It’s pretty good that Tiehu came here to speak up when Bu Yuyan was wronged.

And compared to starting Yuyan, in fact, Tiehu wants to make friends with Qi Le.

It's just that Qi Le's whereabouts has always been silent, so Tiehu has never found that's all.

"Of course, we know it clearly in our hearts."

Jin Dacai answered again and again, and the look towards Bu Yuyan also changed slightly.

Although he still despised, but at least before Tiehu left, he did not dare to ridicule as before.

But when it comes to fear, it's not enough.

Because of the nature of the mercenary squad, few presidents expect to be in the same city-state.

Many tasks require running around the world.

So these wealthy businessmen are indeed quite afraid of the Iron Tiger, and the hammer mercenary squad, but for Bu Yuyan, it is actually just giving the Iron Tiger face.

"That's good."

Tiehu coldly snorted, and then looked towards Li calmly, and said aloud: "Li City Lord, since I Tiehu is here , Of course, I can’t say it."

"And the demonic beast will never go down, and we will not be able to go. So your request, our hammer mercenary squad will take it."

"However, I need a batch of potions to restore magic power. I hope Li City Lord can provide it."

Hunting demonic beasts is a commonplace thing for mercenaries.

And after hunting down the demonic beast, the benefits that can be obtained are not small.

Magic Core and various materials on the demonic beast can be sold at a good price.

However, although Iron Tiger is willing to join the battle, the consumption of medicine in this tragic battle must be huge, and Iron Tiger is not willing to pay for it himself.

And the most important point is that the improved version of laser light is a big man who devours magic.

Don't prepare more potions to restore magic power, simply can't hold it.

"Of course, Tiehu Captain is willing to lend a helping hand, and naturally can't let the brothers pay for it."

Li calmly hearing this, he quickly beckoned and summoned a messenger. , Said: "Go, transfer a batch of magic potions to the hammer mercenary squad. The speed should be fast."

"Yes, Sir City Lord."

, And then quickly stepped back.

"Since Li City Lord is so generous, then I will pass first. Brothers are still waiting for me."

Tiehu cupped the hands and said goodbye to Li calmly.

The battle method of mercenary squad is different from City Guard.

Li Congrong, as the City Lord of Far Mountain City, naturally wants to strategize from the rear and control the battlefield situation.

However, as the Captain of the mercenary squad, the Iron Tiger can best boost the morale of the team members during the battle is to take the lead and personally charge for the battle.

So naturally, like Li Congrong, standing on the city wall and watching.

"Iron Tiger Captain, please."

Li calmly ordered nodded. For the Iron Tiger and the hammer mercenary squad, he had great expectations.

I hope that the addition of the hammer mercenary squad can change the battlefield situation and suppress the impact of the demonic beast tide.

After all, the current situation is not optimistic.

The City Guard and those idle cultivators alone cannot resist the demonic beast trend now.

"hmph, Bu Yuyan, don't be too proud. You don't have the strength. It's useless to rely on others to support you."

Yan Lin sees after Tiehu leaves. , Still disdainfully said to Bu Yuyan.

"Yes, if you want to stay in Yuanshan City, it's no use just to fawn on others."

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