At this moment, the magicians also raised their wands and began to condense magic, applying various buffs to the City Guards of the Warrior class and Knight class.

Morale, sometimes it's that simple.

After going on the battlefield, personal emotions are easily driven by the whole.

Once morale is high, it will suppress the timidity in my heart.

And what Li calmly wants is this effect.

So City Guard can only take the lead to boost morale.

"The City Guards are already on, what are we going to do? Shall we join together?"

"I took everything, it doesn’t seem good to just run away."

"Then let's go with us, don't we have the courage to be worse than those City Guards?"

"That is, if you are afraid of even demonic beasts, then what mercenary do you have? , Go home to nurse the child and farm the land."

"Brothers, follow me! Don’t lose to those City Guards!"

The far mountain city was attracted by the call-up order. Among the cultivators, there are not only those idle cultivators, but also a considerable number of mercenaries.

After all, once the summoning order is issued, as long as it comes, you will be paid.

It's just a matter of how much you pay, that's all.

Among mercenaries, there has never been a lack of passion.

As long as the morale comes up and the blood comes together, it is a screaming and rushing upwards.

Soon, the City Guard and cultivators of Far Mountain City collided with the demonic beast tide.

And here, it also reflects the relatively more popular forging skills in this World.

Although High Rank forging skills are still scarce.

But low-level forging skills can be regarded as quite popular.

Especially the armors created by those skilled blacksmiths.

Although it is not as good as the works of those blacksmiths, it also has a certain defensive power.

It is precisely because of this that, in the first confrontation between the two sides, Yuanshan City was able to minimize the number of casualties.

He even stopped the demonic beast from advancing.


That's all.

After all, the armor forged by the blacksmith can indeed block one or two attacks from the demonic beast, but the use of forging materials is still too poor.

It is not yet able to carry the blessings of Battle Qi and magic.

The long battle simply can't hold up.

So after the initial good momentum passed, the demonic beast wave immediately began to gain the upper hand.

Compared with cultivators, once the demonic beast is formed in number, the threat that it can cause will definitely increase exponentially.

Because the difference in combat instinct between the ordinary cultivator and the demonic beast is too big.

Unless it is a cultivator group with a high degree of cooperation, it can also fight a number of demonic beasts.

However, the cultivators who were temporarily summoned in Yuanshan City obviously didn't have much cooperation.

City Guard is slightly better.

But other people, simply are guerrillas and disperse bravely. The more they are, the more they can’t cooperate. Simply is not the opponent of demonic beast.

The massive casualties began soon.

And it is still increasing and spreading.

Let Li Congrong standing on the city wall see the eye socket cracked.

"Why are these demonic beasts so strong? Why are these demonic beasts so strong!"

Li Congrong couldn't understand that with so many demonic beasts, the strength is still so strong, what is it? Where did it come from.

But if you can figure it out now, it doesn’t really matter anymore.

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