Although Bu Yuyan still doesn’t know what Qi Le’s staff is called an improved version of the laser beam, and what level of weapon it is.

But one thing is certain.

Since Qi Le can take out the staff, it proves that he has friendship with the blacksmith.

Even have friendship with Forging Master.

In this case, reporting the name of the Forging Master might be able to scare off these bandits and help yourself through this crisis.

After all, the face of a Forging Master is still very big.

"That...Hello, Young Master, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bu Yuyan, Rainy Rain, Yan Ran Yan, I don't know what Young Master is called?"

Thinking of this, Bu Yuyan immediately sat up straight.

"Just call me Qi Le."

Qi Le didn't care about Bu Yuyan's attitude.

In this case, it’s good for ordinary person to be able to talk freely.

Qi Le can perceive that the two people in front of them have no Battle Qi or magic in their bodies.

I don’t know how to stay so calm.

You must know that Qi Le may seem to be an ordinary person on the surface, but in fact, when his full strength bursts out, all the bandits here will die as long as they breathe.

"Hello, Young Master Qi, I don't know where did you get this staff?"

Bu Yuyan asked straight to the point.

Don't ask where Qi Le took the staff out.

Because storage-type artifacts are really not rare things, even ordinary blacksmiths can make them.

It's just that the size of the space inside is different.

"It's a coincidence, you will know later, but it is not important."

"The important thing is that I need to show you this improved version of laser light. Do you use it?"

Qi Le knew it was too much trouble to explain this kind of thing at this time, so he immediately changed the subject.

Because who could have imagined that such a good sales opportunity would be encountered at this time.

And, the most important point.

Qi Le simply doesn't know what the status of the blacksmith is in this World.

Otherwise, Qi Le also installs a hammer traveler and businessman.

Just say that you are a blacksmith.


Bu Yuyan was taken aback after Qi Le changed the subject.

And at this time, the scarred man squinted his eyes and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Five minutes are here, brothers, kill me!"

scarred man shout out loudly, right hand took out the saber hung on the saddle and held it high above his head. .

The sharp blade gleams with dazzling cold light, which also represents the beginning of the plunder this time.

"Brothers, come on!"

"Take all the supplies, not one!"

Those bandits heard the scarred man's violence After shouting, morale rose to a peak suddenly.

Roar one by one, rushing towards the caravan.

Hearing the roar full of suffocation and tyrannical aura, almost all the coachmen and the guys in the caravan had their legs weakened and collapsed to the ground.

When did they see this terrifying scene?

Almost every one of these bandits' hands was stained with blood.

For these ordinary persons who cannot be cultivated, this murderous aura alone is already a huge deterrent.

"Hammer mercenary squad, give me a top!"

The iron tiger also shout out loudly, and then remove the two large solid copper hammers from both sides of the saddle , Immediately afterwards, rushed forward in the lead.

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