After all, with the improved version of laser light’s formidable power, even if it outputs all the magic power in the energy storage gemstone, it’s difficult to make a substantial contribution to Heroic Rank realm’s powerhouse hurt.

This is also the limitation of the improved laser light.

However, without the presence of Heroic Rank realm's powerhouse, the effect that the improved laser light can play is too great.

Qi Le can be regarded as an insight at this moment.

Sure enough, developing weapons is the ability of the system, but the use of weapons is the responsibility of these customers.

Qi Le also just sells.

As for the extent to which the power of these weapons can be exerted, it can only depend on the imagination of the customers.

It seems that the Grizzlies' imagination is still very good.

"At this moment, the promotion of the improved version of the laser light can be instantly exploded."

Qi Le thought of this again.

The better the improved laser light plays in this battle, the higher its value.

After the battle is over, the easier it is to attract looting.

This is what Qi Le is happy to see.

However, Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen standing beside Qi Le have much more exciting expressions on their faces.

Because they never thought that the improved version of laser light would have such a huge destructive power.

It can forcibly cut off the impact of the demonic beast tide.

However, only relying on magic light bombs to cut off the demonic beast tide, there is no way to scare away these demonic beasts.

At most, it only delayed the impact of these demonic beasts.

The battle continues.

But this is the case, the terrifying destructive power of the magic light bullet also gave Li Congrong a huge surprise.

Because the hammer mercenary squad's this time attack not only delays the impact of the demonic beast, it also reduces the pressure on the City Guard and idle cultivator.

Let Yuanshan City get a chance to breathe.

This kind of fight at close quarters is about imposing manner and morale.

The so-called in a spurt of energy, it will decline again, and it will be exhausted after three.

Therefore, the first wave of the demonic beast tide is the most violent and the most difficult to resist.

Once this imposing manner is interrupted, the pressure will be much less.

"Brothers, leave half of them to continue attacking the demonic beast. Be careful not to hurt the people in the remote mountain city. For the others, go to the magician in the team to add magic to the energy storage gems."

"Don't forget about the magic potion. Anyway, it is not our own Gold Coin that was spent this time. Give me a good luxury!"

The grizzly bears naturally understand this truth, So I didn't feel complacent about the attack just now.

Instead, a new order was issued very quickly.

Divide the mercenaries with the improved laser light into two teams and attack them alternately, which can effectively compensate for the limited magic power of energy storage gems.

With one after another, the small magical light bullet kept flying out, and then exploded on the demonic beast.

The momentum of demonic beast, in this brief moment, has come to a halt.

"It's worthy of being the prestigious hammer mercenary squad. Such a powerful strength is much stronger than other cultivators and mercenary squads."

Seeing this place, Li Congrong couldn't help but give a sincere compliment.

The idle cultivator has no team or discipline, but the personal strength is pretty good.

City Guard has a team and discipline, but it is only suitable for large-scale battles. In terms of personal strength, it is a bit weaker.

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