Facing the bandits covering the mountains and plains, it takes courage to rush up.

As the Captain of the hammer mercenary squad, Iron Tiger should take the lead to boost morale.

"Brothers, give me a blow, don't let these clutter look down on us!"

Follow closely from behind is the Vice Captain Grizzly.

As Vice Captain of the hammer mercenary squad, the Grizzlies will naturally not back down at this critical moment.

This kind of large-scale battle, when fighting, relies on an imposing manner.

The higher the morale, the stronger the battle strength that can be exerted.

Unlike those powerhouse battles, if the hard power and realm are not the same, they will always be deadlocked.

If you want to tell the victory or defeat, it depends on who shows the weak spot first.

Life and death are only a moment.

So surrounded by the imposing manner of the Iron Tiger and Grizzlies, the mercenaries of the Hammer Mercenary Squad all lifted their weapons, and roar rushed towards the bandits.

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen were frightened by the terrifying cry of killing.

Until now They both live under the protection of Bu's family. Have Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen ever seen such a tragic scene?

Looking at the bandits who rushed towards hiding the sky and covering the earth, Bu Yuyan almost forgot to say what to say.

"Forget it, it seems that asking you is a question of nothing. I just have the opportunity to show you how to use the improved laser light for free."

Qi Le looked at Bu Yuyan with a dull face, even her body began to tremble unconsciously, shrugged helplessly.

Then he lifted the improved laser light and pointed the opening of the launch tube at the bandit who rushed up.

"Look up!"

Qi Le put his finger on the improved laser light trigger and pressed it down firmly.

The magic power in the energy storage gem was immediately mobilized, and the crazy moved towards the launch tube gathered.

And here is where the improved laser light is different from conventional thermal weapons.

Because this improved version of laser light is actually a power-storing weapon.

The longer the trigger is pressed, the greater the formidable power of the magic light bullets emitted.

And the upper limit of the formidable power of the magic light bullet is all the magic power stored in the energy storage gem.

According to the original design of the improved laser light, the upper limit of the energy storage of energy storage gemstones is probably the total amount of magic in the body of a normal Grandmaster Rank Peak magician.

After all, it is not ruled out that some guys with extraordinary natural talent, the amount of magic that can be contained in the body will be more than normal cultivator.

So this special case is not counted.

According to the energy storage upper limit of the energy storage gem.

The magic light bullet that the improved version of laser light can emit, its largest formidable power, is to completely exceed the full strength attack of the Grandmaster Rank Peak magician.

But the premise is that the magic power in the energy storage gem is full.

Of course, in addition to the feature of a charged attack, the original intention of the improved version of the laser light is still an instant weapon.

If the trigger is released in seconds, the magic light bullet emitted is probably equivalent to a normal Brave Rank Peak magician full strength attack.

Although the formidable power is a bit smaller, the magic power consumed will be reduced a lot.

If all the magic light bombs with such a small formidable power are fired, the magic power in an energy storage gem can be fired almost a thousand times before it will be exhausted.

It can be said to be quite affordable.

The only drawback is that the opponent has certain requirements for speed.

However, this time, Qi Le is to demonstrate to Bu Yuyan the formidable power of the improved laser light.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1597: Charged Weapons)...

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