"If you want to gain a foothold in Far Mountain City, but also want to develop, you don't have a little ability. Just being able to socialize is just wishful thinking."

Yu Yan's attitude is actually not far off.

But it hasn't been as sharp as Yan Lin's side, but the look towards Bu Yuyan is still not good.

After all, these wealthy businessmen have been in high positions for a long time.

Being warned by Tiehu now, I will naturally feel uncomfortable.

But when facing Tiehu, even if they feel uncomfortable in their hearts, it is difficult for them to attack on the spot, so this anger can only be transferred to Bu Yuyan.

This scene was also noticed by Bu Yuyan.

However, Bu Yuyan still doesn't care about the bad attitudes of these wealthy businessmen.

"Really? That's really many thanks. Several people are concerned."

"However, whether my Bu family can stay in Yuanshan City is not up to you. !"

Bu Yuyan looked at these wealthy businessmen directly and said every word.

When I visited various manor houses before, I was so angry that Bu Yuyan knew that the relationship between the two was very difficult to reverse, so now she became hardened.

Since they can't make a good relationship, let them see their backbone and ability.

Merchants, do not have to cooperate.

Monopoly is also a way.

"Well said!"

When Bu Yuyan finished speaking, there was a burst of applause.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Le did not know where he came from, suddenly appeared on the city wall, applauding and applauding.

"Qi Young Master, you, why are you here?"

Bu Yuyan didn't expect Qi Le to hear what she said just now.

A blush immediately appeared on his face.

To be honest, the words just now were spoken by the current Bu’s family. They were not so much bold words and ambitions, they were more of a spectacle.

It's just a cruel thing to say so as not to lose face.

So seeing Qi Le suddenly appear, Bu Yuyan was also embarrassed and embarrassed.

After all, cooperation with Qi Le, not only failed to bring Qi Le any help, but also took a lot of Qi Le.

It's really not like what a partner should do.

"Why I am here is not important, what is important is that I think what you just said is very good."

Qi Le said slowly with a faint smile on his face "My partner, I don’t need to look at anyone’s face, and don’t need to cheat anyone!"

Originally Qi Le planned to hide in the dark first, look at this time demonic beast The scale of the tide, then proceed to the next step.

That's why I came near the city wall at this time.

Only after discovering that Bu Yuyan was being ridiculed, Qi Le couldn't sit still a bit.

Anyway, Bu Yuyan is also Qi Le's partner. If she is ridiculed, doesn't it seem that Qi Le has no vision?

How can this work!

That's why Qi Le decided to show up and support Bu Yuyan.

Prevent your first partner from being underestimated.


Originally, Li Congrong and Jin Dacai and the others wanted to ask who Qi Le is.

But now it is not difficult to hear from Qi Le's words, this guy is a partner of Bu Yuyan.

So Li Congrong didn't say anything further, and waved his hand to make those City Guards who were preparing to come back back.

Since he is Bu Yuyan's partner, even if Li Congrong is giving Tiehu face, he will not care too much.

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