Ordinary mercenary squad belong to the category of team and undisciplined, so a little trouble is also OK.

But it's really going to be a big scene, and only the few powerful mercenary squads can be seen, and the other mercenary squads are used to make up the number.

However, when he arrived at the hammer mercenary squad, Li Congrong couldn't think of anything to say except for his astonishment and praise.

"For such a powerful mercenary squad, you must find a way to make a good deal."

Thinking of this, Li Congrong made a decision in his heart.

Because in this World, most of the city-states are in an autonomous state, and there are few factors that can limit the development of the city-state.

But the overall strength of a city-state is definitely the most important part.

An overall powerful city-state can better resist various unknown dangers and provide more complete protection for residents in the city-state.

That's why we can better attract all kinds of talents to come to live, find more resources and so on.

Form a virtuous circle.

The weak city-state is just the opposite.

Because of their inadequate strength, they are unable to resist danger, which makes it difficult to obtain various resources, the constant loss of talents, and it becomes increasingly difficult to develop.

The so-called powerhouse is always strong, and the weak are always weak.

Therefore, Li Congrong wants to develop the Yuanshan City more prosperously, making friends with various powerhouses, so as to enhance the overall strength of the city-state, which is absolutely indispensable.

The battle strength displayed by the hammer mercenary squad at this moment is already worthy of Li Congrong deliberately to make friends.

Those wealthy businessmen think the same way.

In this world of Battle Qi and magic, business is not just a business mind.

As long as you want to expand your own industry, the tyrannical strength used to guarantee and protect is an indispensable thing.

Just like the current Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

It is precisely because of their own lack of strength that restricts the pace of continued expansion.

The coverage of more than a dozen city-states is indeed not small, but for some truly powerful forces, it is simply not enough.

So in order to seek their own industry to continue to develop and grow, these wealthy businessmen will never give up the opportunity to make friends with the hammer mercenary squad.

What if Tiehu said something that made them uncomfortable before?

A businessman can bend and stretch.

For the great benefit, face is not important at all.

Yan Lin, who was among a bunch of wealthy businessmen, glanced at Bu Yuyan with disdain, and said sarcastically: "Didn't you say that you can solve the problem of Li City Lord?"

"Why don't you speak now? Could your weapons be more powerful than the Iron Tiger Captains?"

While speaking, Yan Lin looked towards Qi Le again, said with contempt "And you, too. You can speak big words at a young age. If you don’t work well with someone, you have to work with a down-and-out stepper."

"Look like this, you will be in your life. I can speak big words."

In Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, the contradiction between Bu's family and You Family and Yan Family has begun to intensify.

Now even if it is cast aside all considerations for face, that's actually the case.

Therefore, Yan Lin will naturally not miss this opportunity to hit his opponent.

As long as these wealthy businessmen and Li calmly hate Bu Yuyan, then Bu's family in Yuanshan City will have no probability of continuing to survive.

As soon as Yan Lin said this, it immediately aroused a round of sympathy among the wealthy businessmen.

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