"Then I will give you the last five minutes. If there is still no result, then don't blame my sword for being ruthless."

Being a mountain bandit, you can save face.

But if you are the leader of the bandit, then you must not lose face, otherwise the prestige of the leader will be lost.

That's why the scarred man made an ultimatum.

"Brothers, take your weapons, five minutes later, just do it!"

Taking a deep look at Tiehu, the scarred man shouted.

"It should be like this a long time ago!"

"When did we wait for such a long time and kill them all?"

"Ready to do it, brothers, pull yourself together!"

"As long as this is done, it will be enough for us to eat and drink for a few months!"

The scarred man's shouts immediately cheered up the surrounding bandits.

Under the high morale, the eyes of these bandits looking at the caravan were clearly fierce and greedy.

These fierce lights made the coachmen and the guys start to tremble unconsciously.

Even Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen who were sitting in the carriage did not see these gazes in person, and their bodies began to stiffen.

So many cultivators gathered together.

Even if the strength of each cultivator is not high, the imposing manner added together is not something an ordinary person can bear.

The members of the Hammer Mercenary Squad clenched their arms tightly, and the knuckles were also stretched with white marks because they were too tight.

"Boy, just say what you want."

"In five minutes, we will go to war with the bandits. When the time comes, I can't help it." It's protecting you."

Tiehu's tone also became extremely solemn.

"Don't worry, five minutes is enough."

Qi Le laughed, and then opened the door of this luxurious carriage.

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen in the carriage suddenly appeared in front of Qi Le.

I have to say that Bu Yuyan's devastatingly beautiful face and noble and graceful temperament gave Qi Le a bright feeling.

No wonder that many people propose marriage.

"You, you, what are you doing?!"

Xiaowen looked at Qi Le with horror, and stammered yelling.

Bu Yuyan was also a little dazed.

Because Bu Yuyan didn't expect at all, someone would pull the car door directly, and it was still in this case.

So the two people in the carriage were seen clearly by the bandits nearby.

Even Qi Le will feel the bright face in front of him, how can these bandits be able to resist it.

Suddenly, the sounds of swallowed saliva around me came and went one after another.

The color of greed in the eyes of the bandits is even stronger at this moment, and there is also a trace of eagerness and desire in it.

With these gazes, Bu Yuyan's face suddenly turned pale.

I'm even thinking about how I should kill myself without being humiliated if the hammer mercenary squad is defeated later.

At this moment, Xiaowen pointed at Qi Le with an angry expression, and asked angrily: "You guy, why open the car door?"

"Sorry, because I want to let him You see the effects of the product with your own eyes, so... I'm really sorry."

Qi Le quickly raised his hand to sue.

Pulling the car door is really just a subconsciously act.

And after seeing Bu Yuyan's pale face, Qi Le can also think of what Bu Yuyan is thinking.

The bandit regards human life as a must.

Can you expect them to be obediently and honestly after catching a devastatingly beautiful woman?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (chapter 1594: How did you open the car door)...

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