"For the distant mountain city! For our family and friends!"

"City Guards, hold the weapons in your hands, follow me, and rush back!"

Li calmly stood on the guardrail of the city wall, holding the Knight sword high in his hand, looking up at the purple electric spirit dragon in the sky, drinking loudly.

With the City Lord personally supervising the battle, the morale of the City Guard can be boosted somewhat.

But how much it can improve can only be resigned to fate.

However, regardless of the morale of City Guard, Li calmly shouted, but it attracted the attention of Zidian Lingjiao.

"It's really noisy."

The voice of the Purple Lightning Lingjiao is very slow, and the emotion in the tone is not revealed much.

But there is obviously a hint of impatience in it.

"Your Excellency Zidian Lingjiao, since you are willing to reply, why can't you tell me, what is the purpose of your coming to Yuanshan City?"

"If I do it in Yuanshan City I’m willing to make up for something wrong."

Previously, Li Congrong would look directly at the Purple Electric Lingjiao and shout, just to test if the Purple Electric Lingjiao would answer.

As long as you can reply, it means that there is still a chance for negotiation.

This is also Li Congrong's fight for the last glimmer of survival for Yuanshan City.

"To make up for it with all your strength?"

When the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao heard these words, he let out a sneer.

"You can't make up for it, and you don't deserve to know!"

Before the voice fell, layers of dark thunderclouds in the sky have been surging, covering the distant mountain city Over the sky.

In the dense thunderclouds, thunder and lightning are surging like python, roaring.

Thunder is rolling and shocking.

Like the sound of beating drums, following the frequency of heartbeat, fiercely hit everyone's hearts.

"hmph ……"

Taking the brunt of the effort , he immediately issued a groan, followed by a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Other cultivators who were affected by the aftermath of this thunderous wave are also uncomfortable.

But the situation is much better than Li Congrong.

"Ahem...Is this the power of Heroic Rank, really terrifying."

Li calmly clutched his chest, breathing hard, trying to relieve the burning in his chest sense.

However, the attack of the Purple Lightning Water Dragon did not stop.

The thunderous impact is just an appetizer.

The real attack is yet to come.

"hong long long ——!"

During these few breaths, the thundercloud in the sky has taken shape, a storm eye full of thunder and lightning, Also appeared above the thundercloud.

In the eyes of the storm, countless thunders kept surging, making a palpitation roar.

It seems that in the next second, it will transform into a Thunder Dragon and rush out from the eye of the storm, shattering all obstacles in front of it.

"Damn it, such a tyrannical force, simply can't resist it."

Li calmly looked at the thundercloud in the sky in amazement.

The majestic coercion is so terrifying that it makes people breathless.

This is the strength of the Purple Lightning Lingjiao.

Thunder, originally the most terrifying element of destructive power, can burst out unimaginable power.

Under the control of the Purple Electric Spirit Watercress, it can be transformed into an unmatched force, annihilating all enemies blocking its path.

The dark clouds pressed on the top, making the sky of the distant mountain city gray.

All the residents in Yuanshan City are trembling.

Even the determined City Guard can't help but start to feel a little weak at this moment.

The majestic and unparalleled power, just like the vast and boundless ocean, makes people unable to produce a trace of resistance.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1682: Thunder Roll)...

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