But now that we are cooperating with Bu Yuyan, the benefits that should be given to her should be interesting.

How else is it called a win-win situation?

"These are the basic ability items that need to be paid attention to for the time being, and the others, wait until you think of them later."

Qi Le touched his chin, but temporarily couldn't think of others. What to say.

But not thinking about it now does not mean not thinking about it in the future, so I can't say anything.

"Only, are there only these requirements?"

Since Bu Yuyan decided to give up the dominance, she was ready to pay the price, so now I listen to Qi Le's request only seemed so surprised.

This is not because Qi Le's requirements are difficult to achieve.

On the contrary, Bu Yuyan was surprised because Qi Le's requirements were too simple.

Except for the purchase restriction requirement, which Bu Yuyan can't understand, the other requirements are requirements for the same interests of both parties.

For example, a sufficient number of customers.

Of course, Bu Yuyan also hopes that the number of customers will be the more the better.

Especially what Qi Le said, he doesn't care how high the price of the improved laser light energy is. He only accepts one hundred Gold Coins anyway.

With such favorable conditions, Bu Yuyan is a little doubtful whether Qi Le has other plans.

"By the way, there is one last point. You can choose a location for the store that sells the goods I provide, but I must build it myself."

"And, all All transactions must be completed in the shop."

After hearing Bu Yuyan's incredible question, Qi Le remembered a little more.

That is to collect strength of Faith during the transaction, unless Qi Le sells the goods, otherwise, it must be done in the automatic vending point.

So it doesn't matter if you cooperate with Bu Yuyan and let her be an agent.

In other words, this is a good choice.

Because Qi Le is impossible and has been staying in this World.

And the automatic vending point set up in this World, after Qi Le leaves this World, it will be in an automatic operation state, and it will always implement the sales plan set by Qi Le before leaving.

Until Qi Le makes changes.

So, it is not a bad thing to hire an agent to help manage the vending point.

The premise is that the agent is obedient enough and will not be bad.

At present, in terms of obedient, Bu Yuyan should be fine.

Because of the internal situation of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, Bu Yuyan is not optimistic.

If there is a problem with the cooperation, it will not have much impact on Qi Le, but Bu Yuyan may be out of luck.

So even for her own sake, Bu Yuyan is impossible to give birth to strangeness.

"No problem. Regarding cooperation, I will try my best to meet the requirements of Qi Store Manager."

Bu Yuyan clicked nodded and all agreed.

"Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Qi Le said with a smile after confirming that he really has no other requirements this time.

"Many thanks to Qi Store Manager for giving me this opportunity, happy cooperation."

Bu Yuyan, hearing this, quickly got up to express his gratitude to Qi Le.

Qi Le shook the head with a faint smile, then got up and said: "Miss Bu no need to be so polite, if there is nothing else, then I will leave first."

When I first arrived in the new world, I experienced so many things in half a day.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1627: Happy Cooperation)...

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