on the ground. You Mu gave a glance and turned back to his room.

And system quickly sorted out the memory of You Mu.

Mainly about the memory of the Heroic Rank powerhouse.

In You Mu's memory, that Heroic Rank powerhouse looks like a young man, wearing a black suit, with a very arrogant attitude.

After he rescued Yu Mu who was trapped by the demonic beast near the Zidian Forest, he asked Yu Mu to find a place for him.

It looks like it should be waiting for the day when Zidianling sheds its skin.

After all, when does the Purple Electric Spirit Watermelt shed its skin, but if you are not sure, you can only figure out a rough time range, and then wait.

After that is a period of calm and tranquil.

Until the Heroic Rank powerhouse set off and went to the Zidian Forest, You Mu immediately hired a team of mercenaries and went to the Zidian Forest.

I originally wanted to pick up the cheap ones, but accidentally stole the spirit dragon egg of the purple electric spirit dragon.

To be honest, in terms of the appearance of the Lingjiao Egg, it is indeed too eye-catching.

A discerning person knows it is a treasure at a glance.

That's why You Mu was eager for profit for a while, so he boldly planned this time event.

Seeing the purple electric spirit dragon appear above the distant mountain city, the plan is about to succeed, but at the last moment, it falls short.

He also revealed his plan.

I have to say, it's up to people to make things, and it's up to heaven to make things happen.

You Mu dare to think, this is indeed a talent.

But for the sake of one's own selfish desires, it is worthy of the crime to ignore the entire remote mountain city and fail to a good end.

And the origin of the Heroic Rank powerhouse, in You Mu's memory, there are only a few words that's all.

One of the most likely words is...

The Temple of Casting!

"Sure enough, it came for casting jade plates. This name already explains the problem."

Seeing this, Qi Le almost fully understands it.

There are not so many coincidences in the world.

Even if it does, it will not all happen to the same thing.

Therefore, Qi Le can almost conclude that this casting hall will attack Zi Yun just for casting jade plates.

It is only cautiously frightened by the battle strength of the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao.

Of course, there may be other things, but Qi Le doesn't know that's all.

After all, Qi Le is quite unfamiliar with the power of the Temple of Casting.

You still have to ask someone to ask.


Feiyan City, step in the patriarch house.

Bu Hangkong sat in his study, looking at the letters in his hand.

The above writings are all processed with masking magic, and only designated people can see the above words.

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