Because of this city-defense laser tube, simply does not look like a small weapon, but rather like a machine gun.

The shape is majestic and majestic, and two iron boxes are specially set aside for storing energy storage gems.

Yes, for the city defense version of the laser light emitting tube, you only need to put the energy storage gems in the iron box, and you don't even need to install it.

"I knew that in this suit, there will always be something unusual."

Qi Le rubbed his eyebrows and took two deep breaths.

Because of this city defense version of the laser light emitting tube, Qi Le temporarily didn't expect who would need it.

The recoil is huge and it needs to be used in a fixed manner.

This excludes individual customers and those mercenary squads.

Is it really only available to various city-states? Then the range of customers is too small.

However, when Qi Le glanced down, he realized that the problems he had thought about before did not seem to be that serious.

Laser light launch tube (destroy version): In this version of the laser light launch tube, please directly put the energy storage gems with full magic power as ammunition into the launch tube to attack the target.

Attention, the formidable power is huge for the condensed attack of the destruction version of the laser light emitting tube, please use it with caution.

"I really took it."

When Qi Le saw this explanation, his heart was really the word "serve" in capitals.

These three types of laser light emitting tubes are really a loser.

The handheld version is pretty normal.

But in the city defense version, the number of energy storage gems required has been directly increased tenfold.

Then in the destruction version, the number of energy storage gems is no longer counted, and the energy storage gems are launched directly.

The first two types of laser light emitting tubes, energy storage gemstones can be recycled anyway.

The result is the third.


Doesn’t exist!

If there is no family property, simply can't afford it.

However, one thing must be mentioned.

That is the formidable power of the destruction version of the laser light launch tube. It is really not a cover. When the energy storage gem is launched as ammunition, the destructive power can almost stably reach the level of the initial Heroic Rank.

It is definitely a weapon with a full threat level.

After all, in this world where Heroic Rank powerhouse can be counted on one's fingers, a weapon that can burst out the power of Heroic Rank is absolutely unimaginable.

Qi Le seems to be able to see that with these new products, it is time to continuously gain strength of Faith.

It's like buying a car and you need to refuel.

To buy a laser light emitting tube, you need to keep buying energy storage gems.

Because various types of energy storage gems can correspond to various environments, resulting in stronger destructive power.

"Fifty units of strength of Faith...No, it's seventy..."

"Still wrong, it should be seventy-four units of strength of Faith, It’s really not a loss to spend."

Qi Le calculated it several times before trying to understand it.

If the interest is also included, it should have taken seventy-four units of strength of faith tonight.

But it's worth it.

After Bu Yuyan has selected the site, the vending point is completed and the collection of strength of faith is almost on track.


On the 2nd day, Qi Le can sleep in after a long absence.

However, there was a problem with Bu Yuyan.

"Oh, miss, the few shops we selected before, don't know why, the owners of the shops are not willing to sell their shops."

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