Qi Le is the first to this World.

And then in most of the day, experienced so many things.

Although not tired, Qi Le also wants to find a quiet place to organize his thoughts and plan what to do next.

Otherwise, this month would be too boring.

And after Bu Yuyan got what she wanted, she continued to disturb Qi Le again.

So after Qi Le left this sentence, he left Feiyan restaurant Shi Shiran.

In the box, Bu Yuyan also put away the four cubes used to arrange the soundproof array.

This thing is not a one-off, it is so precious that it cannot be lost.

"Miss, is the cooperation with Qi Store Manager really so important?"

Xiaowen, who didn't say a word during the negotiation, saw Qi Le leave , Asked immediately.

"Of course," Bu Yuyan seemed to be very happy with a smile on her face, "Can you let Bu Jia leave the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce and become a more powerful force, and Qi Store Manager? Cooperation is the key point."

"Bujia Impossible always relies on Feiyan Chamber of Commerce. If you want to go to a higher level and see the wider world, you must seize the opportunity. ."

An ordinary person who has no cultivation aptitude and cannot be cultivated, even if he has more wealth.

In the eyes of true powerhouse, it is still not worth mentioning.

So after those wealthy businessmen have a huge wealth, they will start to make friends with powerhouses of all walks of life, and make friends with the Forging Masters of great status.

To be able to move to a higher level.

Because it is never a huge wealth that can compete with a powerhouse, but another powerhouse.

And Qi Le, in the eyes of Bu Yuyan, is a powerhouse.

In other words, behind Qi Le, there is a powerful powerhouse supporting it.

Therefore, cooperation with Qi Le, for Bu Yuyan, no matter what the price is, it will be profitable and harmless.

even more how Now it seems that Bu Yuyan did not pay any price.

"However, the cooperation with Qi Store Manager must not be said before Qi Store Manager actively talks about it, otherwise it will arouse the resentment of Qi Store Manager, which is not good."

After Bu Yuyan noticed the longing look in Xiaowen's eyes, she exhorted her.

"Well, I see, miss."

Xiaowen strongly clicked nodded.


On the same night, in Feiyan City.

Here is the city-state where the headquarters of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is located.

The name of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is actually determined by the name of Feiyan City.

Decades ago, Bu's Family, You Family, and Yan Family were already the three largest families in Feiyan City.

It was from that time that the patriarch of Three Great Families decided to establish a Chamber of Commerce during a joint negotiation.

is now the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

The Guild branch of the mercenary was added later.

With the development of these decades and the inheritance of several generations, the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce has expanded its coverage from Feiyan City.

Starting from the coverage of one city-state, it has reached the scale of more than a dozen city-states today.

But it is a pity that this rate of development has stagnated a few years ago.

Because of the powerhouse belonging to the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, there are too few.

The Grandmaster Rank powerhouse is only a few dozen, and the Professional Rank cultivator is only a few hundred.

As for the Heroic Rank powerhouse, I don’t even have to think about it. I don’t have any.

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