
After a long silence, the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao uttered a word.

This word almost made Li Congrong sit on the ground.

And this "kill" word.

It made the group of demonic beasts boil, and the imposing manner rose to the extreme at this moment.

Looking at the cultivator and City Guard in Far Mountain City, morale instantly became extremely sluggish. Faced with the impact of the demonic beast tide, there was almost no resistance.

This is the qualitative change brought about by a Heroic Rank demonic beast.

Even though this Heroic Rank demonic beast did not join the battle, it brought changes in morale, which is definitely impossible to estimate.

"It's over, it's all over..."

Li calmly looked at the distant mountain city, those demonic beasts like a hot knife through butter rushed towards the distant mountain city, and couldn't help it. Talk to yourself.

Even the hammer mercenary squad with an improved version of laser light cannot withstand the impact of the demonic beast tide.

Defeated like a mountain.

It is definitely not something that a mercenary squad can change.

As long as the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao is still there, the imposing manner of these demonic beasts will not be sluggish.

"The Far Mountain City is about to die , everything is over."

"Who provokes the Purple Lightning Dragon, why is it like this?"

"It's all over, it's all gone..."

The wealthy businessmen who have been on the ground, at this time, one by one, both eyes are spiritless looking forward.

An atmosphere of despair fills this city wall.

No one wants to face such a powerful opponent, lacking in strength, and lack of mentality.

The demonic beast wave that was once suppressed by magic light bombs has also begun to show an unstoppable trend again. The city wall moved towards the distant mountain city is gradually approaching.

City Guard and cultivators were beaten steadily.

The mercenaries of the hammer mercenary squad are in a slightly better situation, and they can rely on the improved version of the laser light to fight and retreat against this group of demonic beasts.

But that's all.

This group of demonic beasts are just like death after the appearance of the Purple Lightning Spirit Flood.

Imposing manner and battle strength, simply cannot be the same.

"No, it can't go on like this!"

Li calmly looked at the demonic beast that was getting closer, and suddenly pulled out the Knight sword hanging from his waist.

"Even if I die, I will fight to the death for Far Mountain City. Knight's honor is supposed to die on the battlefield, not hide behind me."

Li Li Calmly may not be qualified to be the opponent of the Purple Lightning Spirit Flood.

But it is more than enough to resist those demonic beasts of low strength.

"Li City Lord, you really wanted to go with me. I have been a mercenary soldier for so many years, and I have never escaped once."

Ling Jiao's coercion eased over.

Since things have reached this point, there is only one choice.

There is the glory of death, but the shame of life.

Even in the end, Yuanshan City was still lost, but he had exhausted all his strength, even fighting for his life, without regrets.

"Brothers, if you don't want to be scolded by others after you die,'like a twat', then don't step back."

"It's just Some demonic beasts, what's terrifying!"

" Take out your fighting intent and kill!"

Iron Tiger angry roar, pick up his own solid copper hammer, He jumped off the city wall and joined the members of the Hammer Mercenary Squad.

"Yuanshan City City Guard, listen to orders!"

Li Congrong also took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly.

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