Such a terrifying scene is just a glimpse. Those timid cultivators may have their legs weakened.

If it is an ordinary person who cannot be cultivation, in the coercion carried by the roar of the beasts.

Those who are less ambitious may faint on the spot.

"It's really a terrifying scene. Is this terrifying coercion really a demonic beast in the remote mountain forest?"

Li calmly saw this scene and couldn't help but Swallowed saliva.

Yuanshan Forest is just outside Yuanshan City, and it's not that Li Congrong has never been to it.

But it is precisely because I have been there, and it is not one or two times, so Li Congrong knows that the trifling remote mountain forest is absolutely impossible to make up such a terrifying demonic beast lineup.

Putting it that way, these demonic beasts come from other demonic beast forests with higher rank.

Thinking of this, Li Congrong began to feel a little nervous.

Faced with so many demonic beasts, and the coercive pressure is still so great.

In Far Mountain City, before the battle started, his imposing manner may have already lost a lot.

With such thoughts, Li Congrong glanced at the people around him even more nervously.

Sure enough, the most obvious manifestation is the group of wealthy businessmen.

When the demonic beast tide at first appeared, their faces started to turn pale.

Now, as soon as it is attacked by this terrifying beast roar, it looks even more like a golden paper.

There are even many wealthy businessmen who have already begun to think about moving to Far Mountain City.

I was just startled by the roar of the beast, so my feet were soft, and I couldn’t do anything about it for the time being.

Jin Dacai was even more so shocked by the coercion carried by the roar of this beast that he almost knelt on the ground

"Bah, just like this, I still want to move forward and retreat together."

Li Cong couldn't help but took a sip, and then glanced at the City Guard assembled on the city wall.

Although his face is a bit ugly, no one has a flustered expression.

"Is this the enemy we have to face this time?"

"Only with us, can we really deal with these demonic beasts? You are not kidding me."

"I just said how could we be so kind to give us weapons and armors, as well as expensive potions for us to take at will. It turns out that we must be sent to death."

" Brothers, otherwise we'd better withdraw."

And those cultivators on the city wall who came because of the summoning order, have already begun to retreat at this time.

No way, these idle cultivators are not like City Guard.

In the face of this danger of nine deaths and still alive, you will instinctively want to escape to save yourself.

As for the weapons and armors that these cultivators get before the battle begins, as well as some precious potions, they will naturally not be returned.

Anyway, this is the reward that is due to the summoning of the summoning order.

Otherwise, this summoning order may not be so attractive.

"Everyone listens! Ready to meet the demonic beast!"

Standing on the city wall, Li calmly saw the emotional changes of these people clearly and knew this time. It can't be delayed anymore.

So I immediately issued a shout out loudly.

If these guys who are beginning to retreat are really started, then the entire front may not have started a war, and it will be completely collapsed.

Defeat like a mountain is by no means nothing serious.


City Guard received the order and immediately issued an angry roar.

Then began to face the demonic beasts that came.

.. You can click on the "favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1659: Demonic beast)...

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