"Yeah, okay."

The improved laser light is not heavy, so Bu Yuyan picked it up easily and aimed it at the surrounding business. Mountain bandits outside the team.

All of a sudden, scarred man saw something was wrong.

"Could it be..."

Just when the scarred man was still suspicious.

Because it was the first time for Bu Yuyan to use the improved laser light, she was a little scared and not very skilled, so she quickly released the trigger.

A magic light bullet with a formidable power not too big was launched.

Then it exploded among the bandits, and immediately severely injured a large number of bandits that were affected.

But maybe the formidable power of the magic bullet is not enough, so not many bandits died on the spot this time.

But this is enough for the scarred man to confirm his guess.

" Impossible ..."

The scarred man couldn't believe his eyes at all.

But the facts are right in front of me, even if I no longer want to believe it, I have to believe it.

That is the wand with a strange shape. It can be used without a magician, and it can release a huge magical light bullet of formidable power to attack.

This strange staff is simply unheard-of and unprecedented.

But this kind of wand with peculiar functions appeared in front of him.

And also gave myself a heavy blow.

This makes the scarred man who has always been arrogant, how can he not get angry.

Although the scarred man has never seen this type of staff, there are thousands of artifacts that can be forged. It is not guaranteed that this is a new type of weapon.

Even if it is unbelievable, but now it appears in front of you, that is the fact.

So the scarred man quickly accepted the facts, and in his gaze looking towards the improved laser light, there was also a touch of greed that could not be hidden.

"Since you have taken out such a precious weapon, if I don't accept it, wouldn't it be a waste of your kindness."

The scarred man said this. At that time, the tone of voice could not be concealed with greed and greed.

The look in Qi Le's eyes has changed from the previous ignorance to the look that looks like a big fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Who can think of this unfathomable mystery who goes to the Far Mountain City with the caravan.

Not a mosquito leg, but a big mountain.

This is really a big surprise.

"Brothers, give me the best priority to get rid of that businessman! Whoever contributes the most power will go to that staff!"

The scarred man mixed Battle Qi in his voice In the process, ensure that all bandits can hear what he said.

Because at this time, anyone who noticed this scene can almost guess it.

Bu Yuyan is an ordinary person who cannot be cultivated. It can be said to be as everyone knows.

But just such an ordinary person who cannot be cultivation can release a powerful magical light bomb with destructive power when holding that strangely shaped staff.

What does this mean?

That's right!

This means that whoever can get that strangely shaped staff can grasp this powerful force.

These words of scarred man made all the bandits excited in an instant.

Although the bandits are all cultivators, yes.

But it is also a cultivator, in terms of strength, it is also divided into different ranks.

A cultivator with real ability, if it's not for committing a crime, or for some special reason, who wants to be a bandit?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1603: The Big Sheep)...

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