"Be careful..."

Bu Yuyan couldn't help shouting.

Then before the words were finished, Qi Le pressed the trigger under his finger and was released.


A dazzling white light instantly appeared at the launch port of the improved laser light, and then wiped it from the bandits that rushed up past.

The wave of terrifying magic power directly knocked these bandits away.

This is just the aftermath of this magical light bullet before it explodes.


Another loud noise came from the place where the bandits gathered.

Accompanied by this loud noise are the gravel, smoke and dust, and countless mountain bandits who have been bombed into the sky.

The same as the last magic light bullet.

At this time, no bandit can withstand this terrifying impact, so the skeleton is blown to pieces and the internal organs are broken.

There is no probability of survival at all.

The people who saw this scene with their own eyes were once again stunned.

But this time is different from the previous doubts. I have witnessed the emergence of magic light bullets and the huge destructive power.

In the hearts of these bandits, there was an emotion called timidity.

"Oh my god, what kind of person we saved before."

Tiehu looked towards the gray leopard with a look of consternation.

Since Qi Le came to the caravan, the one who had the most contact with him was the Grey Leopard.

"I don't know. He only said that he was a traveler who came here by accident. He didn't say anything else."

Gray Leopard was also full of confusion.

But more, still shocking.

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen, who were sitting in the carriage, were shocked the most.

"This is how the improved laser light is used. As long as you keep pressing the trigger, you can continuously increase the formidable power of the magic light bullet."

"Of course, you too Just remember to let the magician inject magic into the energy storage gems."

Qi Le taught them by deeds and demonstrated how to use the improved laser light for the two.

Then he passed the improved laser light in his hand to Bu Yuyan.

"Is it really possible?"

Bu Yuyan was a little afraid to answer.

"Of course, I am a businessman. Since I want to sell products, I naturally have to let customers experience it."

Qi Le was mildly laughed, and then I definitely ordered nodded.

Of course, this sentence is a lie.

Want to experience merchandise?

Doesn’t exist!

Qi Le has been in the store for so long, when has it allowed customers to experience the functions of the product?

It's just that Qi Le feels that he owes Bu Yuyan a favor, so there is such a special case.

Let's reciprocate.

But for other people, sorry, they love to buy or not, and they do not buy.

Anyway, after passing this village, there is no more shop. You don't want it, some people want it.

"Thanks, thank you."

Bu Yuyan hurriedly thanked him, and then cautiously accepted the improved version of the laser light handed over by Qi Le.

"Don't be so careful, this thing is not that easy to break."

Of course Qi Le knows what Bu Yuyan is being careful about.

The function of the improved version of laser light can be said to have subverted the entire forging industry.

And apart from this reason, just relying on the improved version of laser light to release such a powerful attack is enough to prove its preciousness.

So it is not unreasonable for Bu Yuyan to be so careful.

"Okay, let's give it a try, pay attention to aim, don't hurt yourself."

Qi Le instructed aside.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1602: Experience Commodities)...

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