Even in the shops opened by Qi Le, the products in them are never a single category.

So Bu Yuyan's actions can be said to be very smart.

Knowing to take advantage of the situation.

Together with the east wind, it must soar into the sky, unstoppable.

And the only one who can take off with this shareholder wind is Bu Yuyan where Bu Yuyan is located.

It has nothing to do with Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

As for You Family and Yan Family, they can no longer stay in Yuanshan City.

Yan Lin, who was lucky enough to escape from the claws of the Purple Lightning Dragon, also left from Yuanshan City in grief.

Bu Yuyan did this deliberately.

As long as Yan Lin can return to Feiyan City and speak about it, then the conflict between Yan Family and You Family will surely be provoked.

Because of this incident, the You Family secretly calculated the Yan Family first.

When the time comes, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce's internal renunciation will naturally collapse.

Bu's family will be able to retreat completely.

As for Yan Lin not returning to Feiyan City, that naturally has his value.

And this value lies in...

"Qi Young Master, people have been caught."

Li calmly knocked on the door of Qi Le’s room. Shouted respectfully at the door.

Fortunately, Qi Le lives in Bu's Inn these days, otherwise there is really no one to find.

"Is it so fast? It's faster than I thought."

Qi Le, who seemed to have anticipated this matter a long time ago, was not too surprised, and It was a flat reply while opening the door of the room.

Li Congrong stood at the door, and behind him were two strong City Guards.

And a man detained in the middle by these two City Guards with their arms folded behind their backs.

This man has messy hair, a lot of blood on his face and body, and a lot of tears in his clothes. It seems that he has struggled.

It's just facing two strong City Guards, plus a Grandmaster Rank realm.

This man is just an ordinary person, and the struggle is futile.

"Sure enough, Young Master Qi is absolutely nothing. As soon as Yan Lin left the city, he was blocked and killed by someone before he left Far Mountain City."

Li Congrong's face With a touch of admiration, he said half-flattering and half-heartedly.

This man who was taken into custody is the Chief-In-Charge arranged by You Family in Yuanshan City, Youmu.

When the demonic beast tide attacked Yuanshan City before, You Mu learned the news in advance and fled the Yuanshan City. By the way, Yan Family had been calculated once.

However, You Mu didn't escape from afar, but stayed in the nearby city-state, paying close attention to the news of Yuanshan City.

Until he learned that Yuanshan City had repelled the demonic beast tide, Yumu became anxious.

There is no other reason.

You Mu secretly calculated the Yan Family, and its foundation is based on the demonic beast tide that can break through the remote mountain city.

If it succeeds, then in time, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce will inevitably fall into the hands of You Family.

In this case, You Mu can also become a major contributor to You Family.

However, if you don't have this foundation, then You Mu doing so is tantamount to forcing Yan Family from You Family's ally to become an enemy.

When the time comes, You Family will not only fail to do well, but will become a target of public criticism.

That You Mu Ke is the sinner of You Family.

So in order to prevent this from happening, You Mu must intercept Yan Lin or Yan Family who sent the letter back to Feiyan City on the way back to prevent the news from leaking out.

Although Qi Le doesn't like intrigue, but this kind of thing can be known at a single thought.

So he asked Li Congrong to send someone to follow Yan Lin secretly and take down all the guys who tried to intercept and kill Yan Lin.

After all, You Mu's rank and status are only this. People who can be hired are not as strong as possible.

It's enough for someone with a calm mind to deal with it.

even more how The people Li Congrong sent out carry an improved version of laser light on their bodies.

In unexpected circumstances, not many people can guard against magical light bullets.

As for Yan Lin, it is natural to continue to release him back to Feiyan City.

When the interior of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce should be messed up, you still need to add a fire.

"It's just a simple guess that's all, didn't expect this guy would be so anxious. The time for hands-on is much earlier than I expected."

Qi Le casually responded, and then glanced at You Mu.

Yu Mu's eyes are numb and dull, and his face still has a look of panic all day long.

Can you get acquainted with Heroic Rank powerhouse in this temperament?

Qi Le can't help but feel a little skeptical.

Logically speaking, the matter of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce should be handled by Bu Yuyan, which has nothing to do with Qi Le.

However, after Qi Le took the cast jade plate of Zi Yun, this was not the case.

It is necessary to consider what kind of power the people of the previous sneak attack on Zi Yun came from.

So the key figure is You Mu.

Because the Heroic Rank powerhouse that is missing now, only You Mu had contacted it.

"Since the people have already been brought, I won't stay much. Inside the City Lord Mansion still has a lot to deal with."

Li Congrong and Qi Le exchanged greetings. After that, he said goodbye.

Now is a stage where the overall strength of Yuanshan City is rapidly improving, and there are a lot more things to deal with than usual.

"Like the City Lord, no one can escape from me without my consent."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and did not hold back. .

"That's natural."

Although Li Congrong doesn't know Qi Le's strength, as long as Gu Ke is there, I am afraid that it is hard to meet in the distant mountain city.

And You Mu is just an ordinary person who cannot be cultivated, so it is not threatening at all.

So Li Congrong left with two City Guards.

Leaving You Mu alone, no one was watching. Qi Le stood at the door and squinted at him.

This time can make You Mu start his mind again.

No one wants to die, even if there is a glimmer of survival in despair, they will desperately catch it.

You Mu had actually struggled when he was captured by a calm person, but after all, he had no ability to escape, so he was a little desperate.

After all, what happened at this time, if Li Congrong and the others had known it.

Then don't say that Li Congrong will kill him, even Yan Family and You Family will not let him go.

For the Yan Family, you have to find a scapegoat.

And the plot of Yan Family was the result of You Mu's insistence on doing his own way. The others in You Family simply don't know.

Especially You Family's current patriarch You Qiyuan, but he has never heard of it.

If it succeeds, it's okay, You Mu can still be a great hero.

But the current situation is a failure.

In this case, Yumu is bound to die.

But now, if you can escape, you might still survive.

"I advise you not to move these careful thoughts, because it is not good for you."

Qi Le sees You Mu's constantly changing face and knows what he is thinking , He gave a warning.

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