"Is it so much worse?!"

Qi Le really didn't expect that he still lacked so much strength of Faith.

To unlock a new product for the first time, count the strength of Faith for one unit, and then unlock the improved laser light latest launch tube set, which requires fifty units of strength of Faith.

So speaking of which, Qi Le currently only has four units of strength of faith.

When I think of this, I will calculate it in my heart.

Qi Le probably inferred.

The strength of faith of a unit is probably the sum of the strength of faith that can be collected in thirty exchanges.

The specific number may fluctuate up and down, but the fluctuation should not be large.

Because Qi Le had been with the caravan before, when he encountered mountain bandits, the hammer mercenary squad bought a lot of improved laser lights from him.

It is also all the transactions that have been conducted in this World so far.

There are probably more than one hundred mercenaries who bought the improved laser light.

This number is less than one third of the total number of hammer mercenary squad.

After all, with the power of a mercenary squad, it is certainly not weak to escort a caravan with hundreds of carriages.

At least in terms of the number of people, there must be a lot.

Otherwise, even if the strength of the mercenaries is enough, when escorting such a long caravan, there will definitely be a situation where the head and the tail cannot be considered.

"There is still a strength of Faith of 47 units, so..."

Qi Le rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment before he suddenly said.

"Don't ask for too much, and I don't want to give less. Since I borrowed from you, I must pay interest."

"A lump sum within half a month Clearly, I will return your strength of faith for 70 units, how about it? If it works, I will wait a few more days."

After that, Qi Le began to remain calm and composed while handling The waiting of pressing affairs starts the answer of the system.

Qi Le is not in a hurry anyway.

Do business.

Compared to losing money, it’s really nothing to waste a little time.

So, time was in this silence, passing by bit by bit, until Qi Le yawned.

system: "Okay, the deal!"

system: "Congratulations to the host for getting the improved version of the latest laser light launch tube set."

"That's right , You and I are not at a loss. Seeking good for a win-win situation. The highest realm in business is definitely good for both parties."

Qi Le, while happily guiding the system, opened the Store Manager backstage.

Start checking the newly unlocked products.

Laser light emitting tube (handheld type): a conventional laser light emitting tube, which can fire quickly and accumulate energy without special effects.

This is the first launch tube in the suit.

Looking at the picture, it looks like the improved version of the laser beam lacks energy storage gems.

A hollow iron pipe plus a handle and a trigger on the handle.

At the rear of the laser tube, there is a groove for fixing the energy storage gemstone, and there are four buckles on it.

Sure enough, as described, it is a conventional laser light emitting tube.

Qi Le clicked nodded, and then looked down...

Laser light emitting tube (city defense type): Laser light emitting tube used for city-state defense. The recoil is huge and needs to be fixed. To use, it is recommended to install it on the city wall. It can fire quickly and accumulate energy. Ten energy storage gems are required to start.


Qi Le stared for a long while without speaking.

This is only the second laser light emitting tube, so why is it starting to be a bit abnormal.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (chapter 1635: laser light emitting tube)...

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